Breakpoint by UnknownRandomness
Prompt: Scorpion
Word Count: 265
“Try it, Kagome. This Sesshoumaru assures you the taste is far better than the name suggests.”
Said woman eyed the thing in her lover’s hand with trepidation before firmly saying,
“Nope. Y’know, somehow I really don’t believe you.”
“It isn’t bad – you might end up finding it quite pleasant.”
Once again the demon offered her the object and she shied away from it, unsure of why he was so desperate for her to try it and why she was so eager not to. It wasn’t like she found them creepy or disturbing or anything along those lines. She didn’t have a phobia of them; it just seemed weird to think of them as food.
With a huff, Sesshoumaru raised it to his own mouth, preparing to at least get his money’s worth, when Kagome snatched it from his hand. She hated when he sighed like that, like he was disappointed with her. It rubbed people up the wrong way (almost like everything he did).
Staring, but not willing to back down now, the miko closed her eyes and quickly took a bite out of the scorpion sandwich, shocked when the creature’s roasted shell crunched and revealed another, fleshier texture inside. Quickly chewing through the unpleasant experience, Kagome thrust the rest of the sandwich back at her silver-haired companion’s hands before running to the drinks cabinet and grabbing a bottle of mineral water, unscrewing the lid and chugging half a litre of it before she stopped to breathe.
A shudder rocked her arms violently and she retched dryly. Why did she always fall for his goading?