The Mischievous Lady by Maria-Salvatore29
Chapter 29: Promises
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
I had a feeling that someone told the palace staff to stay away from the garden, since even after hours of lingering here, I never felt anyone approach the place we chose for our sanctuary.
It was surreal, because all I knew was I had grown fond of Sesshomaru, even his arrogant attitude. Then one day, he just started to be so damn sweet and committed to making me his that I could not help but acknowledge that somewhere along our interactions, I had fallen for him.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, looking intently at me, the setting sun making his golden eyes seemed on fire. We were sitting on his moko-moko, settled so peacefully on the bed of grass with his arms around me.
"How can you be so possessive just a few hours after I gave you a kiss?" I asked, rolling my eyes at him.
"And you are already so disrespectful to your alpha just because I confessed to you," he shot back, as arrogant as ever.
I raised a brow at him in a challenge. "Who says I accepted you as my alpha?"
"What am I to you then?"
The question was spoken with mock intensity, but I knew he wanted to hear a confession from me. A straight up and direct admission of my own feelings. Aww. My arrogant demon lord is feeling a little insecure. A cheeky smile spread across my face and his eyes followed the movement. "Well…you're this mean high lord of the West who stalks me all the time. I'm keeping you because I'd like to keep an eye on my stalker."
He narrowed his eyes, giving me a mock glare. "Enjoy playing with me?"
I grinned at him. "Only always."
"Hnn." He huffed, yanking me closer to him, his aura blanketing us like a fluffy mass of fur. He felt content yet…a touch restless. "Tell me, Kagome."
"Say that again."
"Say what?"
"My name." I leaned my head on his right shoulder, enjoying his warmth, his arms, the sense of protection, and the deep baritone sound of his voice.
"Kagome," he repeated, seemingly amused at my odd request. "What is it?"
"I like it, the sound of my name on your lips…spoken without hatred."
"I would hate to leave you tomorrow morning for a war no one even asked for, a war started by a mere hanyou."
"Hey! I'm a mere hanyou."
"Do not compare yourself with the likes of him," he said, almost vehemently.
"Whoa! Don't get so worked up." I flared my aura a little bit, pushing back against his calmly.
He pushed me back little in order to look into my eyes. "You are loyal and brave. One of the most honorable person I have ever known." He shifted his eyes away for a moment before turning back with a tinge of hesitancy in his gaze. "I had been wrong in degrading you before, in so many instances, and not immediately seeing how precious you truly are."
"Sesshomaru…" I smiled gently at him, showing him how I appreciate his apology, knowing it must have cost him much to admit he was wrong. "Don't worry about it anymore. It's easy to judge people you don't know yet, but we know each other now. We have already been through a lot, saved each other and fought together."
"Indeed." A thought seemed to occur to him, making him snicker. "And fought each other as well."
I laughed at the memory of our first meeting and how so many things had happened ever since. "I realized I haven't forgiven you yet for almost killing me on the spot."
"You were the one who left me wounded. I should be mad at you."
"But you had me kidnapped afterwards!"
"You lied about your identity."
"So did you, oh so honorable lord of the West!"
"I never lied. You just made assumptions and considered my silence as an agreement."
"Silence means yes!"
"Does that mean your continued silence about us means yes?"
"How can you just turn everything around and make it about us?" He did not reply, just stared at me expectantly, almost as if questioning my honor. I huffed. "What do you even want me to say?"
"Interesting," he murmured, tucking a stray hair at the back of my ear. "You have always been so vocal about your emotions yet you shy away right now."
He was so perceptive, which should not really surprise me. I wanted to tell him then how I felt about him but the words seemed trapped in my throat. "Can you wait a little longer?"
"I already gave you my word that I would wait," he said, sounding so sure of his decision. "It would just be nice to hear it before I leave for war."
"Now you're making me feel bad."
"Nothing will happen to me."
I smiled but my eyes probably showed the fear taking hold of my heart. "It's a war. No one is safe."
"Indeed. So you have to stay here. Travelling south is a ridiculous idea."
"Are you asking me to back off my promise to Lady Toran?"
"I would send someone else in your place. They would not mind."
"Again. My decision, not yours."
"You cannot stop me from keeping you safe. I would not send you to death before I can even make you mine."
"I am yours," I whispered to comfort him, because I was not immune to his distress and seeing the touch of fear and sadness in his eyes made my heart ache. "But I am my own person too."
His steely gaze told me that he would not bulge in his decision but was done arguing with me. He rose to his feet elegantly. "Come."
"Outside. Let's chase the rising moon."
