Her Unwanted Savior by MidNigh


~ The chapters are short because this story was written for a challenge and I didn't want the to be very long... Sorry.... Its also why there is only 10 chapters ~ Sessy21~

Kagome gasped as she hit the water, the force of her fall knocking the air from her lungs. She began to paddle toward the surface, fighting against the drag of her sodden clothes. The burn in her chest made Kagome want to scream. Her heart dropped into her stomach, as two strong arms locked around her waist and hauled her out of the water and into a muscular body.

Sesshomaru clutched Kagome's trembling form to him as he burst from the water , landing on the river bank. Kagome winced as her unwanted savior pounded on her back, commanding her to breath. She pushed against his chest, wanting out of his arms. Sesshomaru looked Kagome over with concerned eyes.

“ Are you okay” He asked eying the scratches that marred her face.

Kagome climbed, unsteadily to her feet and gave him her back. She marched toward the trees, not even glancing back at Sesshomaru. He watched her walk away from his anger rising. Sesshomaru flashed in front of her blocking her path.

“ Where do you think your going!” He demanded, when she tried to go around him.

Kagome brushed her wet hair aside with a quick flick and glared up at him.

“ You've satisfied your curiosity, My Lord. You now know what it like to fuck a human! Now get out of my way, I want nothing more to do with you!” She raged shoving him back a step. Sesshomaru raised a brow in understanding.

“ Allow me to explain Kagome. You don't understand.” He said and took her arm. Kagome yanks away from him her face turning red.

“ Save it! I have no wish to hear anything you have to say.” She replied acidly. Sesshomaru growled and shook her, his hands gripping her shoulders.

You will shut up and you will listen to what I have to say, even if I have to gag you for that to happen.” He yelled still shaking her. Kagome grabbed his forearms with her hands, trying to pry them off. When he didn't budge, she sighed and gave up.

Fine. I'm listening!” She spat. Sesshomaru released her and cleared his throat.

The conversation you over heard was not what you think. I was trying to get Rai off my back and buy some time. Rai is the Demon Lord of the northern lands, I agreed to wed his daughter because it was one of my fathers last wishes and to avoid a senseless war. Tessa is merely my wife, and in name only. She holds no power in my lands and no place in my heart, those things go only to my mate.” He informed her. Kagome looked at him puzzled.

You just said Tessa was your mate? How come she doesn't have any power then?” She asked, still glaring at him. Sesshomaru mentally rolled his eyes.

Tessa is my wife not my mate. They are to very different things. A wife can be any woman, from anywhere but, a demon only gets one mate. They feel an instant attraction for one another, there is not mistaking the common lust one feels for a wife, with the intense feelings that come with the mate bond.” He informed her hoping she would catch on. Kagome's anger returned with a vengeance.

So since Tessa isn't you mate, you think you can keep sleeping with me until you find this one turn love of yours. Then what? You put me aside for her, just like you doing with Tessa! That's even worse than before.” Kagome raved, fighting the urge to hit him. Sesshomaru pulled her to him, nuzzling her neck.

You little idiot. YOU are my mate, there can be no other.” Sesshomaru placed a kiss at the base of Kagome's ear, then raised his face to look at her face. Her mouth formed a little O that brought a smile to his face.

Me?” She repeated disbelief. Sesshomaru nodded and kissed the frown from her face.

But I'm human!” She said.

It does not matter. We can not chose our mates.” Kagome looked at him in silence for along time before narrowing her eyes.

Okay I believe you, but I wont share you with Tessa or anyone else.!” She informed him, her stare

hard. Sesshomaru huffed indignantly.

What part of there can be no other don't you understand.” He demanded.

I just want to be clear.” She relied. Sesshomaru shook his head.

You will have to go the the transition. It will bond us completely and match your life span to mine.” He continued. Kagome thought for a moment.

Will it hurt?” She asked, when Sesshomaru shook his head Kagome nodded.

Okay. I'll do it then.” Sesshomaru took her hand.

As if you had a choice.” He said and pulled her into his arms. “ Come mate. We have much to do, I require an heir.” He said and took off toward his keep.

WHAT!” Kagome yelled as they flew threw the trees.

                                                                       ~ END ~


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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