Collection of Nonsense by Itsumademo

Titled: Is this a Dream?

Random Drabble

Prompt Inspiration: 'what is dream and what is reality' and my drawing titled 'i doodled' 


Greetings all!

Late, late this is..and late i am. Slow, slow i be. I know. But here is one of many at last! Yes, many. I have several written bits and bobs hanging around in my drabbles folder. Unfortunately few are finished, and of those finished ones few are completely edited. Le sigh to my slowness. I'm working though, working slowly but surely.

This piece was inspired by the doodle i put up a little while ago now titled 'i doodled' as well as inspired said doodle. Basically it started as a general idea, which i then just put on paper and into words.



“Huhmmmm mmm hmmmm….hmmmmm mmm….laaaahh daahhh…ahh uuhhahuh uhh..”

Softly she hummed a random tune, the snipping of the blades as she trimmed flowers and brush joining along with her melody. The rich colored buds were now fully bloomed, filling the reawakened garden with a life she felt she sorely needed. Hoping that while working among the nature some of that fresh air would soak in and brighten the black spot growing in her chest.

Her movements slowed as she drifted into thought. She couldn’t understand why all this was happening to her anyways; there was no tangible reason it should be. Nothing real…none whatsoever.

Suddenly she stopped, coming face to face with a silky flower, a golden, sleek, elegant petaled flower that did not belong amongst the others. It was different, it was strange and out of place. She didn’t even know where it came from. But still, the tall flower silently looked on at her, while she cast a mesmerized blue gaze at it.

A breeze swept through the patch of green she worked, jostling the gilded plant with a waving bob.

“Hm…” she hummed.

It’s like his eyes. …His eyes…

“What are you thinking, Kagome?”

She titled her head slightly towards the man sitting at her side, a listless expression on her features. “Nothing really. Just enjoying the…” a contented sigh slipped past her lips, which then curled into a minute smile “…the nothingness.”

Soon, the dusky haze of sunset began to cast a gentle glow on the pair.

She had never felt so at peace before, it was some sort of serene yet pleasant…love? Honestly, she had never felt real love before; she didn’t know what it was meant to be like. Maybe she was simply imagining it. How could she differentiate between such an intense emotion and a fleeting dream? But, she supposed she did know one thing about it. She didn’t want to let it go…

A warm gust of air wafted against her neck, the tip of a nose trailing along with it. She huffed a gladdened chuckle, leaning into the affectionate touch and joining with the nuzzle he gave.

For several minutes they rested against one another, his face nestled in her hair as she lay on his shoulder.


She turned her head up slightly, peeking open her eyes in eased curiosity to catch his own.


He just looked down at her, the words speaking through his expression alone.

She pulled away to better see him, her once happy visage and blissful air changing abruptly.

“No, you can’t.”

His molten eyes shut in visual confirmation. “I must.”

The embrace they shared left her as the man stood, his movement’s fluid and captivating.

Kagome’s saddened gaze followed his figure, her body leaning forward, anxious fingers grasping at the blades of green grass beneath her. “No, wait, please. You can’t leave, not yet.”

“It is time.”

Without looking back, he turned from her, steadily walking across the field.

“No please, please wait...” her voice had grown a little urgent as her pleading continued.

Scrambling up, she went after his retreat, the silvery white glow of his free flowing hair was like a beacon to her worries. Almost jumping to catch him, her hand stretched out to grasp his equally snowy sleeve.

Fingers just shy, she echoed again, “Wait!”

Still he did not stop.

Water began to blur her vision, tears slipping free as she cried out. “STOP! Please don’t leave me! PLEASE!”

Her heart skipped a beat as the silken fibers bunched firmly in her hand, jerking the man out of his pace. Unleashing a shaky sigh of relief, her lips parted to speak once more, yet softly this time. However, just as a smile had come back to her, the words on the tip of her tongue, his sleeve began to fade.

Sapphire widening, the tears seemed to freeze as she did, watching in shock as he dissipated, vanishing like a dreamy smoke drifts off into the atmosphere.

“..wait..” her voice quiet, mumbling, “wait…wait…”

Taking a deep, sobbing breath, she jabbed her hand out to catch him in a final effort, her screaming exhale rang in unison as her fist closed, “WAAAIITT!”

A snipping sound echoed, the slick metallic friction of polished blades biting at something thick yet malleable. Something...something… Her eyes flew open, reality returning just soon enough to catch the moment that golden bloom tumbled from its place. Watching the fall, it was as if the world slowed, the snip of decapitated flesh as the stalk was broken from its poised head of bullion petals.

She just stared blankly, stunned and unmoving. What had she done?

Quickly, time returned and the bud dropped onto her lap. A few tears slid down her cheeks, her hands tenderly slipped beneath the flower top and lifted it closer to her distraught stare.

“What is wrong with me?” she mused under her breath, her thumb lightly caressing the delicate, smooth petals.

As much as she felt this love, a love she couldn’t even truthfully say was that, she was also being plagued by something else. A complete opposite, yet still wholly unknown, was an utter sense of despair. A black hole growing inside and she simply could not pinpoint why this was happening to her. It made no sense; nothing was making sense anymore.

It was just a dream. …Right? But how...why did it feel so real?

The lonely bloom in her cupped hold was cool against her skin; it looked almost pale somehow. No, this was only a flower. It couldn’t pale, it wasn’t alone, and it wasn’t meant to be warm.


Her entire world had become a land of uncertainty; she constantly questioned everything that came to her. It all seemed to have started with the dreams. With him. But she didn’t even know him! Why, why was this strange man always there? Always bringing on these emotions she had never known and probably weren’t true, regardless.

An escaped tear hit a petal; her mind focused to see she had been crushing the flower a little. She released a small, nervous chuckle. It would appear the usually peaceful act of maintaining her garden was no longer quelling her frenzied thoughts.

Maybe she wasn’t able to do these things, maybe the reason that place of serenity felt so genuine, was because that realm of sweet imaginings was reality and all this had become the dreams.

Abruptly she laughed, loud and full resignation, a silly acceptance of how crazy she sounded.

Rocking a bit on her heels, she drew up into a stance, the bud still in the cradle of her hands. A bit languidly she turned and walked to the open screen, her attention not drifting from the golden flower, the golden eyes looking back at her.

What is dream, and what is reality? She didn’t know anymore. Nevertheless, she knew that any place this strange man was, this being that instilled a purposeful, wondrous tangle of emotions, that was were she wanted to be. That was her truth.

That was her reality.


Don’t forget!!

ALWAYS have the statuses and information about any updates and/or progress of this ‘series’, or any of my stories on my profile in the ‘Main’ section. ^-^



INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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