Pure Poison by Lady Kirara

April Fool's - Snowflakes

Prompt: April Fool's Day Mini-Challenge

Word Count: 374

Summary: Sesshoumaru and Shippou want to surprise Kagome, but who’s tricking who? AU

Posted: 4.01.11

Disclaimer: Inu and Co. belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I own nothing but the ideas and voices in my head. :3


Shippou grinned to himself when Kagome and Sesshoumaru came rushing through the door at his outburst. Sesshoumaru shot him a wry smirk and led the woman at his side out onto the back porch, where it was indeed covered in snow.

Kagome gasped and covered her mouth with one hand, “I don’t believe it. It really is snowing. I’ve got to tell Sango.” Both males paled while she dialed the number to her best friend. The night before they had covered the backyard in a thin layer of fake snow to trick the woman, knowing how much she loved it. Now they rethought their plan. They listened intently as she gushed about the snow that was adorning her backyard. “What do you mean?” They heard the slight falter of her voice.

Kagome deposited the phone back in its cradle, slipped on her shoes and wrapped her robe around her tighter. She prepared herself for the cold she was sure would be wafting inside any minute and, taking a brave step she rushed out onto the snow-covered porch. Shippou and Sesshoumaru gasped when tiny snowflakes started falling atop her head.

Looking to each other they decided to see for themselves. “It really is snow!” She exclaimed a second time trying to catch the tiny particles in her hands. Sesshoumaru side stepped her and caught several in his palm for inspection.

“Hn. Although unusual it would seem that it actually is. Who would have thought of snow in April?” Kagome giggled as she observed her two favorite men as they watched the flakes in wonder. Shippou caught one on his tongue and coughed.

“Kagome! These aren’t real!”

She gave them both a wide Cheshire cat grin and pointed to the roof. “Okay you two, you can come out now.”

They wondered what she meant until Sesshoumaru saw his half-brother and Miroku step into view. Inuyasha held a fan in one hand and Miroku had a snow machine in another. “Thanks for the help you two.”

“Anytime Kags.” Inuyasha spouted.

“April fools boys!” She chirped happily, “As if you could out trick the trickster.”

Kagome stuck out her tongue at them. Sesshoumaru and Shippou looked to one another. Shippou raised an eyebrow and Sesshoumaru looked bored,



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