One Week by Reira

Sharing Is Caring

A little note: For 'The Spectrum Challenge' found on dokuga_contest. This will be a seven-chaptered story about how Kagome captivated Sesshomaru in one short week.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the creators or producers of Inuyasha. No profit is made from this.


Sharing Is Caring

It was Saturday, and luckily it was the second week in the school cycle, therefore there was no school. Kagome slept in until eleven, then she took a long hot bath. She was tired from such a long week, and the break from studying was very welcome. Kagome entered her room drying her hair with a towel when her phone vibrated. She rarely used the thing, since she hated it, but she found it useful when her friends tried to contact her.

It was a text message from Sesshomaru.

Awake yet? Rin is dragging me out to Harajuku...again. Save me.

Kagome laughed, and quickly replied by letting him know she'll be there. They exchanged numbers the day before, after spending two hours together in the park. They didn't do much, just enjoyed the fresh air while chatting. Kagome learned that Sesshomaru had a half-brother who was currently in England with his girlfriend. In turn, Kagome told Sesshomaru about her brother, Souta who was still going steady with his childhood sweetheart. Kagome also learned that Rin's mother was Sesshomaru's father's third wife. Kagome wondered if the man had commitment issues. After all, if Sesshomaru's father was anything like him, women were bound to be chased away once they got to close. Sesshomaru merely laughed at her theory, then explained that Inuyasha's mother had passed away during labour, while his own mother spent her days at their second manor. Kagome was surprised at this, she had not known that he was rich. 

After getting dressed, Kagome locked up and caught a train to Harajuku. The rest of her family was out shopping. Kagome found Rin and Sesshomaru at a fashion outlet.

"Kagome!" Rin exclaimed excitedly, rushing to the teenage girl and giving her a tight squeeze. Kagome returned the hug awkwardly. 

"Nice outfit," Sesshomaru pointed out sarcastically. Kagome looked down at her shirt and skirt. They did not match, but she could not find anything else to wear. 

"My favourite shirt is ruined," Kagome moaned, "it shrunk in the dryer, and I had nothing else to wear."

Rin tutted at this. "Terrible! How big is your wardrobe?"

"Not big," Kagome admitted, "I probably have four dresses, three skirts, two pairs of jeans and five t-shirts. I have a few cardigans and blouses."

Rin looked horrified. "How can you call yourself a woman?"

"Easily," Kagome huffed, "I don't have that much money or space for clothes."

Rin gave her brother a very dark look. Sesshomaru knew that look, he was not going to go home with a full wallet...

Rin giggled when Sesshomaru sighed in defeat and grasped Kagome's hands. "Well, I'm going to save you from this fashion emergency! We will buy you the best fashion, and you can store it at our house."

"What?" Kagome asked, "I couldn't do that!"

Rin brushed her off and headed to the lingerie section. Kagome glanced at Sesshomaru, but he shrugged.

"Might as well go with it," he stated, "Arguing with her is not an option. By the way, what colour was your shirt?"

"Huh?" Kagome blinked, then she shook her head, "Violet. I love the colour violet, as well as the flowers."



Kagome was beet red by the time they finished in the lingerie section. Rin had her try on the most skimpiest lingerie Kagome had ever set her eyes on. How could they even be considered underwear? Some of the bras and panties didn't even cover her assets! 

"Do I really need these?" Kagome asked when they went to check-out.

"Of course," Rin grinned, "every woman needs at least one set of skimpy lingerie."

"What for?" Kagome groaned.

Rin's grin widened. "Well, Sesshomaru might not look it, but he appreciates a woman's body. He's very old-fashioned, and you have all the right curves..."

Kagome's blush intensified. "There's nothing going on between us!"

"Sure," Rin shrugged, "whatever you say."

"You're one scary middle-schooler," Kagome shuddered. 

"Thank you!" Rin chirped.

"That was not a compliment..."


Three hours later, Rin finally allowed Kagome to sit down and have a milkshake. They had over ten bags filled to the brim with clothes, lingerie, shoes and make-up. Kagome was really starting to think Rin was insane.

"What do you think of Sesshomaru?" Rin asked as she took a sip of her chocolate milkshake.

"He's a good friend," Kagome stated, "although we've only been friends for like...a day."

Rin was about to say something, but they were interrupted when Sesshomaru joined them. He had done some of his own shopping, and was sporting a new set of sunglasses. Kagome blushed, he looked rather handsome with the shades covering his eyes...

