Puppy Love by Demon Selene

Puppy and Kagome

DS: SURPRISE! I bet you all thought I wasn't going to post this so soon after my last one but yet again the great Demon Selene prevails. This is a bit shorter then the last few chapters but hey be happy its out a lot sooner then my other chapter so enjoy.

Puppy Love 13 Puppy and Kagome

"Is there anyway you can put it off for later." Kagome asked Sango who shook her head no.

"If I do the damage to Hiraikutsu might become irreparable." Sango remarked as she looked to the giant weapon which held a large crack down the middle.

"So we'll meet at Indu village two day from now then?" Kagome remarked towards the slayer who nodded.

"In two days time as soon as Hiraikutsu is fixed." Sango told her friend reassuringly. Sango turned to the two children who were preparing the dragon for travel.

"Are you two sure you want to come along?" Sango asked them as Rin climbed onto the dragons back.

"Of course I want to see your home Lady Sango." Rin remarked with a grin.

"And if Rin's going I'm going too." Shippou stated as he puffed his chest out proudly, "Someone has to protect her."

"Just admit you like her already twerp!" Inuyasha shouted as he hit a very red Shippou over the head. "And would you stop trying to act all grown up."

"Well at least I try to act like an adult unlike someone I know." Shippou remarked as he glared at Inuyasha.

"Oh yeah and who exactly are you talking about huh?" Inuyasha shouted as his fist went after Shippou only to miss.

"Would you two stop already." Kagome shouted in irritation as Shippou released a series of fox fires toward Inuyasha.

'Those two are worst then Jaken and Rin.' Sesshoamru thought with a roll of his eyes as the two continue to their banter despite the miko's protest. Kagome turned back to Sango only to hug her.

"Be careful okay." Kagome remarked as she moved away with a smile, Sango nodded returning the smile to the miko.

"Don't worry about anything Lady Kagome I'll ensure Lady Sango returns safe and sound." Miroku remarked with his customary lecherous smile from his perch on Kilala's back.

'and very much violated I am sure.' Sesshomaru growled as he huffed. It was Kagome turn to roll her eyes as she ignored Miroku's words.

"Take care of Shippou and Rin for me will you." Kagome remarked to Sango who nodded,

"Take care."  Sango made her way to the two tailed cat and lifting herself up in front of Miroku. " Kilala lets go." With a roar the two tailed cat was off in the air.

"Ah Uh follow them please." Rin remarked, the two head dragon complied taking off into the air after the fire cat. Kagome watched them go the feeling of emptiness enveloping her.

"I guess that leaves only us." Kagome stated as she looked down at Sesshomaru who stood at her feet also watching them take off.

'Unfortunately us includes Inuyasha.' Sesshoamru growled as he glanced towards the half demon who stood with his hands in his sleeves.


"PERVERT!" They all looked up in time to see Miroku be thrown from Kilala's back and onto the ground by a very irritated Sango.

"He never learns." Kagome sighed as Sango made a deter to pick the monk up.

"Come on lets go." Inuyasha remarked as he turned to begin their own journey in search of the jewel shard.

"Wait let me grab my bike." Kagome remarked as she ran to the tree before returning to where the small puppy sat. "Come on Fluffy in the basket you go." Kagome took hold of Sesshomaru putting him in the basket of her pink bike.

"Damn mutt always getting spoiled." Inuyasha snarled towards Sesshomaru who smirked as he turned his attention towards Kagome with a bark and a happily wagging tail he got her attention. Kagome turned to Sesshomaru and with a squeal she took hold of the puppy kissing him on the nose before hugging him close.

"You are so cute." A growl behind him had Sesshomaru's tail wagging excitedly and with a glance back the glare made everything worth it. They finally took off and several hours later well into the afternoon found them tracking their way to their destination.


"Inuyasha don't you think it's time to fine a place to rest." Kagome face appeared along with her shivering body nervously as eyes plead the half demon , "preferably somewhere not so high or narrowed." As the camera zoomed out Kagome knees where seen shaking as she stood on a narrow path high up in a mountain beneath them nothing but rocks and a very scary looking fall. Sesshomaru looked at the trembling miko he really didn't see the big deal after all their was plenty of room for him to walk.

