Existence of Empathy by Lionel


Disclaimer: I do not and will never own Inuyasha, sadly.

Edited and beta'd version!

Author’s note

I am a mere ant, toiling along in the cosmic flow of story-telling, while my beta is GOD, making the mundane seem poetic. 

There will be an explanation at the end for the some names of characters, should you feel interested. 

Don't forget to leave a review! 



Everyone's jaws dropped at finding Inuyasha spread-eagled, naked and unconscious on the floor…

His hands and feet were secured to the ground with encompassing, globular masses of scarlet youki force.

A beautiful, naked, female lay at his side. Her beauty was such that usually made men and women forget themselves in breathlessness.  Full-breasted and voluptuous, she had piercing violet-blue eyes. A luxurious flow of long, thick, wavy, tawny-brown hair ran down to her waist, the colour harmonizing against her honeyed skin. Dark brown, leather-braided bands wrapped around her left arm and hair for decorative purposes.

Several aspects gave away that she was not completely human; while appearing soft and feminine at their first sight of her; they noticed soon that with every slight movement, muscles rippled visibly on her, signs of a honed fighter. Most peculiar of all, were her constantly swirling, fire-like, red markings on her forehead. 

She lay there, fully sprawled on the grass, next to Inuyasha, with her head propped up by her left hand. Her eyes were focused completely at what she held in her other hand. It was Inuyasha's large, stiff manhood that was in her other hand. Ensuring that his manhood was held up, further enough away from his stomach, with a smile... she let go of it. Flop. Giggling at the flopping sound it made when it hit his stomach, she grasped it again, and let go. She repeated her actions, as if it was an amusing game.  Flop. Giggle. Flop. Giggle. Flop. Flop. Flop. Flop.  

They all remained at the edge of the clearing, dumbfounded and unable to approach poor Inuyasha laying there in the middle of the clearing. 

The spell that had frozen everyone ceased when Shippou squealed out, “Ew!!!”

The female looked up lazily at them, still holding Inuyasha's penis in her hand. Her relaxed expression on her face told them that she did not see them as a threat. She returned to her 'flopping' game. Shippou hopped on to Kirara to bury his face into her cream fur. The fire cat demon yowled in agreement, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the sight. Sango let out a shriek and covered her face with her hands in mortification at being exposed to Inuyasha’s naked body. Miroku's staff loosened from his grasp as he gawked and a flabbergasted sound of “Unghhhhh?!” exhaled from him.

With eyes the size of saucers, Rin hopped down from Ah-Un to get a closer look. She turned to Jaken, her childish innocence still shining out brightly by her fierce whisperings to him.

"Jaken, why does Inuyasha not wear any clothes?" She whispered, tugging at his sleeve. "Why does the lady not have clothes on too? Did they both lose their clothes? What is that thingy she is holding?"

Jaken let out a loud screech at being asked such questions and told her to be quiet, not willing to explain the finer mechanisms of how the 'birds and bees' occurred. Ah-Un, the dragon, grumbled and groaned, pulled at his harness that Jaken clutched onto. The dragon wanted slack in the rope to turn around and avoid looking at Inuyasha.

Even Sesshoumaru's lips turned downwards slightly in revulsion. He had already been made aware of the hanyous' activities two days ago, through scenting, but he had not expected such an obscene display of debauchery.

It was abhorrence, equivalent to imagining the passionate coupling of his sire and dam.

His lips curled even further downwards in disgust. 

“Rin, avert your eyes,” he instructed her.

Rin obediently looked away and resisted also asking him why Inuyasha had no clothes on. Sesshoumaru lifted Rin up onto Ah-Un and led them away, back to the tree stump to wait. 

The female surveyed newcomers quickly. It was a very freakish congregation of youkai and humans indeed. She was a little perturbed as to why they were all staring at her. Normally, strangers that stumbled in upon her during mating season would hurry away in fright or embarrassment.

Kagome stepped forward a couple of steps, unable to believe her eyes.  

 “Inuyasha?” Kagome gasped, voice rising at every syllable of his name. There was no reply. His head was turned to the side, in the soft leaves and he was breathing heavily in his unconscious state.

“Inuyasha. Is that what his name is?” the female said, smiling. “It has a nice ring to it. I-nu-ya-sha!”

Kagome kept her eyes trained on the female's face, trying to blot out the way the she was leaning over Inuyasha and pressing her breast against his chest.

