When It Rains by LM Bluejay

Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Letter


Kagome’s eyes read through the letter, word for word, for the hundredth time. The early evening had slowly transformed into night as she continued sitting at the kitchen’s wooden table. The hot tea that was in her mug had gone cold and the frozen pizza she had taken out earlier had defrosted. But none of that had mattered; only what was written on the fine print. It was a neat little letter from a DNA research lab in Japan. The paragraphs and charts aside, what stuck out to her the most was the bold phrase ninety-seven percent.

At first she had thought she hadn’t read it right, but as time passed on that doubt dwindled. It had taken her about two weeks to get a sample of Sho’s DNA for Gurinman and then five short days later the impending results had come in.

Ninety-seven percent.

It kept circling in her head over and over. Their Y-chromosomes were a match, but still she refused to believe it. She was on her way to crumbling the paper when her cell phone suddenly rang. Immediately recognizing the number, she hesitated to answer. She just knew he’d call sooner or later, but right now she didn’t feel like talking.

After turning the volume to vibrate, she left the phone on the kitchen table. The wooden seat she had been occupying had made her back sore. The envelope in hand, she retreated to the soft cushion of her bed. Once there she pulled out more documents that Gurinman had included and began to read.

The sound of her phone vibrating had caught her attention but she ignored it. It did it again five minutes later, and again five minutes after that. After about twenty minutes of bearing the sound of plastic rumbling against wood, she finally hopped out of bed to go and shut the device off.

She had just about made it to the kitchen when she jumped at the sound of the bell. The few hard knocks that followed shortly after had meshed together with the dog’s barks.  

Her hand reached for the knob but remained floating in midair. The last time someone had showed up randomly on her doorstep he came bearing the news that her child was someone’s prince. An idea she still wasn’t completely sold on despite the lengthy conversation they had. And then there was the letter with the bold ninety-seven percent print in the middle. Evidence that proved at least part of Gurinman’s story, but that left the rest of it still floating in the air.

There was only one imperial family in Japan and it definitely wasn’t this Yukimura he had spoken of so highly. No, this guy was supposed to be some magnificent ruler of the shadows. But what other rulers in dark were there other than those that were either a drug lord or some mafia’s godfather? This guy had to be one of those otherwise it just didn’t make any sense.

The doorbell rang again. Madison’s barks became more frantic and so did the knocks.

Her heart raced in its cage. All immediate thoughts went to Gurinman. She had been ignoring his calls for the past two days. Both of them now knew without a shadow of a doubt that Sho was related to Sesshomaru, so maybe he was there to collect…or perhaps sent someone else over in his stead.  She had practically just got the results today and had still negated to tell Sho a single thing. Well, whoever this person was, Gurinman or some other, her beloved son wasn’t home to take anyway.

Her hand rested on the knob and slowly began to turn it. Wary of who’d she find on the other side she almost doubled over when she opened the door.

He stood there grinning while carrying several bags in one arm. “Heeey…”

Kagome placed her hand on her heart and sighed. “Oh, it’s just you.”

“Well damn. Mind letting me on in then?”

“Where’s your key?”

“Yeah, about that...it sorta got lost? But luckily, on the way home uncle Naru found me.” Sho motioned his head to the dark purple Cadillac that sat parked in front of the house. In its driver’s seat a man waved before getting out of the car. “We tried to call you on your phone earlier but no answer.”

“What do you mean found you, and you still didn’t answer the question, and where’s your phone?” She looked behind him up and down the driveway. “And what happened to your car?”

His head dipped down. “Yah know it’s been a really trying day. Can I put these up first?”

Kagome stepped aside. “Fine. Go ahead.” As soon as Sho entered the house, she closed the door behind her. Naraku leisurely walked up the sidewalk until he stopped at the foot of her porch. She glared at him until he arched a well groomed brow and purred.

“Dearest me, Kitten. Is there something wrong?”

She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Gee. Whatever gave you that idea?”

His hand reached to the back of his head where he tossed his raven hair. “Just that evil look of yours that screams bloody murder. Honestly, what have I done this time to ensure the wrath of the mighty Kagome?”

“Well thanks to you I just found out that some unknown high rolling gangster mafia or whatever is Sho’s biological father.”