"Yeah I guess your right." Inuyasha remarked as he jumped higher onto the mountain. "I see a place up ahead."  With that he jumped down onto the narrow path and began to make his way there.

"Thank whichever god is out there." Kagome remarked as she followed keeping her back against the mountain wall while still keeping hold of her bike.


"What was that?" Kagome asked looking to Inuyasha who sniffed the air before tensing.

"Kikyou." Inuyasha's whisper never reached Kagome as he took off threw the narrow pathway.

"Inuyasha wait! Where are you going?" Kagome asked as she tried to hurry. Sesshomaru followed that was until a streak of white caught his attention a growl forming in his throat as the creature began to slither it's body in the air.

"A soul stealer." Kagome whispered as both Sesshomaru and herself watch the serpent turn and go around the corner in the direction Inuyasha had taken off towards.

'Miko stay put.' Sesshomaru growled backing away giving Kagome room to walk back.

"Wait!" Kagome called after the serpent going after the white snake threw the path at a quick pace.

'Damn it Kagome!' Sesshomaru thought as he went after her, 'what happened to your fear of heights?"  The wall that Kagome had been using as support disappeared leaving only the path for the miko to walk on. Sesshomaru growled one misstep from the miko would result in a terrible and most likely fall, he deduced following behind Kagome. Stopping herself Kagome's eyes suddenly went wide as she looked down to a  protruding platform on the side of the mountain where Kikyou currently held an arrow to her bow with trembling hands.

"HA HA HA you're too weak miko just surrender already." The demon before Kikyou stood tall his green skin contrasting greatly with his pale sick yellow eyes and claws his body twisted out like a standing chameleon. Kikyou pulled the arrow back and took aim towards the demon.

"I will not fall so easily." Letting the arrow fly Kagome watched as it missed its target completely. The demon laughed out showing it's sharp yellow teeth grinning towards the dead miko he continued to laugh.

"You missed, I guess that means it's my turn now." The demon raised his claws up into the air preparing himself to strick.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Inuyasha shouted as he continued to slide down the side of the mountain with a leap he flew onto the platform his sword cutting the demon in half as he landed on the ground. He wasted no time as he turned to Kikyou who took two steps before trembling into the arms of the hanyou. "Kikyou what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked as Kikyou attempted to stand only to fall once again.

"This battle has yet to end." Kikyou remarked as two soul stealers appeared grabbing hold of her arms allowing her to stand. "Behind you." Inuyasha turned and watched in stunned silence as the two halves managed to stand before the opposite side of each body grew out leaving two demon where before there had been only one. 

"Just stay behind me I'll take care of them." Inuyasha remarked as he took a stance in front of the undead miko. Raising his sword into the air Inuyasha moved to attack unable to use his wind scar in fear that the platform would give out and cause Kikyou to fall.

"Inuyasha." Kagome whispered as she watched the half demon hack away at the demons below. Sesshoamru once again caught sight of Kikyou's white serpents and watched as the undead miko absorbed soul after soul which the serpents provided. As the number of soul increased she slowly began to straiten her stance reaching for her arrow she strung an arrow to her bow holding it loosely as she aimed it at the ground, as her dark eyes glance towards Kagome Sesshomaru felt every hair on his body stand on end. Panic shot adrenaline threw his small body as Kikyou raised her bow turning suddenly her arrow now aimed at Kagome who stood oblivious to the threat as she watched Inuyasha fight.

"What's happening?" Light poured threw Seesshomaru body and the smoke covered his paws as Kikyou released her arrow it path Kagome who with a turn of her head suddenly noticed the arrow only to move pass it towards her small puppy. Mesmerized Kagome watched as smoke covered both herself and Fluffy watching her eyes widening watched the glowing puppy change his body shooting up in height making her turn her vision from looking down to up. The glow dimmed slightly revealing porcelain skin belonging to a very familiar figure who now stood in front of her blocking her view of the hanyou. She looked up following his broad shoulder up to his slender neck onto his face the maroon marking and blue white crescent moon standing out against the rest of his glowing skin and silver tresses. That was when she heard it the arrow digging it's way into flesh and Sesshomaru flinching expression as the force of the arrow pushed him forward making her lose her footing.

