Moments by Skyisthelimit


A/N: Hi guys! So this is my collection of the drabbles I posted for March 27th's DDN (Sring Themed!) It's completed, so you can see how it all ends (Unfortunately, Chat broke down almost just after the last prompt was released so no one saw anyone's last drabble). I hope you like!

This also doubles as my entry to Cakeiton's and FallenTenchi's Old Dog New Tricks Challenge. Cake, Tenchi, I hope you get a laugh out of this! I had fun with it :3

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha


Prompt 1: Sprinkle

(Word Count: 100)

“It’s just a sprinkler system.”

“It is irritating.” The daiyoukai scowled, refusing to take another step on the sidewalk, which was quickly turning dark under the barrage of water drops.

“What are you, a cat?” The miko giggled at the inuyoukai’s antics.

He leveled a glare down at her. “Hardly. But this Sesshomaru refuses to get wet like this – it is undignified. And the noise is insufferable.”

Kagome smirked, “Oh really?” She glanced down at her white blouse before stepping purposely under the stream. She glanced over her shoulder and cocked a brow. “You sure it doesn’t have its merits?”


Prompt 2: Mist

(Word Count: 100)

Sesshomaru growled as more of Kagome’s enticing form became visible through her transparent wet blouse and revealed to the gawking boys around the neighborhood. Hesitation gone, he stepped under the mist of water and covered her petit body with his own.

“What, exactly, do you think you’re doing?” he rumbled.

She giggled into his chest. “This could be private show- just install one of these in our yard. If you can, that is.”

“Is that a challenge, minx?”

“Ha, no. This is a desperate attempt to save the lawn that you neglect when I’m not there to nag you.”



Prompt 3: Blossom

(Word Count: 100)

Sesshomaru growled under the mud on his face, listening to Kagome’s giggles. He glared at the infernal contraption he was trying to install between two cherry blossom trees, contemplating melting it, but that would be a waste of money. Still, he would not tolerate his miko laughing at him.

Hearing giggles that weren’t his mates, he was suddenly inspired. Smirking, he nonchalantly stripped off his shirt in the blazing sun, and waited.

A few whispers and sighs from the next yard over later, Sesshomaru found himself being yanked up to be fiercely kissed by Kagome and smirked. He always won.


Promt 4: Fresh

(Word Count: 100)

Inuyasha snorted from the kitchen counter. “He’s still at it? You know, he’s lived for a thousand years. You’d think he’d know how to install a friggin’ sprinkler.”

“Oh, like you knew how to install cable?” She retorted, pulling out the fresh batch of non-sweet cookies she had made for her mate.

Inuyasha watched as the daiyoukai was squirted with another jet of water. “Yeah, but this is just sad.”

Kagome sighed, not even flinching when a thin jet of green light broke through the kitchen window and whipped Inuyasha off his seat. “You’re fixing that,” she told the hanyou.


Prompt 5: Bloom

(Word Count: 100)

It was done. Sesshomaru gazed contentedly at the newly installed sprinkler as it sprayed water over Kagome’s blooms. It worked perfectly, as expected.

Kagome came out of the house, carrying a tray of his cookies and a pitcher of water. “You did it!” she smiled.

“Did you doubt this Sesshomaru?”

She rose to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Of course not. Now, did you get the timer running?”

“…Excuse me?”

“The timer – the thing that’ll make sure it goes off automatically at the right time?”


Kagome quickly jumped between the sprinkler and him before he could melt it.


Prompt 6: Spring

(Word Count: 100)

Sesshomaru stood under the powerful shower spray, letting the water sooth his irritation. After a few moments, he listened as Kagome joined him, keeping his back turned.

“I made Inuyasha fix the timer. He’s wrestling with it now.”


He felt a delicate hand stroke his back, his muscles springing at the touch. “You were very sexy today,” she purred.

“Is that so?” Sesshomaru smirked, turning, only to find her clad in one of his white button-downs getting, wetter by the second.

She grinned. “I promised a private show, didn’t I?”

Perhaps the infernal sprinkler had its merits after all.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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