The Puppy by Riku Ryuu
Missing Love
Hi! If you have not already seen the rating change, this is a M rated story now. I know that the rating keeps on going up, but I wanted to do the seven deadly sins challenge and one of my ideas was not exactly t rated. I'm sorry to all of you how are not yet 16, but I did not want to have to create a seperate story. Anyway, this chapter is for Envy.
Sesshomaru drifted awake and instantly noticed something was wrong. His eyes snapped open and went to the spot next to his body, where a little puppy usually made its bed. The spot looked unused and empty.
Sesshomaru rolled out of bed and hurried to the door. What if Dolly had gotten out of the house somehow and was locked out in the cold? What if she had knocked over something and was trapped under it, unable to bark for help? The possibilities ran through his head, all bad. Dolly always slept with him, always.
A clock on the wall said that it was two in the morning, much too early for the little Dalmatian to be up out of bed. The only logical conclusion was that she had not gone to bed with him the night before. A quick check of the hallway showed there was no puppy in it, so he started opening doors.
No, no, no. One room after the other he checked, worry rising in his chest to settle around his neck in a choke hold. He made it all the way to the guest bedroom without seeing any sign of Dolly and, without thinking, opened the door. He blinked at the sight before him and suddenly he remembered his new housemate. He moved into the room and stared at the slumbering woman.
Black hair spilled over the pillow in a wave of silk, slightly messy from twisting and turning in her sleep. Her face was relaxed in sleep, eyelashes thick and beautiful against the top of her cheek. Pink lips were parted slightly and a quiet noise, a little snore, came from her. The blanket dipped down below her stomach, showing Sesshomaru that she wore a barely there black tank top to bed. And curled up next to her stomach was the missing puppy.
Sesshomaru frowned down at Dolly, a strange feeling of jealousy entering his body. He shook his head, trying to get the feeling to go away. Dolly was Kagome’s dog, not his; it was only right that the Dalmatian slept with her owner.
He left the room and gently closed the door behind him. While he walked back to his room he battled the ridiculous emotion. He didn’t even want the puppy to sleep with him.
Did he?
All done. This is not the one that made me change the rating, that one is to come soon enough. In other news, I am celebrating that I have 1000 hits on my profile. I feel so happy, so very happy about that. Anyway, please leave a review if you want.
Thank you so much.