"SESSHOMARU!" Kagome cried as she fell backwards Sesshomaru arms going around her waist. Inuyasha turned his head back and realization hit him hard as he saw the now smoke clearing spot which Kagome had occupied only seconds before. His vision turned from where Kagome had disappeared from to Kikyo who fell onto her knee the bow slipping from her grasp onto the ground.

"Damn him." Kikyou remarked as she fell forward onto the ground her soul stealers instantly scrambling to give their mistress more soul.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha shouted as he made a move towards the ledge.

"Inuyasha behind you." Kikyo shouted as she sat up. Inuyasha turned reluctantly as he managed to block an attack from one of the demons before pushing him back several feet dropping him from the platform like his other half. Turning he instantly jumped up using several protruding rocks until he reached the ledge and looking over onto the other side his guts retched as he saw the drop down pass several sharp looking rocks onto a vast dense forest. Kagome was nowhere in sight.

"Inuyasha!" He turned back to look at the platform where the both demon's were climbing their way up towards Kikyo. With a final desperate look back down he turned and made his way back to Kikyo


A scream resonated threw the forest as two figures fell breaking threw the canopy of the trees before landing on the ground with a loud thump. Kagome laid on top of Sesshomaru her body shaking, Sesshomaru had switched their position mid fall protecting her from getting hurt. Her face sat against his chest her breathing heavy from her run-in with near death once again.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome rose her head only to gasp as she brushed by the arrow whose tip stuck out of Sesshoamru's chest. Getting off of the demon she quickly checked his wounds "Sesshomaru." She got no reaction from him. The skin around the arrow began to turn a horrible shade of black as the skin around the area began to purify. "Sesshomaru?" She felt tears begin to fall down her cheek as she placed her head down on top of head. "Please Sesshomaru wake up." She begged her tears falling onto the demon lord yet she still received no reply. "You can't die please." Suddenly Kagome moved away as the demon took a ragged breath.

"Kagome you will stop crying this instant this Sesshomaru will not die." Sesshomaru almost doubted his own words as he felt the burning sensation of the purifying arrow entering his blood his breath coming out tattered as the energy came extremely close to his lungs and heart. He tried to sit himself up only to fail as he fell back down biting down a groan.

"Here let me help." Kagome remarked as she help him up into a sitting position before leaning his back on a tree. Suddenly a gasp left Kagome's lips as she noticed the arrow glowing were it had pierced the demon. Her hands suddenly ran across the blacken area only to hear Sesshomaru hiss looking at his face she locked her honey brown eyes with his amber ones. "I have to pull it out." She told him her hand reaching for the glowing arrow.

"I will be fine." Sesshomaru remarked deep inside hating himself for letting her see him in such a pathetic state.

"Oh shut up and hold still." Kagome told him her hands going around the tip of the arrow which pointed out from his body with a single quick tug she had the arrow out of his body. Sesshomaru loudly from the pain before his entire world went black and he became unconscious.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome cried before smoke and light covered the area they were sitting in.

Inuyasha landed on the same narrow path that Kagome fell from Kikyo in his arms letting her fall onto the ground he held his sword over his head.

"WINDSCAR!" Three blades of light raced down hitting the platform and demons which had began their track to them sending them down the mountain in a landslide of rocks. Turning around Inuyasha looked down the steep fall.

"Inuyasha where are you going." Kikyo asked as she shakily stood with the help of her soul stealers.

"To fine Kagome." Inuyasha remarked not turning to look at the dead miko. "I've already lost a lot of time."

"So you are going after her." Kikyo stated as she looked at him. "Hurry then she is still alive."

"How do you know?" Inuyasha asked turning to Kikyo in shock.

"Her souls have yet to return to me." Kikyo said simply.

"I can't believe they were right." Inuyasha remarked looking at the miko as if she had betray him and in a way she had by trying to take one of the most important people to him. "Why?" Kikyou took a second to look into the pleading eyes of the half demon before walking away from him.

"In the end Inuyasha, one of us has to die." Kikyo stated, "and you may be the one who has to decide who lives and who dies." Inuyasha looked after for a second before looking back.

