Curiosity Caught the Miko by Stella Mira
Killing Two Birds With One Stone
Kagome had barely slept through the night as she kept vigilance for the nekoyōkai and tended to the injured pup. She had discovered its gender to be male and she was certain the low growling sounds he made were his attempts to communicate with her, but she really had no way to decipher what they meant. The miko had snuggled him close to her, keeping a look out until the first bright rays of the sun broke through the obscure sky. It would have been unwise to venture into the dangerous forest to look for his mother in the dark, so she had waited for daylight to come.
"Let's go find your mother, boy," Kagome chirped after they finished their breakfast which comprised of heated soup. The wolf pup barked at her in response and Kagome swore he could understand her words despite her inability to interpret his. She shook her head at her peculiar musings and gathered the small creature in her arms after she fastened her pack. She had not taken two steps when she yelped, surprised at a wet sensation on her neck and cast down a confused stare at the pup.
"Did you just lick me, boy?" The miko stared at him with a puzzled expression before the pup did it again. This time she erupted in lyrical laughter, pleased that he had taken a liking to her and finally warmed up enough to show his affection. Kōga had explained once that a lick on the neck held special meaning for wolves, but she couldn't remember his exact words. Kagome pushed the thought to the back of her mind, focusing on her first priority – finding the pup's mother.
She had been walking for the better part of an hour when the crisp forest air around her began to change. The wind carried the metallic scent of blood and the heavy musk of raw flesh. She willed her stomach to settle down before she continued towards the potent smell. She really hoped to encounter an animal carcass, but her ugly suspicion was confirmed when the pup let out a choked whimper the closer they approached to the spot. The mutilated form of a large brown wolf lay limp and bloodied on the ground, causing Kagome's gaze to widen at the carnage. This was undoubtedly the pup's mother and her heart went out to the poor creature.
"Who could have do-" Kagome was interrupted by low, hissing growls. She quickly erected a barrier, understanding that in her momentary distraction they had been surrounded. Nekoyōkai, she surmised by their cat-like sounds before they revealed themselves in a loose circle all around her. These yōkai must have been the ones that attacked the village by the looks of it. She had hoped to talk to them in a peaceful manner, but they didn't appear the sort that could be persuaded by mere words. Still, she felt obligated to at least try to reason with them.
"Leave this area and do not return. If you oblige, I will not pursue you." Her voice was stony, her eyes hard.
Her generous speech only caused a barrage of amused snarls before the bulkier of the bunch stepped forward to measure her up. Kagome assumed he was their leader, but before she had a chance to ascertain this, the fool made a sprint towards her, colliding with her powerful barrier. He had probably thought it would shatter if he hit it with enough force and yōki, but this barrier was a little special. She had developed it after months of rigorous training and it could react to yōki attacks by absorbing her reiki and blasting it outwards in a blinding explosion of pure aura. The arrogant fool never stood a chance as he was promptly purified upon first impact. Seeing their leader's unfortunate and quick demise, the rest of the nekoyōkai scampered away in dawning fear.
"What fools…" Kagome exhaled a long sigh, dissolving her barrier after their retreat. She hoped this display of power had scared them away for good, but she would remain for a few days to make sure the village would be safe as she searched for the pup's pack. Kagome couldn't detect even a sliver of ōkami yōki within the forest though, and this troubled her greatly. If the mother and pup pair had been traveling when they were attacked then she had no clues on how to reach their pack. A familiar tendril of yōki caressed her senses lightly while she was lost in thought, making her head snap up.
"Sesshōmaru – what are you doing here?" she blurted out when the tall daiyōkai emerged from the thick trees.
"You are within the Western Lands, miko. I was merely patrolling in search of a pack of troublesome nekoyōkai. They have been causing unrest in my lands, but they have been dealt with." His demeanor was as stoic as ever. He did not deem it necessary to divulge more information, assuming she would not be pleased by the manner in which he had handled the matter. The nekoyōkai had all perished after his swift disposal.
"Of course you were…" Kagome graced him with a warm smile after his confession, thinking this was so very like the Lord of the West. If Sesshōmaru claimed there was no reason to bother with the nekoyōkai anymore then she would trust his words without questions asked.
"I see you have acquired a new companion." Sesshōmaru's gaze fell on the tiny bundle of fur in her arms.
"Hm? Ah, yes, I just found him yesterday. His mother is dead though, and I don't know what to do with him now." Kagome shook her head with a small sigh.
"Let me see the pup, miko." Soft command. Sesshōmaru stepped closer, so he could examine the wolf child. The pup buried himself deeper in the woman's embrace, sensing the approach of a powerful yōkai.
"He must have been afraid and made a hasty transformation. He cannot return to his humanoid form on his own."
Kagome was taken aback by the unexpected news. "Wait…you mean he has a human form!?"
"Indeed. Let me hold the pup, miko." The daiyōkai more stated than asked and Kagome relinquished the small creature reluctantly.
"What are you going to do with him?"
Kagome was stunned into silence when she felt the daiyōkai's yōki swell and flow into the pup the moment he touched him. She watched in mute awe as the daiyōkai coaxed the pup to revert into his humanoid form with his yōki. A nude human child – no more than three years old – appeared in place of the wolf pup minutes later. Sesshōmaru held the pup while she quickly searched for a blanket in her pack to wrap him up.
"What's your name, boy?" she asked the dark haired angel when he was safely tucked into her embrace once more.
"D-Daiki," the ōkami replied with a trembling voice, reaching up to lick the neck once more.
"The pup recognizes you as his pack mate and alpha, miko." Sesshōmaru's rich timbre reached her ears, finally explaining to her what the gesture meant.
"Doesn't he already have a pack though? I should return him to his own soon before he gets overly attached." Kagome let out a troubled sigh, knowing her lifestyle wasn't suited for a small child. Daiki reminded her a little too much of Shippō, but he wasn't her kit and she was certain he had a family worried about him somewhere.
"I'm Kagome and I promise to find your family," she murmured with a sweet smile towards the pup, ruffling his dark locks affectionately. Daiki merely burrowed deeper in her arms, relying on physical contact more than speech.
"I will head to the Eastern Lands to find Kōga-kun's pack. He's an ōkami, so he might have information about Daiki's pack. Plus, it's a great opportunity to visit Inuyasha and Kamiko and see how's mated life for him. Could you grant me a favor, Sesshōmaru? Can you deliver my letter to Rin-chan and Kaede-baachan?" Kagome addressed the daiyōkai with a beseeching tone, recognizing the opportunity presented before her.
Sesshōmaru had been observing her interaction with the wolf pup in silence, but his intent gaze did not miss the momentary longing expression in her eyes.
"Granted." He inclined his head in acceptance of her request, seeing no reason to make further inquiries. The miko was alive and well. Nothing else mattered.