I stood and his arm wrapped around my waist as he leapt into the darkening sky. We landed just outside the Western fortress, to the forest where we have chased each other before, the times where he was angry at a mere hanyou. I smiled at the memory. "How are we going to chase the moon when we're surrounded by trees?"
"Who says we're staying here? I merely want a big space."
And with that, he transformed to his huge dog form in a short burst of youki that could probably be felt all over the land. He gave a one long roar to the sky before dipping his head low towards me.
I stood transfixed through all of his display, my heart thundering in my chest, the youkai instincts that I have in utter disarray. He was so powerful and definitely confident in his abilities. When I was with him, I'd always be safe. I raised my widened eyes to his crimson ones and gave a grin. "You are so fluffy!"
His answering whine sounded annoyed at my reaction, but he laid on the ground and motioned for me to jump on his fluffy, fluffy back. I did not need anymore convincing and hopped on, laughing happily. He stood once I had settled and jumped to the sky, the wind blowing all his fluffiness backwards. "Seriously, how could anyone take you seriously if you look this cute?"
He gave a growl and I answered with a laugh that echoed all around us. This is a night I would never forget. The night I have been waiting for all my life since my mother died. Thank you, Sesshomaru.
After hours of flying around the West and basically scared the people for their Lord's display of power, we settled atop the hill the overlooked his land. I sat between his giant paws, sifting my hands over the fur. "Do you want to know how I know Inuyasha?"
He shifted his crimson eyes towards mine and blinked once. I smiled at the curiosity and a bit of anger that overcame his rather peaceful expression.
"After my mother died, I was alone and so, so lonely. I would not even fight off those who bullied me, just accepting the violence they threw at me, wishing for swift death. Then I met him when he saved me from three dragon youkai, who were all in their full dragon form…"
I looked at the shining moon, reminiscing. "I was at the border between the North and East then, so dragons were frequent visitor of that area. They had me cornered, probably planning to play with me before killing me. But as I was waiting for the fire to burn me, a red-clad figure stepped in front of me. The fire did nothing to him. I was so amazed!"
Sesshomaru's whine sounded annoyed, his eyes holding admonishment for showing such amazement at his hated brother. I rolled my eyes at his jealously and continued my story. "Well, he turned to look at me, his golden eyes blazing in the dark, maybe looking if I was okay. I realized he was a hanyou like me, but then he jumped towards the dragons, swiftly killing them, looking like the action did not even affect him."
I sighed and laid my cheek against Sesshomaru's furry paw. "At that time, I felt so safe and wished that I had the strength to protect myself too, like he did. He leapt in front of me, kneeling at my eye-level while I cower against a tree, and he huffed saying, 'Keh, I'm taking you under my wing, little wolf.' He carried me and gave me money to buy new clothes because his nose cannot stand my stink."
I was laughing at Inuyasha's thinly-veiled compassion and turned to Sesshomaru who had an unreadable gaze. "He has the kindess and strength of a person who had been through much but survived it. Why do you hate him so much, Sesshomaru?"
He stood and for a moment, I thought I had asked too much, until I realized he was just going to transform back to his humanoid form. I remained seated on the ground as he lowered himself gracefully beside me. "Out of all the people that could have saved you, why did it have to be him?" He asked no one in particular, sounding incredulous.
I shrugged. "Must be fate playing us all."
He probably could not help himself and he actually rolled his eyes at me. His expression surprised a giggle out of me. "You feel that bad? He's my hero, Sesshomaru. He did not only save me, he cared for me and taught me how to fight for myself. I owe him so much."
My passionate speech made him annoyed that his youki swirled around us. "And now I owe him too."
I laughed at him. "How can you even think that way?"
"How can I not? He saved the lady I want to become my mate."
I snuggled in his chest, so happy about this, about us. I felt like I could tell him everything and he would treasure each of my memory as if they were his own. "You haven't answered my question yet."
"I could not get away with not answering you. Yet you could keep silent all you want?" He narrowed his eyes at me, mock angry.
I grinned. "I'm a woman."
He scoffed at that and said, "Inuyasha represents the tragedy that happened in my life. Is that not enough reason to hate him?"
I tried to control my expression but I probably looked so surprised and sad at the same time. "Sesshomaru…"
"My mother came from a pure bloodline, an inu-youkai clan who has great power just next to my father's ruling clan. He also followed inu-youkai tradition, participating in the mating competition, but it only lasted for a short time because mother already caught his attention."
"Lord Toga is a firm believer of love."
