Breakpoint by UnknownRandomness
Prompt: Enviable - Fitted to excite envy; capable of awakening an ardent desire to possess or to resemble.
Word Count: 271
Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru with an assessing eye, before deciding that now was as good a time as any to ask what had been bothering her for quite some time. Well, bothering wasn’t quite the right word. It was more like a desperate need to know the answer to her question.
The inuyoukai rolled over from his place on his cushion pile to give her a questioning look.
“How do you get your hair to stay so lovely and thick and long and how come you never have any split ends?”
With an almost audible sigh, Sesshoumaru rolled away again, not bothering to answer her question. His entire demeanour screamed ‘you bothered me with that trivial question?’ and it was incredibly annoying. Fine, so he wouldn’t tell her how he did it? Then she would just have to feel for herself!
Slipping from her chair, the curious woman stalked towards the prone form of her lover on hands and knees, pausing just behind him. Without breathing, Kagome tentatively reached forward and was just within touching distance of the long mass of his silver locks, when the demon abruptly turned.
The miko screamed in surprise only to find one of Sesshoumaru’s clawed hands firmly covering her mouth. Annoyed golden eyes appraised her sheepish expression, and his face relaxed into a smile before he wrapped his arms around her stiffened form and pulled her down next to him, clearly expecting her to take a nap.
Annoyed with this development, but now too comfortable to change anything, Kagome promised herself that tomorrow, she would definitely find out the secret to his enviable hair.