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Trains, Restaurants, and...Limousines? by Oroyukae

Trains, Restaurants, and...Limousines?



It all started a few months ago when she had to take the train because her car had went on the fritz, again; it was not a very reliable thing, it seemed to constantly go out on her at the most inopportune times. Kagome hated taking the train, it was crowded and loud, not to forget uncomfortable either. However, if she wanted to get to work on time, she had to take the cursed thing; her boss had decided he was in need of downsizing in the employees department. There were pink slips due out and she was determined not to get one of them for tardiness.

The girl sat in her seat, her eyes staring out the window and not looking around; her mother had warned her about psychos and lunatics that regularly patrolled the train cars just to scope out potential young female victims to satisfy their depraved needs, so she figured it to be safe to just set her sights on the window and nothing else.

That was when it happened.

At first, it was but a nagging feeling in her mind telling her to turn to her left; she fought it for what seemed like forever, but then that feeling turned quite insistent and she had to force her eyes back to their designated spot as they drifted of their own accord off of her designated ‘safe spot’. She had never had such an irresistible urge before in her life, and she did not like it, at all.  Kagome shifted in her seat a bit, scolding herself mentally for being incapable of one simple task; she was not going to look over there and that was that.

As she sat there, her mind wondered just what it was attempting to draw her attention anyway. Perhaps it was someone she knew and had failed to see? The girl eventually talked herself into doing the very thing she had said she wouldn’t do, her eyes immediately moving gradually until her head had no choice but to turn just to compensate for the uncomfortable straining her orbs subjected her to. It couldn’t hurt to just look, right? Little did she know; she was both right…and wrong at the same time.

Her breath caught in her throat the second she saw him; his exquisite male beauty was mesmerizing, bordering on indecent. His aura was just as beautiful as he was, in a vicious and commanding sort of way. The woman knew she was staring at him, but she could not pry her eyes away from him. Even though that long, silver hair of his was tied back, it still looked so luxurious and silky that her fingers just itched to run through it.

His finely sculpted features made her nether region throb painfully with want; the magenta stripes on his cheeks taunted and teased her tongue; they seemed to be beckoning to her pink appendage, daring it to trace each one of them individually, very slowly and repeatedly. Damn, if that didn’t sound like fun. Oh god, was it possible to have an orgasm from just looking at one such as him? If it was, she should be screaming by now while her body sang a veritable symphony of praises to him; he was just that good.

She could not see his eyes, they were closed, but something about him told her that they were just as spectacular as the rest of him was. Oh damn, the things that was running through her head at that moment; they were so sinful and shocking she would be blushing, if she wasn’t so close to walking over and falling to her feet before him in wanton and open surrender to his fierce masculinity. Mmm…

The person next to her bumped into her as they got up from their seat, having reached their destination, and the girl was jolted from her blatant staring. Kagome turned her head to resume staring out the window, her trance broken; she slid her eyes closed so she could see him again, only in a much more discreet manner. Her thoughts ran rampant as she mentally indulged in some harmless fantasies to pass the time until she reached her destination. It was definitely more entertaining than the blurred images that passed the window she had been looking out of as the train zipped by them.

Normally, Kagome would have been appalled by her sudden walk on the ‘wild side’; she was, by nature, a very demure and shy woman, having grown up in a shrine since she was born. There was just something about that very fine specimen of the male form that had her forgetting all of that. She imagined what it would be like to have those lips pressed to hers; her hands running through that mane of shimmering silk, and those strong hands of his running over her body…anywhere and everywhere they could. The woman crossed her legs and sighed quietly in response to the vision of straddling his lap while she ground her aching heat against him with unbridled fervor. She could almost feel his hot, scorching breath upon her heaving breasts as she pulled him closer in desperate need to have his mouth ravaging her mounds without mercy.

God, it was so difficult to keep her hands still. Kagome dug her nails into her palms to deter the desires that rose up inside her in response to the picture show going on inside her head at that moment. She envisioned her hand slipping into his shirt to caress his muscled chest, mapping the fine cut of his pectorals over and over, never to forget them. 

 She could actually feel his big, powerful hands squeezing her ass, his hips thrusting upwards ever so slightly to reveal his response; her head fell back with a deep moan. Instantly that devious mouth of his latched onto the creamy flesh she had offered to him so unselfishly. It did not matter that he did not open his eyes at all in her little fantasy, what they were doing did not require such. The only requirement was that he continued to drive her positively insane with lust and sheer, wanton desire until she screamed…

Yet again, she was interrupted when passengers shuffled past her on their way out of the car, at least two people bumped into her leg and jostled her rudely, making her lose her concentration. Her eyes snapped open, frustration flashed in her blue eyes; they could have at least let her finish before trampling her for gods sake. It was then that she noticed she was panting slightly, and a fine sheen of sweat beaded her brow. Oh god…she wasn’t blushing, was she?