"My father is a great warrior, but he was gentle with mother. They were happy. We were happy," he continued, his golden eyes looked lost in time. He was always so in control of everything, but tonight he was opening himself up to me. Bearing his pain for me behold. "I was young when father found himself a human princess."
"But…doesn't he have a harem even mated with your mother?"
"He did have a harem, but mother did not mind that because everyone knew he was so in love with her. She was even close with his concubines," he argued, looking more and more angry and heartbroken. "The human princess though, he loved her. Probably more than he had ever loved mother. I saw how it broke her especially when father left just as the dragons were attacking the West."
"You seemed close with the dragons though…?"
"It was Lord Daisuke, Naraku's father, who sided with me at that time. He did not approve of his uncle's treachery against the West. The former ruling lord was Ryukotsusei who were jealous of father's accomplishments and the power of the inu-youkai clans so he used Izayoi and Inuyasha as a way to weaken father and to make the West fall."
"It must have been a chaotic time," I whispered, horrified at the thought of a young and inexperienced Sesshomaru dealing with such traumatizing event.
"It had been, indeed. Mother had gathered the clans to fight against him and I brokered an alliance with Lord Daisuke, who I knew harbored hatred for his uncle's madness. The inu-youkai clans did not approve of me stepping in father's place, but when the dragons came, I led the army to victory."
I snickered. "Of course, you did. So that's how you learned how to show off."
A small smile touched his rather pensive face. "After the war, mother left because staying in the Western fortress suffocates her. It had been quite peaceful ever since."
I caressed the magenta stripes adoring his cheeks and smiled into his eyes. "You did great and you are doing amazing. Sesshomaru, your people are so lucky to have you."
He gave me a nod, telling me without words that he appreciated the heartfelt compliment when it was nothing but the truth. "Perhaps it is unfair to hate Inuyasha when he was merely a product of father's treachery, but he symbolizes so much of the past."
"Inuyasha did mention that you chased him out of the Western lands when he was so young. You are so mean!" I tried for a tone that tread the line between anger and understanding. I did not know how it actually sounded to him though. Both of them had a point so it was unfair to choose any side.
"The inu-youkai clans wanted him dead. We were all almost annihilated by the dragons, after all, and it was convenient to blame everything to a hanyou."
"How can you side with your mean clans? He was probably just a little kid when you chase him out!" I yelled at him, getting quite worked up until I had an sudden realization. "No way!"
"I have no excuses, Kagome. It's just the way it was."
"You don't absolutely hate him!" I exclaimed, awed at how he perfectly manipulated the situation.
"I do."
"You don't, you sweet fluffy lord." I grinned at him. "You chased him out so that the inu-youkai clans would not get to him, thus, keeping him safe!"
He glared at me, but when I smiled as sweetly and as innocently as I could, he seemed unable to keep on being angry. "You are fond of him."
"Inuyasha saved my life!"
Shaking his head, he moved closer to me, our face mere inches from each other. "That's not the only reason."
"Fine. I did have a huge crush on Inuyasha."
"Now I have one more reason why I hate him."
I laughed, finding his jealousy so ridiculous. "I was so young and suddenly this boyish hanyou took care of me. And do you have any idea how handsome he is?"
"Go on, Kagome. Irritate me and I would direct my army on a hunt for him instead of Naraku."
"You are so petty!" I placed a soft kiss against his lips. "You are handsome too. The first time we met, I was so annoyed because too bad that you looked like your name but you hated me."
"And I recognized your courage then."
"Thanks for making me feel ugly."
He gave a snicker and kissed my forehead. "I am not blind, Kagome. Of course I recognized your beauty, especially your sapphire eyes that shone so bright, with so much passion. But I was too busy trying to understand the presence of a hanyou in my palace."
"You cannot accept me being a hanyou and still hold that prejudice against the rest of my kind," I chided softly.
"Of course not. I am saving all my prejudice against Inuyasha alone."
I hit his chest. "Sesshomaru! Do you have any idea why I had a necklace like this specifically made for me?" I gestured at the dragon-inspired pendant lying close to my chest. "I have always thought that the dragons are the strongest, they breathe fire and everyone is gone. No one can hurt them."
"Dragons are not so indestructible."
"As I a child, I worshipped the thought of dragon's formidability because it's so exhausting to be a hanyou, being picked on all the time, getting hurt for other people's entertainment."
"It might be hard for you to change your views overnight. But all I need is for you to slowly try. For me and for you. So that you can be the kind of leader that does not exclude anyone. Half-breed or not, we can contribute to society, you know?"
"Alright. I promise."
I smiled because Sesshomaru's promises mean everything. "Can you promise me one more thing tonight?"