"Damn it I don't have time to think about this right now." Inuyasha growled before jumping off the cliff and sliding down the mountain.

An owl howled in the distance as the fire crackled lighting up the darkness around her and the small white being currently occupying her sleeping bag. After Sesshomaru had gone unconscious he had transformed back into a puppy removing all doubt from Kagome's mine that Sesshomaru truly was her small puppy Fluffy. She looked turned to the small puppy who breathing had even out as he sat bandaged in front of the fire. With a sigh Kagome realized that she had lost her much adored puppy and in a way she had never had him. But since Sesshomaru was really Fluffy didn't that mean that he was conscious of everything he did then that meant...

"He saw me naked!" Kagome gasped turning a shade of bright pink, "more then once!" She squeaked as she went from pink to red. "That pervert." She turned to glare at the puppy only for her anger to die at his small form. Several images crossed her mine as she remembered him and how he had saved her life on countless of occasions. Putting ramen to cook in a pot of boiling water she turned back to observe the puppy.

"He has saved my life though, five times now." Kagome told herself the incidents with Kikyo standing out above the rest. "And that time Kikyou tried to kill me or what about what happened at the hot springs." Thinking back to that her hands moved to her mouth. "His lips were so soft."

"Why did you stay with us?" Kagome asked the sleeping puppy. Why didn't he just leave? Why hasn't he killed Inuyasha for that matter? Why hasn't he killed me for everything I've done to him. "I'm SO CONFUSED." Kagome sighed as she finally understood a lot while at the same time realizing that well she got some answers more questions came to light. But that also meant that he now knew a lot about her suddenly she looked at the puppy in mortification he knew about her crush on Inuyasha and how she felt about Kikyo and oh no. She was snapped out of her thoughts as the small puppy began to stir. Looking at the small puppy she locked eyes with golden.

"Hungry?" Kagome would have slapped herself if it wouldn't have made her look like a fool. Out of all the things she could have said that just had to be the first thing out of her mouth didn't it. Sesshomaru's ears perked up as the smell of food enveloped his senses and with nothing else running threw his mine his tail began to wag exitedly. A whine escaped his him as the pain registered threw his body from his movements.

"You should be careful your hurt pretty badly." Kagome remarked worriedly as she moved to his side forgetting everything that had been going threw her mine moments before. Sesshomaru nodded as he remembered what had taken place and Kikyo's arrows embedding his skin. He felt the pain from his shoulder but truly he was surprised that the damage wasn't much worst the miko powers that Kikyo had should have left him in a worst state then he currently was.

"So are you a regular puppy?" Kagome asked Sesshomaru who looked up his vision locked onto her. She knew he realized, she had seen him transform and now she knew. Nodding to her question he also realized that because he had turn back into a small puppy he now fine. The sudden sound from the fire let him brought his attention to the fact that it was night and that any purification powers that may have been left behind after the arrow hit would have by now run it's course. His vision turning back to Kagome and noticing her in deep thought he suddenly became very nervous more nervous then he could ever remember being in his life as he realized that he would have to explain himself to the her. He felt his stomach knot and he couldn't help but begin to fidgit, that was when it happened.

"Huh?" Kagome remarked as she looked on at the puppy mesmerized as for the first time she observed Sesshomaru's transformation. His small body became covered by light and the area around them became covered by smoke but still Kagome could see clearly how the small body changed molding and changing into the shape that was distinctly Sesshomaru. As the light suddenly died down Sesshomaru's features appears his back against the tree his skin smooth skin his silver tresses and his marking the tattered remains of the bandages falling to the gorund..  Sesshomaru turned to Kagome waiting for her response or any sign that she may give.

Kagome stared at him.

Sesshomaru stared back at her.

Several seconds passed


Slight pause as Kagome panics

"You did not have to scream so loudly." Sesshomaru remarked threw the ringing in his ears as he moved over to her large yellow bag. The wound on his arm healing as he rummaged threw the giant monstrosity known as Kagome's bag.

"Well you should have warned me you were going to be naked." Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow towards Kagome who sat her back facing him a deep maroon blush on her face as she looked strait ahead.

