Sunlight and Shadow by Lyra

Because Love Battles

- Seven Treasures Challenge -


Because Love Battles

~~~ - - ~~~

Sesshomaru peered forward, breathing deeply, cutting the dawn with gleaming eyes. There was a ship on the horizon, a ship flying black pennants marked with a skull holding a blade in its teeth. He could barely make out her name: Lady of Mercy.

Sesshomaru felt an odd tightening in his chest, then shook it off and called back over his shoulder.

“After that ship!”

Wood creaked in response to his command; his crew ran back and forth, climbing into the rigging, working sails with expert eyes and economy of motion. Time seemed to slow as they sped across the surface of the water and entered firing range.

Sesshomaru kept his eyes focused on the ship, close before them now.

A smirk, distorted his features for the briefest instant – and then he saw fire out of the corner of his eye, a torch lighting a canon's wick, and returned his attention to the battle.

“No! Hold!”

He watched a hand dart out and tamp the lit wick that hovered at the edge of his vision.

“We'll catch them broadside as they turn to fire and board us. Scent that wind? Humans and hanyou, no youkai. Raise no flag; shoot no weapon; we will take them by surprise.”

There was a murmur, and then a cheer of agreement. It looked to be a rich day...and an ambush was always entertaining.

Sesshomaru waited, crouched low on the deck, his hand tight on his sword. The other pirate vessel was doing exactly as he had expected; coming towards them head on..they would turn at the last moment, and out with their grappling hooks.

One hundred yards...fifty...twenty..ten...

And then he froze, staring at a single person standing on the prow of the oncoming ship. It was her; his blue-eyed woman. She was here -

He heard a shout in a woman's voice, and a thud on a deck beside him that was quickly followed by the ring of steel. He parried her thrust instinctively, and only then did he blink, looking at her again.

Her fury was a fire that shone like agate; her power was obvious to him now, the flux of holy light a bright aura around her blade.

“ are a miko.”

He saw fear in her face suddenly, and knew that she had been hiding her power. Why would she do that?

What is your secret, little miko?



Word Count: 400

Prompt: Agate

A/N: I searched agate when I was contemplating this prompt, and found fire agate – gorgeous stuff, it glows red and orange and shifts under the light like a flickering fire.  And then I thought of Kagome...:D  The title is a from the first line in another Pablo Neruda sonnet: "And because love battles"

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