Valentine's day Apologies by BlackInuPup
Cumin Eros
Spice challenge: Cumin
Valentines day challenge: Eros
“Now little miko for your next gift” Sesshomaru said with an excited look.
“What is it?” Kagome asked wondering what could have him so excited.
He handed her a large white bow carved like two inuyokai holding the bow string in their mouths. Kagome blinked as she was also handed a nice arrow pouch full of swan feathered arrows. He looked at her expectedly awaiting for her praise at such a gift. She just stared at it for a while before bursting in laughter.
“What is it mate? What do you find so funny about this? This Sesshomaru carved the bow and arrows himself” He said looking like he just got punched in the face.
“It is beautiful Sesshomaru, I love it. It’s just this is valentines and you gave me a bow and arrow” Kagome said trying to contain her giggles.
“What?” Sesshomaru said cocking his head slightly to the side.
“I swear you might be related to Eros” Kagome said with a small giggle.
“Eros?” He asked.
“A Greek god of sexual passionate love Sesshomaru, as years passed he began to be called cupid for taking his arrows and infusing them with eternal love. He would shoot the arrows at an unexpected couple and they are together forever” Kagome said.
“Sexual Passionate love…” Sesshomaru rumbled his eyes darkening over as he stared at her.
“Mate not in the gardens” Kagome said with a little huff.
“As you wish mate” He said with a little pout. “What spice do you plan on trading the wolf?”
“I think we have plenty of cumin this year. I will miss those lovely little white star flowers though” Kagome said.
“I think you made a good choice. I normally trade the wolf whatever we don’t need” He replied.