"I have appeared before you several times each time in a state of undress." Sesshomaru stated, "This Sesshomaru would have thought that by now you would have realized it is against my control." Kagome huffed at him not bothering to look behind her.

"You still should have warned me." Kagome remarked.

"Last time this one checked dogs do not speak." Sesshoaru informed her a smirk going on his face as he heard Kagome's indignant huff.

"Oh would you shut up and put some clothes on." Kagome said as she heard him chuckling behind her. Pulling out his neatly folded pants put them on before searching for the rest of his clothes unable to fine anything else he took a seat back against the tree.

"I am decent enough." Sesshomaru remarked towards Kagome who finally turned around.

"Eeek!" Kagome stated with another blush, "I thought you said you were dressed.

"I am." Sesshomaru remarked a smile appearing on his face, they just came so easily when he was around Kagome. "No other clothes were available for this one to wear."

"I must have left the rest at home." Kagome remarked with a nervous laugh. She looked away and then back to the demon lord before with a deep breath managed to gain enough courage to speak to him. "So your Fluffy?" Kagome asked him nervously. Sesshomaru's baited breath came out as he looked at her equally if not more so nervous.

"More correctly Fluffy was myself." He told Kagome thankful and yet at the same dreading the fact that the uncomfortable silence had been broken.

"Okay so how?" Kagome asked before elaborating. "I mean how did you become a small puppy?"

"The night you found me alone in the woods I had been presuming the same mix demon and half demon that attacked Kouga. They were part of a band of demons that broke into my lands to steal when I managed to approach them they cursed me into the body of a regular pup." Sesshomaru told her as he recalled the exact moment his life had changed.

"Why didn't you leave us?" Kagome asked trying to place the jumble of questions in some kind of order.

"You would not let me." Sesshomaru remarked now thankful that he was unable to transform early on. "When I first became a pup you would constantly drag me back into your line of vision.

"Oh" Kagome remarked with a blush, "Why didn't you just turn back to you and leave us or kill or something."

"When you first happen upon me I was not aware of the fact that I could turn back." Sesshomaru told her with a sigh knowing he most likely would have done the second gladly at the time.

"Wait but that means you weren't trying to give me kisses." Kagome remarked with a whine as Sesshomaru laughed. "Since when have you been able to turn back."

"Randomly until the day the dead miko attempted to take your life. Since then I have been more aware of what causes my transformations." Sesshomaru told her.

"Sesshomaru why didn't you tell me or one of the others?" Kagome asked him curiously. "We could have helped you."

"This Sesshomaru was unsure of your reaction." He remarked in a way misleading the answer. He hadn't wanted her to deep inside he would admit he was scared she would have turned away from him.

"Why's made you stay?" Kagome asked him accepting his answer easily. Sesshomaru tensed at that question, the truth was he was staying because of her.

"This Sesshomaru has yet to regain full control of the transformations." Sesshomaru stated, it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the answer to her question but she had no way of knowing that. He also knew had he discovered the key to his transformation early on he would have taken the knowledge and left the group behind to discover a cure to the curse himself. Kagome accepted the answer easily it was in a way easier to accept then what she hoped. That in a way she was the reason he had yet to depart that deep down he had began to maybe have some sort of affection towards her as a friend or companion or something else. Shaking the thought out of her head she laid back letting her eyes scan the sky full of stars deep down wondering why and how she could be taking everything he was telling her so lightly. But despite knowing everything he had probably found out about her she couldn't help but be comfortable around him how can you not be after a said person has saved your life more then once.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome as she simply looked up no expressions on her face or anything as she went deep into her thoughts. He wonder for a moment what she was thinking about until it hit him like a demons claws digging into his chest. Inuyasha, the damn half demon she was infatuated with, bitterly he wondered how he could have let himself fall for the miko knowing her heart belong to another.

"I am sure he is searching for you as we speak." And yet he tried to comfort her despite the pain it brought him. Kagome looked at him with an expression of confusion and he wondered momentarily if maybe he had spoken too cryptically for the miko to understand.

"Who's looking for me?" Kagome asked wondering what he was talking about. Sesshomaru looked at her questionably.

"Inuyasha." He stated.

