Love is in the Air by Ai Roku
Night of Sevens
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei. I also do not own any rights to the legend of the night of sevens.
"...But once a year all the magpies in the world would take pity on them and fly up into Heaven to form a bridge so the lovers may be together for a single night, which is the seventh night of the seventh moon."
"What?! But that's not fair Kagome-chan! Niulang and Zhinu love each other, they should be together all the time!" The small plaintive voice of Rin-chan was soon seconded by a vigorously nodding Shippo.
"Yeah, that's right! It's not like the Goddess of Heaven couldn't have found someone else to weave clouds, she just didn't like the fact that Zhinu married a mortal."
Just as Kagome was about to calm her indignant charges, a smooth, deep baritone voice spoke from behind her.
"Love is always complicated but never impossible. I believe the moral of the story, is that true love can overcome every obstacle, and bridge any gap."
Kagome was shocked that Sesshomaru had been listening to her story, and she was down right astounded that he understood all that about it, and had voiced his opinion out-loud. Was Sesshomaru-sama actually a closet romantic?
"Though, the mortal was quite inefficient."
Ah, now there's the Sesshomaru-sama I know, she thought sardonically.
"Oh, and just how was Niulang inefficient, Sesshomaru-sama?"
He turns to stare directly into her eyes, before answering,
"He was content to merely wait at the mercy of birds. If This Sesshomaru had been in his place, I would have spent my time building an everlasting bridge to the woman I loved, and once she was at my side again I would dare anyone, Goddess or not, to try to separate us again."
Unable to hold his stare any longer, a blushing Kagome drops her head to look at the ground, praying that he wouldn't notice her heart racing.
"I-is that so?"
That's what she asked, but inside her mind only one word reverberates, Wow!
Prompt: Night of Sevens
Kagome is a better woman than I am! If Sesshomaru had said that to me, while looking into my eyes, I would have melted into a big puddle of mush! XD
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!