Holler Me Home by The Norrington

Full Proof

A lot of women had methods of luring their men into sexy situations.  Even the most dense of men could be clued into the fact their women were in the mood, with some of these methods.  Some women fluttered their eye lashes.  Some put a little more sway in their hips, or a little more heat into their kisses.  The more fierce of these would perform strip teases, wear fancy under things, or just lay naked, if their man was very, very slow on the uptake.  

But Kagome had an absolute full-proof way to get Sesshomaru's attention in that way.  It was 100% effective, every time.  

Kagome walked from the bathroom, ready for bed, and hungrily eyed the back of her mate's broad shoulders.  Yummy.  He had yet to turn to her, so she cleared her throat daintily.  He looked over his shoulder at her and froze.  She with-held a grin when his right eyed twitched.

She stood before the bed in the ugliest, long sleeved, button up, too-long-in-the-pants pajamas he had ever seen.  They were a nasty pepto bismal color, with bright blue, orange, and lime green toads all over them.  The collar went all the way up to her chin, and the buttons were butter yellow.  They were postively hideous.  His eyes twitched again, and he popped his knuckles.

There was the sound of cloth ripping, and then Kagome stood naked to the cool air of their bedroom.  A possessive purr rolled from her mate as his fingers brushed her skin.  She didn't have enough time to even pretend to be upset over the loss of those awful pajamas.  She was swept up into his strong arms and carried to the bed, his hot mouth finding her neck.  She moaned.  

100% effective, every time.  Full-proof.  


A/N: Hehe.  This was for SunsetMiko's Once A Week Challenge, and the prompt was Pajamas.  1/11/13



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