"Oh right I forgot about him." Kagome laughed almost as surprised as the demon lord to realized she had not been thinking of the half demon. Sesshomaru looked on his jealousy forgotten as with a pleased smile he realized Kagome thoughts had not swayed to the half demon.

"You know this is the first time I've completely forgotten about him, Inuyasha I mean." Kagome told him with a smile noticing him raise his eyebrow in question she laughed, "Oh don't give me that look I've already spilled my guts to you plenty of times as a puppy why should I stop now?" Kagome asked with another huff. Sesshomaru couldn't help the chuckle of relief that escape Kagome would n ot change around him. "You probably think I'm the biggest idiot in the world, what with me being so caught up in your brother."

"Half brother Kagome." Sesshomaru corrected, "And the only idiot this Sesshomaru has yet to see is my half wit half brother, though I must say the monk comes quite close." Kagome laughed.

"Yeah I think all those slaps have knocked something loose in his head." Kagome remarked, "Now come on do you expect me to believe you don't think I'm some kind of moron for liking Inuyasha?" Her expression became serious, "Despite knowing he likes Kikyo over me I'm still waiting." Sesshomaru stood from his spot as he stopped sat in front of the miko a smile on his face as he regarded Kagome's expression.

"You have stopped waiting and have finally moved on that shows that you are no longer an idiot from this Sesshoamru's perspective." Sesshomaru told her getting closer to the miko as he spoke, Kagome looked up and smiled towards the demon lord, "You have been loyal, attentive and very understanding  far more then Inuyasha is deserving of the true idiot on this ones list is Inuyasha for allowing you to slip pass by his finger for nothing else then a mere image of what use to be a miko." Kagome became entrance by his eyes and his soft words as she leaned closer to the said demon, "He is the fool who continues to persue her despite her acknowledgement of wanting someone he loves dead." The fierceness in his eyes showed  he believed everything he said and in a way was trying to let her see thing the way he did. They both suddenly noticed how close they currently were and Sesshomaru eyes fell to Kagome's lip and the sudden urge to taste her once again took over as it had done that day in the hotspring. Kagome too recalled that day as she to drew near her eyes beginning to close.

"Hey Sesshomaru?" She whispered he drew near.

"Yes?" Sesshomaru asked his voice coming out as if in a trance.

"That night on the hot springs, why did you kiss me?" Kagome asked as her eyes closed completely. Sesshomaru opened his mouth to answer...


Demon Selene laughs as all hell breaks loose.

"What this is your punishment since I only got a few review." DS remarks suddenly a knife lands beside her head. "You know what forget what I just said for all of those who did review or have added me to fav author or story this is for you".


"AAARRRGGGG!" There moment was interrupted as a demon broke threw the trees.

"HUMAN! I smell a delicious human. " Sesshomaru felt his eyes bleed red as he angrily turned to look at the demon taking his vision away from Kagome whose eyes had suddenly flown open to also glare at the said scaly green demon with huge red fangs.

"Leave us be vermin." Sesshomaru growled baring his fangs, so close to having a taste of Kagome and this demon had ruin that he would pay. Beginning to stand Sesshomaru was stopped by Kagome hand on his arm.

"Sesshomaru don't your hurt." Kagome remarked as she stood grabbing hold of her bow and arrow.

"I am more then a match for this weakling." Sesshomaru stated as he stood.

"That maybe so but you're still hurt." Kagome stated placing an arrow to her bow.

"It is nothing more then a flesh wound now." Sesshomaru told her his hand beginning to glow.

"Last time I check a whole arrow going threw your shoulder is not a flesh wound." Kagome told the Sesshomaru turning her glare towards him well Sesshomaru felt a twitch begin. Meanwhile the demon looked on as the two fought each other.

"My wounds heal much faster then my half bothers." Sesshomaru told Kagome in irritation, as the demon looked looked at him.

"That was a miko's arrow remember." Kagome spoke the demon turn to look at her.

"Turning into a pup allowed the purification to leave my body without causing this Sesshomaru any damage." Sesshomaru continued, the demon looked back towards the demon lord.

"Aaarrrgg just let me kill him will you." Kagome shouted in fustration.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha broke threw the trees a look of relief as he finally caught her scent. Yet coming to a stop in shock he watched in fascinationas Kagome stood on the tip of her toes glaring towards Sesshomaru who looked down at the miko with a glare himself. Kagome held the arrow taunt against the bow well Sesshomaru's hand glowed brightly.

