Prisoner of Mating Season by DemonQueen17

Start the Countdown at 5


Note: Another cuckoo crazy plunny dressed in black leather just happened to fall onto my lap. Funny how this one looks like a short-haired Sesshy with earrings, tattoos and so forth. This is my response to r0o-r0o’s GM Challenge. In this one, Sesshy is a bit OOC in that he doesn’t have a stick up his tight butt and he’s more of a badass than usual. This won’t be your typical prim and proper Western Lord. I’m going to add bits of Inu/Shiori in this one as well.

Prisoner of Mating Season: Start the Countdown at 5

Sesshomaru sat in a jail cell, watching his many cellmates, who were his fellow bar patrons, engaging in activities from talking to fighting. He knew the officers on duty heard all the commotion, but did nothing to stop the scuffles. Eventually, the scuffles ended and everyone went about their business. The taiyoukai found this amusing; weaklings proving what manhood they had. As he watched his cellmates interact with each other, Sesshomaru couldn’t help but think back to how he ended up in his current situation. Not to mention mating season was only six days away and his beast was already starting to stir. He wanted to get out of that jail cell as soon as possible.


It had been another rough night at the bar. Actually, it was worse with Sesshomaru being there. Anyone and everyone challenged him to a fight. Of course, the taiyoukai obliged them and every opponent ended up either on the floor, missing teeth, bumps, and bruises. Some of them even had claw marks and burns of varying degrees. And they just kept on coming. Soon, it turned into an all-out brawl and EVERYONE was involved.

Soon, police sirens were heard and police cars surrounded the bar. Apparently, someone called the police after seeing someone being tossed out the front window. Many patrons tried to exit the bar, but to no avail. The bar was completely surrounded by dozens of police officers, with guns drawn. Many officers entered the bar, rounding up everyone in it. Sesshomaru knew he could take on the entire squad, but he decided to put his hands up while the nearest officer, a rather attractive human female, proceeded to handcuff him.

While he was being handcuffed and led to a squad car, Sesshomaru caught a glimpse of her name tag: ‘Higurashi’, as in the Higurashi line of priests and mikos. He knew this police officer was a miko. The question was why she was a police officer instead of a miko maintaining the family shrine. Perhaps, that was a side job and this one was actually her paying job. It didn’t matter to him as he was pushed into the car.  What was even more interesting was that Officer Higurashi was ordered to sit beside him in the back seat.

Of course, she and everyone else knew exactly who he was. “Lord Sesshomaru Taisho of the Western Lands, I presume?”

Sesshomaru smirked at the little officer. “You know who I am.”

Officer Higurashi snorted. “So does everyone else. Let me guess, another brawl?”

“But of course. Punks try to hit me and I hit them back. It’s self-defense.”

As they headed to the station, the taiyoukai caught her making glimpses of his body. He also noticed a blush creeping on her face as she took notice of his powerful body, that is, what was visible. That was when he decided to play with her a bit by scooting a little closer. “Do you like what you see, Officer? Perhaps, you would like to take a closer look.”

Officer Higurashi swallowed the quick-forming lump in her throat before answering. “You should know better than to invade one’s private space, Taisho. It is rather rude. Besides, you shouldn’t flatter yourself. I’ve seen better bodies than yours.”

Sesshomaru was becoming more intrigued by the female officer as he knew any other female would have gone head over heels at seeing him. “Now, now, Officer, you should know better than to lie to an inuyoukai.”

The squad car soon pulled into the station and Officer Higurashi led Sesshomaru into the station and into the holding area. There, she undid the taiyoukai’s handcuffs, allowing him to massage his wrists. The officer couldn’t help but take in his appearance and his attire; short and somewhat spiky silver hair, enchanting golden eyes, rimmed with red, maroon double stripes, an indigo crescent moon on each cheek adorning his forehead, several silver earrings and studs in his ears, very tall, at least 6 feet, well muscled, from what she could tell from his exposed chest, a silver-spiked leather collar, black fingerless gloves, a black leather jacket, black wife-beater tank top, and tight black leather pants which accentuated the muscles of his legs, ending with knee-length black leather steel-toe boots.

Sesshomaru noticed the officer staring at him and smirked. “So, Officer, is this part where you frisk me?”

Kagome stopped staring at him and frowned. “Be quiet, turn around, and face the wall. This is just a routine to check for any concealed weapons.”

“Go ahead. After all, this is part of your job.”

“Shut up and do as I say, punk.” Sesshomaru happily obliged her and faced the wall. Anyone else who called him a punk would have ended up in the hospital or six feet under. However, this female calling him a punk actually excited him. He did not know whether it was the upcoming mating season that made him feel this way or if there were actual feelings for this one.

“Ah, this is the part where you frisk me. I can assure you I got nothing to hide.”

 Kagome refused to dignify that wise comment with a response as she proceeded to search him. Little did she know was that Sesshomaru’s beast was purring at her touch, especially when she felt his sides, down to his legs.

“There, all done. You don’t have any concealed weapons after all.” With that, she led Sesshomaru to a cell.


