Puppy Effects by bridget


Puppy Effects

Chapter 1 - Prolouge

    Kagome was ready to return to the feudal era.  She had all of her supplies packed.  Her school work was almost caught up on.  The necessary good-byes were said.  Now, all that remained was that leap down into the dark well.  Kagome always felt a little nervous before she jumped.  What if for some reason this time it didn't work?  Pushing those silly thoughts away, Kagome jumped in.  The brilliant blue light immediately relieving her.

   That relief was very short lived though.  She materialized in a dark closed in space.  She began to panic, she had no clue where she was.  Not caring that she had no clue where she was she began to scream for Inuyasha's help.  She screamed for a couple of minutes before her throat was sore and dry.   She was really beginning to feel terrible, 'how do I always get in these messes?' she thought to herself.  

    Awakening to a sound of scratching and whimpering.  Kagome sat up looking around.  She was terrified, hoping that her death would be swift and merciful.  More scratching was heard, before just a small amount of light flooded into the small cavern.  Before Kagome could react, she was attacked.  Crying out she tried to get the lick happy puppy off of her, but with little success.  

    After a couple of tries he seemed to get the hint.  Disappearing up the tiny tunnel and returning looking at her.  Kagome thought 'he must be trying to make me follow' so she did.  The crawlspace was tiny and damp, and of course it was very dirty.  Carrying the yellow pack was nearly impossible; although, she managed to drag it behind her.

   Bright light finally assaulted her sensitive eyes.  The puppy was just sitting their licking his paws.  Kagome went a little closer when she saw something red on his jaw.  As she approached she noticed both of his front paws were bleeding.  Shocked she picked him up, heedless of her own tiny scrapes and cuts.  The puppy growled at her, but it was too late.  His blood had intermingled with hers.  There was a dark purple and pink light and both parties were thrown from each other.  The puppy was much lighter so he flew further.  Landing harshly into a tree breaking some of his ribs.  He howled out in pain.

   Kagome was slightly winded from her landing on the grass.  When she heard the puppy cry out, breathlessness forgotten, she rushed to his side.  She had a feeling that he had broken some bones, she had no clue how she could help him.  Her time of wondering what she could actually do was short-lived.  She had been thrown a good fifty feet before she noticed another presence.  There, in front of her, was a man.  He had white hair in a high ponytail secured with two plain chopsticks.  High cheekbones decorated with a jagged blue stripe on each.  That was all she noticed of his face before he turned and went to the puppy.

    He quickly looked him over and sniffed at him.  Kagome was shocked when he recoiled, turned to the side and threw up.  Once done he turned towards her, "Have you any idea what you've done to my son!" he demanded of her.   As she shook her head no the glare she received froze her blood.  

   "You, had better go home.  Before I kill you," he said angrily.  

   Kagome was shocked she had never been more scared in her life.  Not even Sesshoumaru scared her as much as this man before her did.  "I can not return home, there is no well for me to jump through," she said, scared.

    The demon in front of her paid her no heed.  "You just cursed my son, and you think I care about your human problems?  I warned you and now I have no choice, but to kill you!" he yelled, lunging for her.  Kagome was petrified she hurriedly scrambled backwards right into the cavern.  Seeing it as her only route of escape she shimmied down the tunnel.

   Chuckling evilly the demon said to himself, "You think that cave will save you?"  He then jumped high in the air and landed on the ground making the whole cave collapse and eventually the human would be dead.  Then his son would be able to live a normal life.

    Kagome felt the earth as it crashed down upon her.  She was doomed, she couldn't very well expect to live through being buried alive.  The fear she felt of dying without being able to say good-bye.  Moved something new within her.  She had a sudden surge of power, and propelled herself out of the loose soil.  Leaving behind a hole in the ground.  She landed safely next to the new hole, and began looking for the puppy.

   “Where are you?” Kagome called out.  Suddenly, she was hugged by what looked like a child?  Pulling further back from him, she noticed he looked like a normal boy.  Except for his white hair.

   “I'm here!” He called happily.  Kagome was confused and upset she didn't want this she only wanted to go home.  

    As Kagome thought of home she began to cry.  How could she ever get home when there was no well to transport her there?  “What is wrong?  Don't cry we are alright.  Father is just upset, he doesn't hate you,” the boy tried to console her but failed.  Kagome felt that he lied, she had seen the hatred in the older demon's eyes.  He certainly hated her.  

   “I want to go home,” she sobbed into her knees.  The boy looked thoughtful for a moment then disappeared.  Kagome quickly missed his presence.  Feeling sorry for the mess she was in she continued to cry, unable to stop.   

   The little boy returned dropping, some boards on the ground next to the hole and began to cut them to exact sizes with his sharp claws.  Kagome looked up at the sound of the wood hitting the ground.  She watched him, “What are you doing?” she asked.  He looked at her then grinned.

   “You said, you were unable to go home without a well.  I'm making you a well so that you may return home.  However, you must promise me that you will come back to me,” the boy said the last part seriously.  Kagome nodded her head in agreement.  The action brought a strange tingle to her skin but she ignored it.  Would this really work?

    Feeling useless she went over and went to lend her help, but was gently told no.  That he was presenting her with her present.  While she didn't quite understand the words, she left them slide.  She was never want to let down a child so she just watched him work.  He made quick work of the task, and Kagome was impressed.  He sure did work fast, and seemed to know what he was doing.  “There all done!”  he exclaimed happily.

    Kagome, looked at him extremely thankful, “I'll return to you, I promise,” she said.  Again the tingle upon her skin was felt, but was once again pushed down.  She stepped up to the well, and touched the rim.  There was a faint amount of energy sent from her hand to the well, and she gasped in surprise.  

    Before, she took the chance and jumped into the well.  The little boy jumped on her and kissed her on the lips.  He blushed, and said “We are mates now, I can kiss you when I want. I will wait for you.  Please, don't take too long.”  With those words he waved and ventured into the woods.  Kagome was confused, just what happened?  Shaking her head she jumped.  

    "Hey Kagome!! Why are you just sleeping down there?  And where the fuck is my ramen?!"  Kagome blinked wearily, the well he made for me must have worked.  Kagome thought to herself.

    A strange heat began to envelop Kagome, she had no clue what it was but the heat just continued to get worse.  Until the intensity of it forced her to pass out.  

   Inuyasha watched as Kagome became flushed, smelt the change in her scent.  Something was wrong, he didn't know what but he felt he had to get her home.  So he quickly jumped in the well picked her up and jumped back out.   However, when he jumped back into the well nothing happened.  He couldn't even feel the tingle of magic that used to whisper from the well.  Something was horribly wrong.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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