Naraku stared at her blankly and tilted his head. “I’m sorry, what about Sho’s pappi?”

“He wants to meet him, and make Sho his heir of something I guess. I don’t know. It’s all still very confusing.” Kagome blew out a large puff of air and crossed her arms.

“Interesting. How did they find you?”

“Some lawyer tracked me down. I just got the test results today and it says this rich guy and Sho are a ninety-seven percent match. I mean really, a ninety-seven percent match! Can you believe that? What are freaking the odds?”

“About same to winning the mega million, unless you’re me that is. But still, this is quite the development. Is there a name for this handsome devil?”

“One, I don’t know what he looks like to really be able to clarify anything on that matter. And two, I’m under contract to not tell anyone his name but Sho.”

“I suppose. But Kitten! Surely since my favorite puppy is so handsome his sire must be easy on the eyes as well.”

“You say so.”

“I do.” Naraku’s hands found his hips. “I hardly doubt that he’d be anything less than above average. As a matter of fact, I’m betting on it.”

“Only because you have money.”

“That…and I’m always right.” They stood there in silence for a moment. “So what do you intend to do?”

Kagome leaned against a support beam; her hands massaging her arms against the light breeze. “Well I’m obviously going to let Sho meet him…just…after I’ve scoped the guy out first.”

“Excellent! So how does puppy feel about this?” She didn't even blink. “He…doesn’t have a clue, does he?”

“And I’m keeping it that way.”

“Till when? Kitten, you’re going to have to tell him eventually before the big dog just shows randomly up at your door. Then what?”

“Oh, please. I highly doubt that man will make a personal appearance anywhere from what his lawyer had to say about it. Nope. I’m pretty sure I’m in the clear.”

Naraku gave off a deep chuckle before heading back towards his car.

“Wait, you’re leaving already?”

Halfway down the sidewalk he turned and grinned. “Procrastination…can be one a hell of vice, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” He quickly got into his car but before he pulled off he rolled down his window. “Oh, and I forgot to mention one more thing. Puppy seems a bit off today, so you might want to check on him. Ciao!”


The lock on front door clicked when a cough startled her from behind. Quickly turning around she found Sho nestled in the coffee lounge chair. Madison rested on his lap happily wagging her tail back and forth.

His hand slowly glided across brown and white fur. “Man, you guys were out there foooreeeverrrr. Isn’t that right Mah-Mah?” He picked the Shih-tzu up and nuzzled her face with his.

Kagome walked by ignoring him. “Maddie. Off the couch.” She made her way back into the kitchen where her phone, cold tea, and completely thawed out pizza still sat. After placing her mug in the microwave to be reheated, she set the oven to four hundred degrees and then picked up her blue cased device. There were about ten missed calls on her screen. Six of which she expected from Gurinman, two from Naraku’s cell, and the last most recent one came from an unknown source. “Hey, Sho!”


“Do you know a 867 number?” Kagome held her phone up to show him after he sauntered up to her side.

“Nope. Wrong number, maybe?”

“Maybe.” The phone suddenly rang in her hand. “Shh! They’re calling back.” She pressed the accept key and pushed the phone to her ear. “Hello?” The other line stayed silent, and after a couple of seconds it went dead. Kagome stared at the device. “Well that answers that I guess.”

Sho shook his head and shrugged. The quick beep from the stove caught his attention. “I take it pizza’s on the menu tonight. Oven’s ready. Can I stick it in?”

“Sure.” She retrieved her now steaming mug from the microwave and then sat at the table. “So what happened today?”

“A lot.”

“Excuse me?”

“W-what I had meant to say was…that I think I was attacked.” After setting the timer on the stovetop he went and plopped down on a chair across from her.

“What do you mean you think!? Either you were or you weren’t. Now tell me what the hell happened. And why didn’t you call for the police?”

Sho sighed and placed his hands on his head. “Because they somehow took my phone…but the way they did it was really weird. Unless I was just seeing things. But then again I don’t have it so maybe it was real…”

“You’re not making any sense son.”

