Kagome Doll by Hairann
Very bad day
Title: Kagome's very bad day
Author: Hairann
Theme: Hairann's Weird-ified Challenge: One of those days
Genre: Comedy
Rating: High T
Warnings: Implied nudity, one swear. Some disturbing imagery.
Word Count: 1300
Summary: Today just isn't Kagome's day.
AN: Okies this one is set up as each scene being a 100 word drabble. This was done on purpose to give you guys just a snap shot of what happened, to go more with the flow of the song. This wasn't the song I planned on doing next, but this story came to mind and just had to write it lol.
I do not own the song One of those days, Weird Al does. I also do not own the bathing song.
It was only dawn and Kagome already knew it was going to be one of those mornings. The kind that made her want to stay in bed, pray she awoke the next morning to find it was just a nightmare. One of those times that when they happened to someone else they were hilarious, but when you had the starring role, you just wanted to die.
Kagome growled in frustration as she held the candy coated lock of hair. Apparently Shippo had gone to bed with a lollipop, yet again. As always, it was Kagome's hair that paid the price.
Kagome bent over into the river, collecting a bucket of water to cook breakfast with. While she had been busy cleaning the candy out of her hair, the half-demon had begun complaining about being hungry and wanting ramen. Of course, it never occurred to him to prepare it for himself, nope he simply demanded that she lit a fire under her and made him his breakfast.
She felt her eye twitch when a hand began caressing her backside. Swinging the bucket around to hit Miroku upside the head, Kagome lost her balance and fell backwards into the shallow river.
Breakfast was made and everyone was eating quietly, or at least they should have been. Instead she was half listening to Inuyasha griping about Shippo's bowl being fuller than his. Knowing full well that the portions were completely even, Kagome did her best to ignore his insistent nagging.
This of course, only caused the half-demon to become louder in his complaining when he realized he did not have her undivided attention. “Sit!” she finally hollered, her last shred of patience snapping. Unfortunately for her, the shaking his subduing created, caused her hot bowl to tip over into her lap.
Kagome's teeth chattered as she lowered herself into the freezing water. Unable to find a hot springs, she had to settle for bathing in the cold, uninviting river. Griping about annoying half-demons and their bottomless pits for stomachs, Kagome scrubbed the beef broth out of her skirt.
Had she known things were going to turn out like this, she would have sat him a couple of extra times for good measure. She rung out her skirt and went to place it on the shore to dry, only to spot a monkey running off with her bra around its head.
Arriving back at their small camp, currently braless as she didn't think to bring one along with her change of clothes, Kagome came upon a usual sight. Sango was busy petting Kirara, not paying attention to what was going on around her. Miroku's hand was slowly creeping toward her backside.
Kagome rolled her eyes, waiting for the slap that was soon to come, taking her seat by the fire to warm her cold fingers. A moment later Sango screamed in outrage, moving to hit him with Hiraikotsu, only to have him duck out of the way and hit Kagome instead.
Having awoken from her impromptu nap, and assuring Sango she was neither hurt nor mad, Kagome glanced around the clearing, wondering why it was so quiet. Inuyasha should have been fretting over her or fighting with Shippo, but he was no where in sight. Confused, Kagome stood and went in search of him.
She found him sitting beside the river, dunking something into the water and made her way over. Hearing her approach, Inuyasha glanced over his shoulder. “You have some weird toys,” he told her, twirling the tampon by its string. Releasing it, it hit Kagome in the forehead.
Deciding to get away before she killed someone, Kagome began following the river. She knew it would prevent her from getting lost, but had she known what she would see, she would have preferred to get lost.
She soon came upon a very naked and wrinkly Totosai, bathing in the river. The clear water left absolutely nothing to the imagination and as she stood there, too shocked to move, he raised his leg into the air as he sang 'this is the way we wash our toes'. Wishing she had some eye bleach on hand, Kagome turned and walked away.
Kagome wished she hadn't gone back. In the short time she was away, company had arrived and was currently arguing with Inuyasha. Said half-demon was claiming Sesshoumaru was the bastard, while Jaken argued that Inuyasha was. Back and forth they went until they were reduced to 'nuh uh' and 'uh huh'.
She was about to 'sit' Inuyasha, tired of their pointless and childish argument, when he decided to yell 'Wind Scar'. Though it was rather weak, in fact the toad demon had easily been able to dodge it, the wind caused Kagome's skirt to rise, showing her panda undies.
The others had given her a wide birth after her ear splitting scream and unable to do anything else, Kagome had just stood there panting. She knew if she moved or spoke, somebody would die, and opted instead to stay put until she calmed herself.
Seeing Kagome wasn't going to sit him, Inuyasha went back to his argument with Jaken, this time instead of attacking with his sword, decided to douse him with a bucket of water. Which would have been fine, had Jaken not seen it coming and ran away, his path taking him directly in front of Kagome.
Kagome had stood there for a couple of minutes, doing nothing more than blinking, as she completely ignored the fact that her white shirt was now see through and, thanks to an earlier monkey thief, she was currently braless.
“This really isn't my day,” Kagome decided as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and made her way over to her large, yellow backpack. Picking it up, she stomped her way out of camp to find a place to change in private, only to trip over a large tree root on her way. Again, her undies were shown.
Kagome made her way back to camp, dressed in a new and complete outfit, this time opting for pants and a sweater rather than the skirt and white top of her school uniform. She was ready to give everyone of them a piece of her mind, no longer willing to just sit back and take what the day had to offer.
She arrived in the clearing just in time to see Inuyasha finish off a demon that had appeared while she was gone. He sliced it in half, sending blood and guts everywhere. Well, not everywhere, just all over Kagome.
She had silently turned and left the camp, wondering if the clearing had some kind of bad mojo or if it was just her. Figuring it was probably her, considering the others seemed to be making it through the day unscathed, Kagome stripped and sunk into the freezing water of the river.
She furiously scrubbed the blood off of her long hair and body, from where it had seeped through her clothing, rubbing so hard that her skin became raw. She turned to grab her clothes, just in time to watch as a group of monkeys took off with them.
That's it, she'd had enough. No longer would she let this day do whatever it pleased. No longer would she take this sitting down. Dressed in the clothes Inuyasha had brought her, which of course were pajamas, Kagome made her way back.
She marched over to where Sesshoumaru was standing, silently watching as Rin chased Inuyasha around with a crown of flowers. Stopping in front of him, Kagome grabbed onto his haori and pulled him down to her level, plopping a nice, long kiss on his lips. “I'm going to have one good moment today, even if it kills me.”