Higher Education by SunsetMiko
Chapter 46
Each prompt is labeled with the challenge it goes to.
Prompt: Until You Remember (Soundtrack Challenge 2)
Sesshoumaru listened silently as Kagome relayed the conversation she'd had with her R.A. while fighting down the desire to find the woman and throttle her. Her attitude hadn't been necessary, nor had her threats, and he just wished it could have waited a few hours. If the R.A. hadn't come until later, the miko would have no reason to be upset. She wouldn't be crying, mourning the loss of his ability to hold her through the night. No, the advisor's visit wouldn't have affected her at all, if only it had happened after he'd been able to show her his surprise.
He wanted to tell her he had a solution, that it didn't matter what the bitch had to say, but doing so would ruin his surprise, and so he held her, running his hand up and down her back in what he hoped was a soothing manner. She'd never been sad in his presence before and he had no idea how to console a crying woman. The most experience he had with such a thing was when she'd burst into tears after the first orgasm he gave her, but that was an entirely different set of circumstances. He wanted to make it all better, to take it all away, and he would, just as soon as he opened the door to his apartment and led her inside.
"You need a distraction," Sesshoumaru told her. "Come, get dressed. My surprise is ready."
Kagome tensed in his arms, finally remembering the awkwardness, remembering that he was hiding something from her, that he had lied to her, and how it made her feel. She pulled away and looked him over appraisingly. She hoped that whatever his surprise was, it was worth it, because she still wasn't thrilled with the idea. She didn't want him hiding things from her and she didn't care if it was because of a surprise for her or not. It upset her and she couldn't force that feeling away.
"Where is it?" she asked.
"It is not something I can bring to you. I must take you to it. The weather is still damp and chilly."
"Where did you go this morning? Why did you sneak out of bed without a word? I woke up alone with no idea where you'd gone or if you'd be coming back."
"Of course I would be coming back. I can't live without you, Kagome. I left this morning to collect the last item necessary for your surprise. I promise you, it will make you forget all about your rude R.A. and her threats."
"Maybe, until I have to climb into a cold bed alone."
How he ached to tell her that that never had to happen, that he'd solved the problem before it even became one, that he had successfully anticipated her needs, her desires, that he'd done the right thing all on his own. He wanted her to be proud of him again, proud that he'd managed such a big task without any help, and that he'd spoken with strangers without her by his side. He'd even called his father and succeeded in gaining his approval.
Sesshoumaru pressed his lips to her temple and pulled her in close. "It will be all right, I swear it."
Kagome scowled at the taiyoukai. How could he take this so easily, as if it didn't affect him at all? He'd said he didn't think he could go back to sleeping without her, so why didn't he care that their nights together were over and done with?
Sesshoumaru watched as she dressed mechanically, pulling on jeans while leaving on the oversized shirt she'd pulled out earlier that morning. She slipped on a light jacket before turning her attention back to him. "Fine, let's see this surprise of yours."
The knots in his stomach twisted and tightened at her tone. She sounded as if she was still upset with him, that if she didn't like his surprise, he might just lose her. He'd gambled everything on this apartment, wishing that he'd never had to lie to her. Maybe he shouldn't have decided it had to be a surprise. Maybe she should have been along with him every step of the way. He hated second guessing himself. He did that enough in awkward social situations. He didn't want to be doing it when the fate of his relationship hung in the balance.
Nothing was more important to him than Kagome. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't go back to the way things were before. She'd opened a door in his life, letting light and endless possibilities into the darkness that was his existence. If her light went away, he would shrivel back into nothing, he knew it. He depended on her, counted on her to keep him on his feet and moving forward. Without her in his life, it simply wouldn't be worth living, and so he prayed to every god he'd ever heard of that this surprise would please her. It had to.
Prompt: Garth - an enclosed garden or yard (Avadrea's Oddities)
Sesshoumaru opened the door and headed out, waiting as she closed it behind her, before offering his hand. He let out a tiny sigh of relief at the physical contact when she took it. They made their way down the stairs and out into the grassy courtyard surrounding the entrance, disturbed only by the wide sidewalk and concrete benches lining it. The usually busy area was abandoned at such an early hour on Sunday. Everyone was still sleeping off the party from the night before, and there he was, leading her along a new path, one they'd never taken before.
"Where are we going?" she asked in confusion as he turned down into an unfamiliar area.
"Do you see that building up ahead?" he inquired while pointing out which one he meant.
"Yeah, but I've never been in there before. What is it? Science labs?"
"No, not science labs," he told her, skimming over her other question.
Kagome came up with guess after guess as they approached the tall apartment building and after each he told her no. She hadn't even come close as they entered the lobby and stepped into the elevator. He pushed the button for the highest floor while the miko wracked her brain, searching for the right answer. Where in the world was he taking her in a non-descript building on campus early on a Sunday morning?
Prompt: You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. (Stella's Proverbial Challenge)
The doors opened with a ding and Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her out. "Close your eyes," he murmured in her ear and she did as he asked, suddenly excited about whatever his surprise might be. She heard a key being inserted into a lock and turned and then a breeze blew across her face as the door swung open. He moved her into place, standing behind her now with his hands on her shoulders, and he said one more silent prayer before leaning down and whispering, "You can open them now."