That was how he ended up in his current situation. Sesshomaru basked in the memory until someone was foolish enough to interrupt. “I want that jacket.”

It was obvious the taiyoukai didn’t like his thoughts being interrupted. “Come again?”

“I know you heard what I said, you punk-ass youkai. I SAID I want that jacket.”

“That’s what I thought you said. If you want it,” Sesshomaru stood up from his reclined position, cracked his neck and knuckles. Apparently, he was ready for a fight. “Come and take it.”

The brave but stupid cellmate charged at him, ready to throw a punch. Sesshomaru caught it, squeezing it, bringing the screaming fool to his knees. “Funny, I thought you said you wanted my jacket. But this takes me back. Never had anyone on their knees before me in over five hundred years. Obviously a piece of shit like you doesn’t know who the fuck I am. Guess it’s time to teach you your place, bitch.” With that, he punched the poor fool in the face, knocking him out. The other cellmates were stunned at the display.

Sesshomaru glared at any potential opponents. “Anyone else want my jacket?”

Of course, another cellmate grabbed his broad shoulder, which was a big mistake. Sesshomaru grabbed his wrist and tossed him over his head, his body colliding with the bars of the cell and falling in a heap. “That’s it? Come on.”

Meanwhile, the officers were just outside the holding area when they heard screams and moans of pain. They looked at one another and headed to the holding cell. They reached the holding cell and gasped at the sight before them. One of them raced out to find Officer Higurashi.

Officer Higurashi was on her way out after a long shift when one of the officers called her out. “Higurashi! You gotta come to the holding cell quick!”

“Damn it! Two officers can’t handle one youkai? And just when I was done for the night. Fine, I’m coming.” Officer Higurashi followed the two officers to the taiyoukai’s holding cell. She was stunned by what she saw; Sesshomaru reclining on the lone bench while everyone else was sprawled out on the floor.

He turned to see Officer Higurashi and a couple of other officers standing in front of the cell. “What? I couldn’t let those weak fucks have my jacket.”

Officer Higurashi sighed with irritation as she grabbed the keys to the cell and unlocked the door. “This is ridiculous. It’s only been a few hours and already you’re involved in a brawl. That’s it. You’re coming with me, Taisho.” She took the opportunity to grab him by the arm.

The taiyoukai arched an eyebrow at this. “And where exactly am I going, Officer?”

Kagome took the time to glare at him. “Somewhere where you won’t cause anyone any bodily harm; your own cell.”

“I was thinking you could take me to your place.”

The police officer may have been scowling but deep down, she was getting turned on by the sound of his voice and he knew it. “Don’t make me laugh.” They finally reached a solitary cell. “Well, looks like we’re here. Enjoy your stay.”

Sesshomaru sighed as he entered his cell and removed his jacket, revealing powerful arms; both arms decorated with two tattoos each; one consisting of a heart stabbed through by three swords and the other was a tribal tattoo encircling his bicep while the left arm had a matching tribal tattoo encircling that bicep and Japanese characters meaning ‘Western Moon’. “It couldn’t hurt. Aren’t you going to frisk me again?”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? But sorry, it’s not going to happen. Goodnight. I’ll be back in the morning. You’ll get your phone call then.” With that, she left and headed for home, trying to hide her curiosity.  

When he no longer sensed Higurashi’s aura in the precinct, Sesshomaru sighed, imagining what the officer looked like without her uniform on. At that point, he didn’t care if she was human. She was a feisty one; the kind of woman that drove him and his beast insane. “Hmm, there’s always next time.” His beast couldn’t agree more. With that, he lay back on the cot and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Kagome was relieved to be off duty as she headed home. Tonight was a rather interesting night for her, especially with that taiyoukai. She couldn’t understand why he was the only thing on her mind ever since she arrested him. Sure, he was good-looking, beautiful even. Who was she kidding? He was leather-clad sex personified. “Come on, Kagome. Get a grip. You just arrested him a few hours ago.”

She decided to take a cold shower as soon as she arrived home. It had been a most interesting night for her, with Sesshomaru. What was it with him trying to get into her pants when he had just met her just hours ago? He could have had any youkai bitch he wanted. Instead, he somehow wanted her. The police officer put those thoughts aside as she arrived home where her mother, brother and grandfather were asleep since it was pretty late. Of course, they left dinner on the stove. She had her dinner, headed upstairs, took that cold shower and went to bed.

Morning came as Sesshomaru awoke, waiting for Officer Higurashi to arrive and give him his phone call. It was yet another day closer to mating season. He was hell-bent on taking the officer for himself. Like clockwork, the officer arrived, unlocked his cell and led him to the phone. Officer Higurashi watched him intently as he dialed the number he was trying to reach. She couldn’t help but stare at him from the back as he had his jacket over one shoulder. Sesshomaru looked back at her, causing her to blush and smirked. ‘I’ll deal with her after I’ve gotten off the phone with the whelp.’

The cell phone rang incessantly as an irritated growl resonated in a bedroom. “Who the fuck could be calling this early in the fucking morning?”