“I’m trying! Just give me a second.” They sat in continued silence while he mulled over his thoughts. “Ok. Let’s see…after I had got off of work I went to CVS to pick up my prescription, wait, no, I went to Wal-Mart first and then CVS…I think. Anyway, I went to the gas station to get bread um…no, I stopped by the dealership for…hold on, or maybe I stopped by Frankie’s before going to…hn.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“Sorry. Everything just kinda went blank. I can sorta pick out pieces of what I might have done today but the timeframe when they happened are all jumbled together somehow.”

“O…k then. Were you knocked out at any point?”


“Are you sure? Because this whole amnesia thing you’ve got going on isn’t sitting too well with me now. You obviously got those grocery bags from somewhere. Is there anything at all you can remember? What about the people you claimed attacked you?”

“Yah know what? I think I might remember something. I was being ganged up in a lot by a couple of crazies dressed in drag. A bit early for Halloween for my taste, but I had to give them credit for the authentic realistic look. I think he called me something but that smell, don’t get me started. The guy’s breath practically reeked depression and regret!”

“Just stop it, will you? Now how did you end up with Naraku?”

“Ah, well he found me walking along 75’s service drive.”

“75!? What the hell were you doing all the way there?”

Sho pondered for a moment. “I honestly don’t know.”

Kagome was already inspecting him for any sign of harm. “Well you don’t seem to hurt anywhere and the back of your head looks fine. Anyway, I’m calling the police.”


The sound of smashed glass filled the house. Madison scurried into the kitchen and growled from underneath the table.

“What the hell!?” He leaped from the table and dashed out with Kagome running hot on his heels.

“Sho, wait!”

When they reached the front room they found the front window smashed in with various glass pieces laying all over the ground.

Kagome’s hands shot to her mouth. “Oh my god!”

Sho picked up the brick. He hastily sped outside in search for the brave culprit. It wasn't until he finally gave up the hunt when he noticed something else wrong with the house. 

Kagome appeared by his side in a flash when she saw it. Spray painted in bright red on the wall next to her front door was a gigantic letter Y.

No sooner a text message came through from the unknown caller from earlier. Eerily it read: We’re coming for you. Be ready.

Her last conversation with Gurinman replayed in her thoughts.


“So...what happens if...he is Sho’s dad?”

“Then my lord will have to have to cut his current rose and begin anew once more. Or at least that’s what’ll be expected of him. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. The most important thing, however, is that the boy will have to immediately leave for the main branch’s estate in Japan. There, the finest of tutors will groom him into becoming the next Yukimura head.”

“And how long will that take?” She took another sip from her cup.

Gurinman massaged his lens with a cloth. “Years, I would think. Possibly even decades.”

She caught herself from choking as the liquid went down her throat. “What kind of crackpot estimation is that? When he is supposed to return home? Never?”

Sharp stone eyes pierced wary chestnut ones. “The Yukimura manor will be his new home. If the boy allows it, his things will be packed up and shipped there at his leisure. Assuming he will even still want them, that is, after coming to terms with his new rank. But don’t fret. Should the council be pleased with the progress of his tutelage he will be permitted to return back here to visit…”


Gurinman’s spectacles found the brim of his nose. “I beg your pardon?”

“I said no.” Kagome swiftly rose and slammed palms on the table. “No! You can’t just come here papers blazing threatening to take my son away from me like that! What type of bullshit is that?”

“Calm down, Ms. Higurashi. It wasn’t a threat. I was merely giving you my synopsis of…”

“How to really piss a mother off? Yeah, I got that. But what I don’t understand is what makes you think you can just separate a child, regardless of how old they are, from their parent and make their reunion some treat for good behavior? I can’t deal with that and neither will Sho.”

He took her hand into his before meeting with the trembling woman’s eyes. “I know that this must be hard for you, but you’re going to have to try to understand. If Sho Higurashi truly is Lord Sesshomaru’s heir then his current life will be drastically altered. Once word gets out, as it most surely will, that a Yukimura is residing outside of the Western palace, and unguarded at that, then rival clans will waste little time of taking advantage of the situation. Worst case scenario there’ll be a hit on his head. That is why it is important that we move him to a place where he’ll be safe.


Prompt: Letter

Words: 2628

A/N: Super long chapter for your patience. Thanks for reading! :)


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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