"Nice sunnies," Rin stated.

"Hn," was the only response that came from Sesshomaru. He glanced at Kagome, but she looked down at her strawberry milkshake in embarrassment. Rin, deciding the two needed some alone time, excused herself, claiming she has just seen a friend of hers pass by. Rin disappeared in a flurry, leaving Kagome and Sesshomaru alone. 

"My sister drive you crazy yet?" Sesshomaru asked, breaking the silence.

"She's sweet," Kagome stated, "but goes a bit overboard." Sesshomaru snorted, then he pulled out a wrapped box and handed it to Kagome. She frowned.

"What's this?" Kagome asked.

"For you," Sesshomaru whispered, "a gift."

"You didn't have to!" Kagome blushed, but Sesshomaru wasn't having it. Nervously, Kagome undid the purple ribbon on the box, then lifted the lid. She gasped. Inside was the most beautiful violet chiffon blouse she had ever seen. The fabric was soft to the touch, and glitter made it shine in the sun. With the blouse came a necklace, plain silver with a small tear-shaped amethyst pendant.

"You really didn't have to," Kagome muttered.

"You deserve it."

Rin decided to return at that moment and smiled widely when she saw the gift.

"Oh!" she exclaimed excitedly, "is this your first courting gift, Sessh?" Kagome, having just taken a sip of her milkshake choked, while Sesshomaru glared at Rin harshly. Rin laughed nervously. Oops?

"For starters," Sesshomaru began, "that's none of your business. Secondly, what did I tell you about calling me 'Sessh'?"

Rin scratched the back of her head nervously. Uh, oops?


Rin invited Kagome over for dinner. Kagome was hesitant at first, but Rin convinced her when dinner was Sukiyaki. Kagome loved Sukiyaki, how could she possibly say no to that? Sesshomaru found her love for food very amusing, which earned him a soft punch in the arm. 

Sesshomaru's fortune was showcased by their large house. Kagome was awestruck. While Rin locked herself in the kicthen to cook, Sesshomaru took Kagome outside onto the balcony where they could overlook the city. The sun was slowly setting, making it a breathtaking view.

"It's beautiful," Kagome gasped.


"What does 'hn' mean anyway?" Kagome asked.


Kagome rolled her eyes and leaned her arms on the railing. A fresh breeze whipped through her hair. The salty scent of the ocean filled her. Kagome now knew where her new favourite place was. It was definitely here, on this balcony at sunset.

"Thank you," Kagome whispered.

"For what?" Sesshomaru asked, surprised.

"Everything." With a smile, Kagome closed her eyes and leaned her head on Sesshomaru's shoulder. A very comfortable silence fell over them.

Until a loud growl was heard. Kagome's eyes shot open, and she came face-to-face with two very large crimson eyes. Her first instinct was to scream, but nothing would escape her throat. She stumbled backwards, only to fall into Sesshomaru's arms. Then, as if she miraculously found her voice, she shrieked, but it died down to a whimper when Sesshomaru forced her to turn around.

"What?" he asked, surprised and worried.

"That!" Kagome screamed as she pointed at the two large eyes watching them. Sesshomaru looked up and blinked. Kagome looked over her shoulder, only to see that the two eyes belonged to a dog. A very, very oversized dog. The beast was huge, so huge, Kagome could not compare it to anything. She knew this had to be a dream. There was no such thing as large dogs! There just couldn't be!

"Kagome," Sesshomaru gasped, "you can see him?"

"What do you mean I can see him?" Kagome barked, "of course I can see him, he's huge!"

Sesshomaru's grip on Kagome's arms tightened, "Kagome, listen to me, a normal human should not be able to see him. A barrier of youki makes him invisible."

"Huh?" Kagome's head spinning. What was Sesshomaru saying? Youki? Barrier? Invisible? As Kagome tried to sort everything out in her head, the large dog miraculously transformed into a human who looked very similar to Sesshomaru in appearance. 

"Sesshomaru," the man said, "can you not sense her spiritual energy? She's from a long line of priests."

"He...he turned into a human! What's happening? What are you? Who are you?" Kagome asked frantically, her confusion overtaking her rational side.

The man smirked, "My name is Saitou. I am an inu-daiyoukai and I happen to be Sesshomaru's father."

Kagome's week just took one hell of a turn.


Prompt: Spectrum Challenge - Violet


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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