Requiem for a Valentine by naqaashi
Requiem for a Valentine
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Requiem for a Valentine
He was alpha. Alpha, was he.
Now what would it take
For her to see,
That he was the man, the big, strong dude
Whose job it was to bring in the money and food.
While she, all curves, was female incarnate
Made to please him, not irk, that ingrate!,
Why couldn’t she keep
Her tongue in check?
Why did she scoff
His call and his beck?
Didn’t she know he was a dominant dog?
Someone enlighten her, remove that fog!
For oh, he thought
That give her he ought –
Roses, to tease her senses;
Wine, to quench her thirst.
But damn that feminist priestess
- She got to him first!
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