The Mated Life by Kneazles
Disclaimer: As much as I wish otherwise, I do not own any of the characters. Inuyasha (and all of the lovely characters) is the creative mastermind of Rumiko Takahashi.
Challenge/Prompt: Stella's Spicy Challenge, Thyme
Word Count: 100
The “War Room” as Kagome called Sesshomaru’s Office always smelled of thyme. A cat demon’s skull turned bowl held the herb. She asked him about the unusual bowl once. He told her tradition dictated a demon take the skull of their first kill as an incense burner. As Kagome placed a note on the desk she noticed the thyme had burned itself out, so she refreshed the herb, ready for her mate. He’d chosen thyme as his incense because of what it stood for; courage, mental acuity and vigor--all important traits necessary to be successful in business and war.