 The girl suddenly became flustered and lowered her head to stare down at her shaking legs and made every attempt to calm herself down. In her current state, she would never be able to get up from her seat; her legs would not hold her weight at the moment. Maybe it was a good thing that she had not been able to let the fantasy play out to its end, lord only knew what she might have done if it had. There was a big difference between silently watching it in her head and letting others in on what she was thinking by becoming vocal. If she had accidentally gave those images a voice there on the train, with all those people present…

Now she knew she was blushing. It took two stops for her to calm down enough to raise her head and stare out that window once again; she did manage it though, and she was so relieved. Kagome would not allow her mind to wander back to the low budget porno it had created to stave off boredom; it was too risky and would have very humiliating repercussions for her if it did.

When the train stopped again, the unsuspecting male got up from his seat and walked to the doors with true regal grace; his hard frame stood tall, very tall in fact. The guy had to be at least six foot four or more. Kagome dared a very quick glance up at him as he passed her, both hoping to see his eyes so that she might know what they looked like, and fearing it for the exact same reason. She nearly whimpered her disappointment as she discovered that he had put on sunglasses in preparation for getting off the train. He did not even notice her sitting there, he just walked right by her and exited the car, leaving Kagome feeling drained and oddly content. His unique and subtle scent lingered on the air for the remainder of her ride…


Her car was out of commission for three weeks, and in that time she had seen him many times while on her way to work. There were even a few times that she saw him both on her way to work in the morning and on her way home as well; those were very good days indeed.

She came to the conclusion that it was okay if she indulged in a bit of fantasizing now and then; it wasn’t like she was acting on any of the scenarios she envisioned inside her mind, with each and every one of them involving the train car and that exquisite example of perfection she never got the courage up to speak to. It wasn’t as if he or anyone on the train knew about them, they were a well guarded secret of hers; one that she would never tell another living soul about.

It wasn’t like she had not tried to stop them from popping into her mind when they wound up on the train at the same time; she had made numerous attempts to do just that, but she failed miserably. The woman would sit in her seat and think of her job, what she had to do that day, her family…anything but the male sitting in the exact same spot he had  since that first time; just for him to appear in her mind out of nowhere. Fierce and demanding, unwilling to be ignored, he invaded her thoughts and commanded her attention; she was unable to resist him, and was not sure she even wanted to anyway. Time after time she pictured them doing such indecent things to each other, out in the open, while the beings around them remained oblivious to their activities as if it wasn’t even happening.

Time after time, she accosted the man, and time after time- he made her scream. While she always started out the aggressor, initiating the entire event; he would dominate her and Kagome found herself the very willing submissive. It always wound up that way, whether she was riding him or he was riding her, she inevitably surrendered to his overpowering and nearly suffocating presence with gladness in her heart and fire in her loins.

Thank goodness her vehicle was so unreliable, breaking down on her frequently; it gave her more opportunities to experience the fantasies on a somewhat regular basis. It was becoming either an addiction, or an obsession with her; she could not decide which it was exactly, but she just knew she could not endure going cold turkey if she had to. Sure, she could envision it all without being near him, but it was somehow not the same. It made it all much more realistic, having him in close range, like it was possible that her fantasies could become reality if she were not such a coward.

Hell, in her mind they had fucked in about every square inch of the train car they frequented, but in the real world they had never even made eye contact. Kagome chose not to focus on that though, it would only make her feel like a lunatic or raging pervert; which was something she definitely was not, she was a normal healthy female that had a perfectly acceptable appreciation for all things beautiful, and that male was definitely a thing of beauty.

It was just too bad she could not show that appreciation openly; one such as him would never even give her the time of day. If he would, he should have shown some acknowledgement of her by now; he had to recognize her as a regular passenger of that train by that point. Several times she had heard him greet other passengers that rode the train just as much as they did, so it only reinforced her notion that she was unworthy of his notice…outside of her mind that was. Inside her imagination, he desired her, found her alluring and enticing, and he was unable to deny it-even in a public place. That was okay with her, it was safer that way. That voice of his was so deep, so rich and so positively decadent she became aroused just thinking about it.

It did make her sad though that their time was due to come to an end once more, until the next time her car crapped out on her anyway. The mechanic had called her just as she was leaving her apartment to tell her that her car would be ready after three that afternoon. Oh yay. She would not be seeing her fantasy for who knew how long, and it was making her very scrunchie.