"I am more then capable of dispatching him." Sesshomaru remarked towards the small female.

"What the hell is happening?" Inuyasha asked the demon who just stood watching the two argue. (hey what can I say the demon is a genius.)

"I think they are arguing about who is going to kill me." The demon remarked towards Inuyasha.

"Why?" Inuyasha asked him.

"I think the big demon got hurt." The demon remarked.

"Why would Sesshomaru be hurt?" Inuyasha asked the demon.

"This kill is mine." Sesshomaru remarked as he turned away from Kagome raising his hand above his head. "And that is final."

"We'll see about that!" Kagome remarked as she pulled the pink arrow up to point towards the demon.

"I think I'm going to die now." The demon stated towards Inuyasha, "it was nice to meet you."

"Yeah same here." Inuyasha remarked as he took several steps away from the demon as both Kagome and Sesshomaru released their attacks which simultaneously hit the demon killing him and turning him to dust all at once.

"Okay he's dead now what?" Kagome asked turning to Sesshomaru whose gaze was locked onto Inuyasha who looked back.

"I believe it is time for me to finally take my leave." Sesshomaru told Kagome as he turned and began to walk away. Inuyasha snapped out of his haze as Sesshomaru turned and not wasting any time he moved over to Kagome's side.

"Kagome are you okay? what happen?" Inuyasha asked as he looked at Kagome's body for injuries but he could see nothing the only difference was Sesshomaru's scent clinging to her.

"Inuyasha wait here I'll be right." Kagome remarked as she ran after the demon lord.

"Sesshomaru wait." Sesshomaru stopped as he turned to see Kagome running to him until she came to a stop in beside him. "I want Fluffy." Kagome remarked threw ragged breaths. Sesshomaru  felt his heart leap as he realized Kagome still wanted him by her side. "Could you please bring him to me?" Kagome begged looking into Sesshoamru amber eyes as she asked him to continue his charade. "I know what your probably thinking but I have my reasons." Kagome told him looking down at her feet.

"Very well." Sesshomaru remarked with a nod as he continued his walk until he disappeared into the trees. With a smile Kagome turned back to her half demon companion who came rushing to her side.

"What happened?" Inuyasha asked Kagome as he stopped in front of her.

"He saved me again." Kagome remarked with a soft smile on her face. " He took Kikyo's arrow which was meant to kill me and then as we fell he protected me from the trees and hitting the ground. He saved my life again, and for that I'll never be able to thank him enough." Kagome smile widen as she thought of all the other reason she had to thank him and one day she might just tell him all about it. Like how he was helping her get over Inuyasha or how he helped her believe she wasn't just a shard detector. The panic she had felt as he turned to leave also let her know something else, she wanted Sesshomaru beside her as an ally and as a friend. And well he probably thought she was just helping him out she truly didn't want to lose him. Inuyasha looked at Kagome and noticed for the first time the feeling of losing her along with it the continuing guilt of not being able to protect her.

"Come on lets go." Inuyasha remarked hiding his pain expression.

"Wait please just a few more seconds." Kagome begged her eyes searching the woods where Sesshomaru had disappeared to in panic once again. What if he wouldn't come back?

"ARFF ARFF!"  Another smile blossoming on her face Kagome began to run towards the puppy who ran towards them. Scooping him into her grasp she hugged him close in a thankful embrace.

"Thank you." She told the demon lord whose tail wagged happily, "Thank you for not leaving me." She missed the pained expression on Inuyasha's face as he once again felt a part of her leave him.

DS: What? I truly thought that little insert was hilarious and for your information at first I wasn't going to put this chapter up but after thinking hard and long I decided it was time to get this story moving and let me tell you this is just the start of the end of this story. Don't worry you all still have quite a couple of chapters to read before the very end begins to take place. So I want reviews or else (DS start to go off like a solder.)


Note: Okay I know some people were saying that the sickle and chain was Kohaku's weapon but I reason that since Sango was a slayer she would also know how to use the weapon and come on it made a great scene.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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