A large clawed grabbed the cell phone from underneath a blanket. “What?...You’re kidding, right?...*sigh*... What do you want me to do until then?... Fuck, fine, I’ll get ya a change of clothes… I’ll bail your ass out in a few days…Later.” *click* The large hand then put the phone back on the night table.

A female body topped with long lavender hair rose up. “What was that about?”

Another body, obviously larger and male with short silver hair and puppy ears rose up as well. It was quite clear this one was a hanyou, as was the lavender-haired female. “Nothing, koi. Just that Sesshomaru’s waiting for mating season to mate with some cop at the station. I gotta take the lead and deal with those old farts until then. But first, a change of clothes is in order for him.”

*sigh* “That’s Sesshomaru for you. Well, let’s see what’s in that closet of his. You just get ready while I get his outfit together.” The female hanyou reached up, kissed him, and headed to Sesshomaru’s closet. She was the only one allowed in his closet as she had the best fashion sense in the house. And his closet consisted of a lot of denim, black and leather as of late, in addition to the suits he wore for official business. His kimono were under lock and key for sentimental reasons as were his swords.

“Hai, koi. As you command.” And so, the male hanyou went to take a shower.

Back at the station, Sesshomaru got off the phone and looked at Officer Higurashi. “Judging by the blush on your face, you actually like what you see.”

The officer snorted in response. “It’s nothing. Let’s get back to your cell.” They headed back to his solitary cell. When they arrived at his cell, Kagome couldn’t help but wonder why the Western Lord would want to get himself arrested for getting involved in a brawl.

“So, tell me, Taisho-sama, why would you get yourself arrested like a common criminal?”

“I just want to set an example. No one, not even me, is above the law. You break the law, you pay for it, no matter how minor the infraction. I’m sure I’m looking at a huge fine and payment for the damages at the bar. Besides, who wants to deal with a bunch of old farts who served my father when he was Lord? It’s enough to drive anyone to get out of the house and drink. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll wait for my change of clothes.”

“Uh, sure, there’s a shower on the other side.”

“I appreciate it. Would you like to watch?”

“Hentai! My job doesn’t require ogling the Lord of the West. I’ll see if your change of clothes is here.” Officer Higurashi returned to the front desk where she encountered a tall, powerfully built hanyou with short silver hair and puppy ears with a carry-on bag of clothes, enough for a few days. “Can I help you?”

“You the officer he’s been digging on lately?”

“Those must be Taisho-sama’s clothes. Let me take these off your hands.”

The hanyou handed over the clothes. “You haven’t answered my question, Officer. Are you the one Sesshomaru’s been digging on or not?”

Officer Higurashi frowned at his attitude. “If you mean harassing me at every turn, then yes, that would be me.”

The hanyou looked at the officer’s nameplate at her breast. “Higurashi, huh? A miko? You’ve gotta be kidding.”

Officer Higurashi took offense to his comment. “And what is wrong with mikos?”

“Nothin’ except they’re bad news. Had to deal with one way back when. She kinda looked like you and was a total bitch. Had the nerve to try and change me into a human and fuck with my House. Well, she’s dead now. Had no choice but to kill her, the fucking racist bitch. Anyway, I’ll be back in a few days to bail his ass out.”

“In a few days? Why not bail him out while you’re here?”

“’Cause that’s what he wants. I ain’t goin’ back on my word. See ya.”

“Wait! I didn’t get your name, hanyou.”

“Since you’re askin’, it’s Inuyasha, Inuyasha Taisho. See ya in a few days. Take care of him, ya hear?”

“Uh, sure, Inuyasha-san. And not all mikos are bad news, you know.”

“Keh, whatever. Later.” With that, Inuyasha left while Kagome headed to the back of the station where Sesshomaru most likely had finished his shower. Swallowing hard, the miko officer encountered Sesshomaru in all his naked taiyoukai glory; his neck free of the studded collar for the time being, powerful tattooed arms, broad shoulders, a well-defined chest, washboard abs, muscular legs, his hips, wrists, and ankles accentuated with double stripes which matched with those on his sculpted cheeks. She could also tell he was WELL endowed elsewhere.

Sesshomaru smirked at Officer Higurashi’s embarrassment. “I see Inuyasha delivered.”

“Yes, I’ll leave you to change.” Suddenly, Sesshomaru’s hand grabbed her from behind and held her by the waist.

“You are welcome to watch me dress, my dear Officer. Since you have seen everything, it’s fitting that I get to see all of you and soon.” The taiyoukai licked the edge of the officer’s ear, making her weak in the knees. Her breathing and heart rate quickened just a bit as she struggled to free herself from his hold.

“I have to get back to work.”

“Sure, Officer. Wouldn’t want to keep you from doing your public duty. But before I let you go, I just have to have your name.”

“It’s Kagome.  Now please let me go.”

“Kagome…a name as enticing as your scent. Very well, I’ll see you later then.” Sesshomaru then released his hold on her and got dressed. She tasted as good as she smelled. He dreamed of the possibilities of how he would claim her as his. Ah yes, he couldn’t wait for the start of mating season.

That’s it for now. I’m most definitely going to continue this. You WILL get more of this. Later. ^_^


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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