Following Her Heart by Shadowkat83
See first chapter for disclaimer and information on this fic.
Chapter III
prompt: Mask (Riku Ryu Random Prompt Challenge)
Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, was certain that his expression revealed none of the surprise that he felt when the miko who traveled with his half-bother; willingly sought him out. The emotionless mask he wore was perfection itself. It gave him the ability to hide whatever he was feeling, by giving him a calm façade on the outside. There were very few who ever saw underneath his icy exterior.
But back to the matter at hand, be watched as the miko walked towards him, her steps slow and sure. He knew not what she wanted, but he could make a very close guess.
Kagome paused a respectful distance away from the yokai lord, and she tried to think of the words needed to convey her request. Kagome had spent the last couple of hours weighing the pros and cons of her decision and the pros ending up outweighing the cons. So once breakfast had been distributed, she immediately sought out the yokai lord's aura. The sooner she spoke with him the better was her thought.
Kagome took a deep breath before bowing and addressing Sesshomaru, “Sesshomaru-sama,” she greeted.
Sesshomaru tilted his head slightly and waited.
Kagome took that as a sign to speak her request, “The reason that I sought you out this morning was to propose a temporary alliance between our two packs. Naraku is an enemy to both of us, but being as elusive as he is and as cowardly; we came to you for help us finish this chase once and for all.”
It was a while after she had finished speaking, Sesshomaru remained quiet, then the Lord spoke, “And why should this Sesshomaru assist you? This one see's nothing that will benefit him out of this arrangement.”
Kagome once more paused before answering. She then explained about Inuyasha's choices and her and her companions talk during breakfast. She finished her statement with, “And Rin would have someone to play with and we can help Jaken look after her when you need to patrol your lands or return to your shiro,” Kagome paused, “You know Shippo would love to keep her company and I promise that as long as this alliance is in effect my companions and I will protect and care for her with our lives.”
Sesshomaru took a moment to think on her offer. The idea did have merit and with the hanyou running off every night the kumo, which could one day lead to an attack of the miko and her small group. This he could not allow the miko was needed to purify the Shiko no Tama and to get rid of it. So with that though in mind, he agreed to the temporary alliance with his half-brothers pack.
Words: 453
Thanks to my wonderful beta Maryse for her help.