The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness
Mystery: Revealed (Part III)
A/N: Part 3 of 3. Hope you guys like this chapter (well, all of them actually) and please review!
Prompt: Heirloom (Week 12)
Word Count: 358
Letting out a gusty sigh, Kagome looked over at the demon and whistled. "You weren't kidding! There is so much wealth in here; you could sustain a small nation! Funny, I never took you for a hoarder."
Sesshoumaru glared at her. "This one does not hoard, miko; do not mistake this Sesshoumaru as being materialistic and claiming everything I see- they are all gifts."
The young woman eyed the large room's contents, so organised and well-careed for...
"Was that a gift?"
Kagome motioned with her hand towards the bed, raised off the floor in a style remarkably similar to the one she had back in the future.
"Yes, from mother."
"Ah, so the family heirlooms consist of two swords, a shrine and a bed? Strange combination if you ask me."
The miko could barely keep her mirth from her voice- Sesshoumaru was just so fun to tease! He didn't even acknowlegde that she had spoken, he simply moved towards a low table and knelt on a cushion, drawing his writing utensils closer. Kagome moved slowly around his room, careful not to touch anything, looking at all the wonderful things given to him over the years.
There were masterful portraits of people she didn't know, silks in vibrant colours, a few musical instruments, an ornamental monkey made of jade, various pieces of jewelry and... 'A fan?'
Barely smothering her giggles, she noticed Sesshoumaru pause his writing and look at her. 'He's probably just annoyed that I'm disturbing him.'
"Gomen-nasai Sesshoumaru-sama, it's just... a fan? Isn't that a bit... well... feminine?"
The daiyoukai stared at her, brush poised in mid-air, poker-face in place. Placing the brush on the table, Sesshoumaru stood and walked up to Kagome, lifting the aforementioned object up to her eye level. Without warning he flipped it open and Kagome instantly regretted opening her mouth.
Powerful sutras covered every inch of the paper; sutras of fire and binding, as well as one of concealment, caught her gaze out of the jumble. Tearing her eyes away from the threatening fan, she looked up into Sesshoumaru's serious gaze.
"Do not judge before seeing the whole picture, miko."