Dangerous Dance by Lady Nefertiti
Prompt 22: Kingdom
Dangerous Dance
Lady Nefertiti
Sunset Miko’s Challenge
Prompt: Kingdom
Word count: 480
“I’m gonna kill him! Castrate him! Let me at him!” Sango said trying to free herself from Miroku’s strong grasp. How dare he spread lies about Kagome?! What about Rin-chan? Sesshomaru would start by tearing Inuyasha’s fuzzy ears out. “…..the hell I’ll let him mate Kagome! The dick! I’d rather lock her up in a high tower so she can’t mate anyone!”
“Sango…” Miroku said. He didn’t like it when she swore. He’d rather kiss her dirty mouth…hmmm….
Rin was an orphan that Sesshomaru and his family had adopted. She was like a little sister and Inuyasha was suggesting no….offering her to Shippo?! With his ‘oh go ahead and do what you will? I don’t care if you fuck her either?! She’s not blood-related after all.’
Miroku had wrapped his arms around Sango as he pulled her to his chest, rocked and whispered to her that she should calm down. Her shoulders slumped saying that she still wanted to hurt the hanyou. Miroku agreed wholeheartedly but said that it would have to wait.
Shippo glared at Inuyasha—which was odd for him. His hands fisted he said, “Have you no respect for Rin? And do I really look like I would do something like that to her? Sure I like her but I’m not some sort of Perv and I would never take advantage of her.”
“Hey man. Just thought you could use a little fun. She seems a bit uptight too. You do like her I know that. It’s not like your going to make her pregnant…Sesshomaru would never know because Rin wouldn’t tell…she’d like it too much.” Inuyasha said offhandedly.
“I’m gonna K-I-L-L him!” Sango seethed. She had almost calmed down but her anger regenerated. Miroku sighed as he dragged Sango away; she still had her boomerang from the Sengoku Jidai. It was dangerous….a weapon in the future.
-Kagome’s room-
Unknown to Kagome---Sesshomaru had heard every word being said downstairs. ‘The hanyou’s dead once we get home’ was going through his mind over and over again. Apparently Shippo had honor to defend his Rin. Maybe he’d let Shippo court Rin---if they liked each other that much.
“Kagome…” he started. He stared at her ass again and sighed. Maybe he should just mate her now and rub it in Inuyasha’s face. Inuyasha didn’t have any claim or mark on her really….just a ‘we’re going to get mated’ promise. Hell he hadn’t even touched her yet. Hnn…
‘Easy Sesshomaru’ he said to himself. This was his beast talking, this he could tell.
“Kagome once we get to the feudal era…and reach my kingdom in the west I’m going to….” He started.
“Your Kingdom?” Kagome asked bewildered. She didn’t know Sesshomaru was…. a king?
“Yes. You don’t remember it. We were sent to this era for a while.” He said sighing as he got up and walked towards her.
Lady Nefertiti: Sango’s a slayer on a mission. Think she’ll get her chance? lol…Sunset Miko’s challenge has been added to the fic. Please read and review! thanks.