"Tell me. I would give it to you."
"Promise me that even if you are travelling for war, always bring compassion with you," I whispered, imploring.
He shifted his eyes to the dark sky then to the Western land all the way to the massive Western fortress standing directly in our view at the hill. Then he gave me the full intensity of his gaze. "It would be dishonorable to wish for your heart that is so full of compassion and not grant you that promise."
He took my face in between his warm, huge palm, looking directly into my eyes. "I promise Kagome. But you must make me a promise in return."
I nodded eagerly. "Tell me."
"Your heart—keep it beating."
My eyes widened. "O-kay…?"
"There are traitors everywhere, even in my court, some we have not discovered yet. Always, always be vigilant and keep yourself safe."
I raised my hands and placed them on top of mine. "I promise, Sesshomaru. I would be safe and when we meet again, I would be ready for you. So you better come back to me, fast."
He nodded once and hugged me so tight, I found it hard to breathe, but I did not want to be anywhere else in the world but in his arms.
I woke up in my huge chamber surrounded by a mass of silver fur and…Kagome. It was both strange and incredible to have her by my side. Strange because it seemed like all my future plans were changing accordingly to include her and it felt incredible that she did not seemed against being part of my lonesome existence.
"Please stop poking me with your youki, it's annoying," she mumbled grumpily from below the furry covers, which swamped her, almost burying her beneath.
"I need to go," I murmured back, not missing how reluctant I sounded. "There are preparations I must oversee first before I leave in about three hours."
She sighed audibly, as reluctant as I probably felt. I dipped down and scooped her up from the covers and she burrowed in my chest. "You're right, you must go before I try to keep you here, which would really selfish. So go forth, lord of the West and save the world."
A small smile stole at my face and I leaned back a little to look at her sleepy eyes. "Your wish is my command, my lady." I placed a kiss on her forehead then traced down her cheeks towards her soft, soft lips where I lingered as much as I could, before pulling away for war.
Kagome was standing beside father as I marched the army away, up North where we would unleash fury upon the land youkai clans that chose to side with the treachery of the Northern Kingdom. She gave me a small smile and I nodded back once at her and then to father. The people outside the fortress were silent but laid flowers in our path, a sign of support and grief.
It did not take long for us to cover huge amount of area, progressing fast almost halfway to our destination just two hours after noon. "We rest here," I told my second in command, a cousin from another inu-youkai clan, Lord Hideo.
He nodded and signaled the army to stop. We were high up the mountain but covered by the thick trees of the forest, our auras carefully hidden. I was thinking over all of the plans we had made, looking for a loophole that might be used against us, when Hideo appeared beside me, looking concerned. "Speak."
"I received a letter from your father, my lord," he said, giving me the tiny piece of parchment.
I looked at the letter in his hands, feeling a cold shiver running down my spine. Something is wrong. Really wrong. I took it from him and said, "Leave me."
He bowed and left without hesitation but I could feel the worry in his aura. I unscrolled the letter and saw crimson at the words written by my father himself:
Kagome left as I was outside the fortress,
Overseeing the ration of our supplies.
She did not even leave a letter.
Only gave words to Jaken.
She said that she is travelling South,
And that she would keep her promises to you.
So you must keep yours.
I would not stop you from going back for her.
But I advise you to respect her decision.
Good luck, son.
I burned the tiny piece of paper with acid, disgusted at my father for not keeping an eye at her and disgusted at myself for being so out of control. If I would not think, I would fly to her now, maybe tie her to my bed in order to keep her safe and sound. That would dishonorable and I would lose her, my army, my sanity, and this damn war.
I tried reigning in my youki but I knew that the army felt the sudden burst of anger that I felt earlier. They must be feeling both afraid and uplifted at such display of power. Stubborn Kagome. Life would certainly never be boring with her. Hideo slowly made his way to me, probably weighing in my mood. "We must make our way by now," I spoke once he was nearby.
"Yes, my lord," he said, but he was probably dying to know what was in the letter.
"Lord Toga wished us the best. Let us not fail him and our people."
"We would not, Sesshomaru-sama."
And so we marched forward, even if all I wanted to do was run towards Kagome. I did believe in her capacity to fight, the extent of her power and her passion in saving as much people as she could. But dragons were treacherous and it was easy to gain her forgiving heart.
But father was right. If I wanted to make Kagome mine, I must recognize her ability to make her own decisions and respect her strength and power, the way everyone never did. Fine, Kagome. But you must stand by your word and keep that heart beating for me.
Date Posted: 09/13/17
Word Count: 4000