Breakpoint by UnknownRandomness
Prompt: Soap
Word Count: 378
Kagome stared at her bar of soap, very confused.
Half of it was missing, and there appeared to be bite marks around the edge, as if someone had chomped the other half off. Now, it was designed to look like a banana, but anyone with half a brain would have realised that no banana had suds on it. Also, it was not perched on the sink's edge, but was in the middle of the kitchen floor.
It lived in the bathroom.
Sesshoumaru clearly had something against her soap, or else there was something else in the apartment that had a mouth large enough to eat half of it in one go. But the real question was why the hell was he taking massive bites out of her soap in the first place?
Stalking through the living room, the young woman found the rest of the soap and it was covered in saliva. Wrinkling her nose up at the puddle it had made on the floor, she continued on to her bedroom, where she found the demon responsible for the mess.
He was curled in a ball on top of her sheets, growling and shivering; his normally healthy skin was shiny with sweat, his long hair sticking to it and his tongue had turned into a purple tentacle, lolling from the side of his gaping mouth. All in all, he looked awful.
"Sessh! What happened to you? Did this really happen 'cause of the soap?"
His golden eyes opened and he whimpered at her, the pitiful sound causing all of her irritation to melt away. She didn't have the heart to be angry at the pained expression adorning his face.
Sighing, the miko gathered his hair and braided it, tucking the strands stuck to his cheek behind his ear and stripped him of his sweaty clothes before wrapping him in a blanket and tucking him under the duvet. Running to the bathroom, she raided the cupboard for a cloth and a hot water bottle, before catching a glimpse of the sink- all of her scented products had been emptied... Slapping her forehead, Kagome groaned. He had probably gobbled them all up because of one key thing she had overlooked when buying treats for herself.
They had all been fruit-scented.