“What did you do to him?” Kagome whispered. At the start, she had been shocked at seeing Inuyasha with another woman. But when she had noticed the way Inuyasha still remained unconscious and did not respond, she became fearful for Inuyasha’s well-being. Apart from Sesshoumaru, it was hard for her to comprehend that there was another demon, let alone a women, strong enough to incapacitate Inuyasha.

With a faraway smile, the female replied airily, “Oh this and that, the usual, you know? He’s still alive.”

She tweaked at Inuyasha’s nipples, making Inuyasha grunt in his unconscious state.

“What’s wrong with him? Why isn’t he awake then?” Kagome asked, morosely. She knew she should be angry at this female, but she just felt so drained and tired.    

 “Well, pup. That’s because I wore him out completely.” replied the female, laughing merrily.

Kagome closed her eyes and assumed the worst.

Eyes stabbing daggers at the female, Sango advanced forward. She couldn’t take it anymore; Kagome was like a sister to her. Kagome's heart seemed to be breaking right in front of her. 

“Let him go!” Sango yelled. Body already poised to attack, she swung her boomerang out to her.

With a graceful spring into the air, the female deflected the spinning boomerang with a light kick. She landed softly onto the forest floor, leaves rustling slightly. 

Holding out both her hands in a placid manner, she asked, “And why should I?”

“He’s OUR friend!"

"He's your... friend?" the female asked.

"Yes!" Sango yelled.

The female was astonished at Sango's words. As a hanyou herself, for five centuries, she had lived in seclusion within a hidden cave located the moutains of the Eastern lands. Humans and demons had never accepted her presence well because she was a hanyou. All the other hanyous she had met in the past during mating season had been solitary, reclusive creatures like her. The possibility that hanyous could have friends was entirely abnormal to her.

Gesturing to the whole group, the mystified female asked once more, "This...whole...pack... has friendly relations with Inuyasha, a hanyou?" 

"Yes!" Sango yelled out again, angrily stomping her feet onto the floor, making the leaves around her feet flutter from the impact. 

The female tilted her head in puzzlement at Sango. "That is rather unusual. You are a demon slayer. What is your name?"

Sango gritted out her name. The female smiled in delight and inclined her head.

"I still do not see the problem, Sango," she explained gently, as if she were lecturing a young pup. "You cannot stop the course of nature, simply because he is your friend." She shrugged and gave Sango a disarming, warm smile. "It is spring, after all... the season of heat."  

Scenting the demon slayer with a breath, the female's plump, flushed lips tugged upwards even more. Coated upon the demon slayer's natural, ginger aroma, an especially heavy, fragrant smell of burnt sandalwood lingered. 

"And you certainly do not want or need him like I do... being preoccupied with anotherrrrr...male" she purred, eyes flashing a humorous, dark violet. Sango saw the way the female's violet eyes flickered at Miroku and back at her. She smiled at Sango, knowingly. 

Sango turned a beetroot colour at what the female implied. "N-no! NO! Of course not! Inuyasha's just a friend." she said heatedly, horrified and embarrassed at the realisation that the female could smell Miroku's scent from last night's activities on her. 

"Then, why, pup?" the female asked, standing there with her hands flourished in an exasperated manner. 

"In-Inuyasha's betrothed to her!" Sango cried out, pointing at Kagome, still highly embarrassed by their exchange of words. She turned away, her hands touching her flushed cheeks. She tried not to think about the way Miroku had been so passionate last night. Kirara nudged at Sango, trying to wake her of out her reverie, while Miroku grinned like an idiot, twiggling his eyes suggestively at Sango. Sango slapped him.

Kagome watched as the golden-skinned female skipped towards her. Flaring her reiki warning, she formed a lavender orb around herself, in case the female felt like attacking her. Sango raised Hiraikatsu above her and hurled abuse at the female, threatening to slay her if she harmed Kagome. The female halted. Raising her hands in a non-threatening manner to placate Sango, she walked slowly towards Kagome. Tendrils of orange-red youkai wafted from her to brush against her Kagome's orb. Kagome shuddered a little at the contact. The female had youki powerful enough that could potentially rival Sesshoumaru's, but it strangely, it was not oppressive, but warm and almost friendly. Kagome lowered her barriers, trusting her senses. With barely two metres apart, they stood and gazed at each other. 



Akemi: Beauty of dawn

Shina: Faithful, virtuous. 




INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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