The miko hesitated for a moment before doing as he said and opening her eyes. She quickly took in the large white room with black and white furniture accented by brightly colored throw pillows. She admired the painting on the wall directly in front of her and then leaned forward, peering inside.
"Go ahead. Go inside. Explore."
Kagome couldn't control her curiosity and so she did just that, stepping inside for a better look. Her eyes skimmed over the small dining area, flitting over the fancy kitchen. She spotted two study desks, quite similar to the ones in their dorm rooms, along with fancy modern shelving hanging from the walls. Noticing a hallway, she walked down it, glancing into a large bathroom before pushing open a half-closed door and revealing a bedroom, equipped with a very large bed, bigger than any she'd ever slept in before.
"Whose place is this? And if we kill them, can we have it?"
Sesshoumaru smirked. She was impressed. She liked the place. Now, he could finally tell her.
"This is my new apartment."
Kagome froze, turning slowly on her heel until she was facing the taiyoukai. "Your... new apartment?" she repeated.
His smirk widened as he closed the distance between them. He swept her legs out from under her, holding her in his arms, before laying her on the bare mattress. "Though I might be persuaded to share, if you're nice to me." He leaned over her, pressing a heated kiss to her lips, before pulling back to admire just how good her small body looked on such a large bed. Oh, the things that they could do on that bed. There was enough room for acrobatics if the urge struck them, though he knew already that they would only use a very small portion of it when they actually slept.
"You mean... Screw that bitch. I can sleep here and no one can say a thing. No one can say a thing, right?"
"It is perfectly acceptable for you to spend as much time here as you desire. In fact," he started before reaching into his pocket, "you even have your own key."
"But how... Why... When...? Okay, I can't be mad at you for hiding things any more. This is amazing! How did you do all this so quickly?"
"When I first realized that I could not go back to sleeping alone, the idea struck me. There were only a few apartments still available so I had to move quickly."
"There was no meeting with an advisor."
"No, I was selecting which apartment I thought would suit you best."
"Suit me? But it's your place!"
"Perhaps for now, but I do hope that eventually I can call it ours."
"Are you asking me to move in with you?" she asked with wide eyes.
"I am telling you that it is an open invitation. Whenever you are ready. I do not wish to rush things, though I believe we've already done that, sharing a bed every night as we have."
"So what if we did the steps in the wrong order. This... This is amazing. It's a wonderful surprise and a relief too. Now no one can stop us from sleeping together. Though, the lack of sheets might cause a few problems."
Sesshoumaru grinned at her. "I thought it best for you to accompany me in the search for linens. They are the only thing not provided in this place. The kitchen is fully stocked with all the necessary cooking utensils. All we need are sheets, pillows, and towels."
"It's like an instant apartment!" Smiling back at him, the miko raised a brow. "We might wanna buy some food too, you know, since we have a real kitchen."
Sesshoumaru was celebrating inside. Not only did she like the place, but she was already speaking as if it was her own. She said 'we' have a real kitchen, not 'you' have a real kitchen, and the slight distinction meant everything to him. She didn't seem to care that they were moving quickly. She had completely forgiven him for his sneaking around. Things couldn't have gone better.
He watched as she hopped up off the bed, scanning the room and heading straight for the closet. "Hey, it's big enough for all your suits with room for me to leave some clothes here as well."
Now, that was a slight setback. For a moment he'd thought that she intended to move in with him right then and there, but apparently she didn't. Not yet at least. Still, he could live with her just spending the night every night for a while. She could bring her things over slowly, bit by bit, until she was ready to officially give up her dorm room and be with him full time.
Kagome didn't notice as his smile faltered for a moment before returning full force. She was too busy climbing into the deep bathtub. Sesshoumaru turned the corner, following her, and he chuckled at the sight. "Generally, baths require water."
"Oh, and I'll be taking a lot of baths. This tub is awesome! I bet you could fit in here with me, it's so big. Oh, and did you see the size of the shower? No more having to shower in a room with fifteen other people or waiting until the less busy times. I can take a shower in the morning without waiting in line, unless, of course, you're in there."
"And you would be more than welcome to join me. No more risk of getting caught."
"Well, it would save water," she said with a smirk. "No reason to be wasteful."
Kagome was just about to rush past him to check out the kitchen when he caught her waist. "So you like it, then? You really do?"
The miko rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his, the kiss bursting with enthusiasm. "I love it and I can't believe you did this all for me. They've got to charge rent for this. How much is the rent?"
"No," Sesshoumaru said, shaking his head. "I am taking care of the rent. You do not need to know how much it is because you won't be paying any of it."
"But if I'm going to be here all the time, I really should..."
"No," he said forcefully. "You will simply have to accept that I desire to provide for you."
"Another one of those instincts, huh?"
"Well, fine then. I'll buy the groceries."
Sesshoumaru released a dramatic sigh. "No, you will not. I am taking care of everything."
"Can I at least pay for the sheets then?"
"You will do no such thing."
"But Sesshoumaru?!"