Birds of a Feather by Aviel
Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot of this drabble series does belong to me as well as any OCs that may show up along the way.
A/N: Kinda graphic toward the end. :/
Chapter 114: Terror
The woman should have listened to the voice in her head and kept moving, but she didn’t. Her body froze and she turned around.
There, in all of his puppy-eared glory, stood Inuyasha, arms crossed and fierce scowl in place.
“Why’d ya run away from me, wench?” he asked gruffly.
“I-I thought…”
“Listen, we don’t have much time. I came to tell ya something before–”
A gurgle left his mouth and Kagome choked back a horrified sob.
A tentacle had been impaled through his neck.
Down his chin, his blood dribbled pink and then crimson.
Original Posting Date: September 14, 2012
Prompt: For Priestess Skye’s “Think Pink” Challenge, Pink
Words: 100