The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko
The Chance
Chapter 59 - The Chance *Pledge* (Skye's Weekly Challenges)
"Oh, I feel so much better," Kagome said with a bright smile as the group gathered outside the inn to continue their journey. "I haven't felt so relaxed in ages."
Sesshoumaru couldn't help but smile with her. His goal, after all, had been to make the miko feel better. She had been through so much for his sake, both as Prince and now with the barrier, and she deserved every second of pampering she received and more.
"Yeah, yeah, good to hear. Now can we go?" Inuyasha asked in an annoyed tone, though the harshness of his words was greatly reduced by the grin on his face. He was also glad that Kagome was beginning to perk up. A depressed Kagome usually translated into a depressed pack in general, and that was never any fun. If she had continued to pout much longer, it would have begun to affect everyone's mood.
"Sure," Kagome said as she bounced on her heels. "Now, which way back to the barrier?"
The hanyou rolled his eyes at her obvious lack of an internal sense of direction before pointing. "It's only about ten, fifteen minutes back to the barrier."
"Good. Then I can check and see how far away the next bag feels, and we can get this show on the road."
Miroku wrapped an arm around Sango's waist, pulling her in close, and whispered in her ear. "Kagome seems much better. I assume that the two of you discussed the circumstances with our friend the taiyoukai?"
Sango pulled away but nodded. Without getting nearly as close as the monk had, she replied. "Yeah, she's still very confused, especially about when his interest could have begun. She does not like the idea of love at first sight. Then he would have fallen for her only for her appearance."
"Oh, I can assure you that that is definitely not the case. Sesshoumaru managed to get close enough to witness her kindness and generosity. He got to know her quite well."
Sango furrowed her brows in confusion. "When the heck could he have done that?"
Miroku grinned. "That, I will have to tell you later."
When the two pulled apart, they realized that everyone, including the girl they had been discussing, was staring at them. Those with demon ears had heard everything, leaving only Kagome in the dark.
"What's going on guys?" the miko asked. "I'm not used to seeing you two quite so close together."
It was only then that Sango realized she had, in fact, leaned closer to the monk than she had intended, drawn in by her interest in his new information. She was proud of Miroku for behaving himself, though that didn't last long as she soon felt his hand on her rear. In an instant, the slayer pulled away and gave him a slap. It wasn't nearly as hard as usual, mostly for appearances sake, and she blushed brightly as she turned back to Kagome.
"He'll never learn," the miko said with a laugh before looping arms with the slayer. The two walked side by side behind Inuyasha, Kirara on Sango's shoulder. Sesshoumaru followed closely, and Miroku, carrying Shippo, trailed along behind, the kitsune softly lecturing his friend on the problems with his wandering hand. The monk found it somewhat amusing, being lecture about groping by a child, and so he allowed it to continue, nodding every now and then with a grin on his face.
It didn't take long for them to reach the barrier, and this time, when Kagome reached out her hand towards Sesshoumaru, she seemed less hesitant. The taiyoukai thanked the gods that she was not so nervous and uncomfortable as she had been the day before. It had torn at his heart when she so obviously did not want him near her.
Kagome couldn't keep the smile off her face. Something about that night had settled things in her mind. The meals, the bath, the massage, or the combination of all three... Somehow she wasn't so worried and stressed. Yes, she still missed Prince and wished she knew where he had gone and why. Yes, she was still slightly weirded out that Sesshoumaru had an interest in her, but Shippo's assurances that the taiyoukai had good intentions and that she was worthy of his interest had gone a long way.
If Sesshoumaru really did love her, she still wanted to know how, why, and when it had happened. She could see, perhaps, his interest beginning as they traveled together, but she knew it happened before then. He had been acting differently from the moment he showed up to talk to Inuyasha about the barrier. That meant that she had somehow caught his eye before then. She had decided, however, to simply let things happen as they would. Stressing about every single moment was costing the miko her sanity. It would be better to just relax.
Shippo and Sango's words about her worth, had gone a long way to help as well. It had been quite a while since she and Inuyasha had redefined their relationship and cleared things up. It had hurt, but that hurt had faded away with time. Maybe now she was ready for something new.
She really couldn't do much better than the taiyoukai. He was handsome and such a gentleman. She hadn't always gotten that impression of him, but it was obvious that he had changed. He seemed so very concerned about her. The way he held her hand made her heart flutter in a familiar way, but she was determined not to be afraid of it. Sesshoumaru wasn't going to hurt her like Inuyasha had. She had to believe that if she was ever going to fall in love again. She had promised herself to give him a chance, and so she would.
"Yeah, the next one is pretty far still. We might as well travel the fast way," Kagome said while looking up into Sesshoumaru's eyes, liking the warmth she found there.
"Fine, wench. Climb on," Inuyasha said as he crouched.
"Actually, I was thinking maybe I could fly with Sesshoumaru again. I'd kind of like to check out the view. I didn't really pay much attention yesterday. Besides, we both know your hand isn't healed yet."
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and he sighed. "Sure, Kagome. Whatever you want."
"You don't mind, do you?" the miko asked, seeing the smirk on Sesshoumaru's face.
"Of course not." The taiyoukai gave her hand a gentle tug, and she crossed through the barrier to stand beside him. He formed his cloud and slowly lifted off, butterflies taking flight in his stomach as Kagome leaned in closer to him, one hand clutching at his armor. It wasn't long before the miko was 'Oohing' and 'Aahing' at the view.
The snow was slowly melting, revealing the land beneath, and Sesshoumaru began to point out landmarks, telling her stories about different areas, the people that lived there, and even battles that he had fought. Kagome couldn't keep the smile off her face. Apparently he had managed to overcome his nervousness when it came to speaking to her, and she was greatly enjoying the sound of his voice. When he put his hand on her hip, she didn't tense like she had the day before. Instead, she leaned into his touch, warmth spreading through her. It felt so right that she forgot all about her worries and fears.
She was keeping the pledge she had made to herself to relax and go with the flow, and to see what Sesshoumaru had to offer. It wasn't nearly as hard as she had expected.