Her eyes drifted over toward him once again, noticing that he had his head back and his sunglasses on. That was his new thing, he stopped removing them when he boarded the train, and it kept her from seeing those eyes she longed to see. Hell, she still did not know what color they were, damn it. It would be nice to have an accurate color to assign to those things for future reference.

Deciding to make what could very well be the last time she would see him in a while count, Kagome took one last lingering stare and then slid her eyes closed. Her raven head rested against the hard metal behind her as she envisioned herself standing up and her eyes trained on her target… 

She felt her blood ignite with every step she took in his direction. Her delicate hand grasped the pole beside her as she passed, sliding down and knowing his eyes were open behind those black lenses and he was watching her advance on him. She could see his breathing quicken, his luscious looking lips slightly parted and a very indecent tongue swept across them. The delectable demon shifted in his seat a little, sliding forward in preparation; he knew what she wanted, he knew and… it excited him.

Kagome brought her hand up to her neck, her fingertips gliding down the creamy flesh, to her generous cleavage before sliding to the right so she could cup her own breast. Shamelessly massaging the aching mound, her eyes rolled upward, her plump bottom lip caught between her teeth, Kagome gave a quiet whimper she knew he would hear. She was right.

His head lifted up to  stare at her as she loomed above him, her nimble fingers unbuttoning her blouse and releasing the front clasp of her bra, freeing her breasts from their binding and granting him the privilege he had enjoyed many times in the past. The delectable demon eyed them hungrily; that tongue snaking out to wet his lips once again and Kagome placed one hand upon the wall behind him so she could lean down, enticing him with those twin peaks that remained just out of his reach.  He did not touch her, although his clawed fingers flexed occasionally from his desire to do so; it was clear he knew he had to wait for her to allow him the pleasure he sought, and she was pleased.

Her free hand rested upon his firm, hard chest; her fingers rubbed small circles into the fine silk of his black-as-night shirt and made him quiver as it steadily lowered upon his person. He watched as that hand neared the target, his breathing turning heavy and needful. The very moment she grasped his cock in her hand, she saw the flash of red from behind his sunglasses and knew he was pleased. Good.

Kagome had mastered unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with only one hand by then, and she wasted no time in doing just that. Soon that massive piece of equipment was free and lurching in her grasp. Her thumb stroked circles around the glistening tip to make him moan for her, which he did. Her own desire had reached dangerous and very painful levels by then but there was something she had to do before they got to that part of their little encounter; it was something she always did for him when they met like this, and now would be no different.

The woman sank slowly to her knees, his head following her down until she was positioned right where she wanted to be. Her azure eyes gleamed devilishly as she stared up at him, her mouth moved closer and his clawed fingers tighten their grip on the edge of his seat until his knuckles were white. She knew once she took him into her mouth, it would be only a matter of time before he would take control…he always did.

He tasted just as divine as he did the very first time she tasted him, and her eyes rolled upward as a moan escaped her. He stretched her orifice to its limits with his girth as she moved upon him; her fantasy lover was a very well hung male, something she knew about him all too well. Strangely enough though, he did not pull her away after a few minutes of pleasuring him with her mouth like she had expected him to; which confused her greatly. Kagome tried to pull back to look at him, but her withdrawl was stopped however as his strong fingers gripped her hair and urged her to continue.

The demon kept his hand upon her head to prevent her from pulling away, his hips lifting upward occasionally to move his cock deeper into her throat. Kagome could hear his uneven, ragged breaths and knew he would not last much longer. He was so close to coming and she had no intentions of allowing him to do that, it would end their time together far too soon for her liking.

He gripped her hair even tighter when she tried to pull back again, his jaw set tight. He was not about to let her stop until it was done.

“Finish,” he growled fiercely mere seconds before he attained release, his hot seed sliding down her throat and making her swallow reflexively to keep from choking.

Much to her surprise, her fantasy demon lover retained his impressive erection rather than losing it, a smug and arrogant smirk appeared upon his face in response to her wide eyed look of disbelief. He helped her to stand, his hands on her thighs sliding up underneath her skirt to seek out her red lace panties. With one vicious tug, they were but a pleasant memory that he tucked away into his pocket as he pulled her to him.

The woman straddled him, gazing down to where his eyes should be but seeing only her own reflection, and she watched her own reaction as she lowered herself upon him. The second he breached her walls, she cried out in ecstasy, her entire body shuddering with wanton desire. He filled her so completely it was sinful; she could not think straight from that moment on, her mind was so clouded with her lust filled thoughts. This male; this wonderful demon male had sparked the raging fire that swept through her small body.  He was threatening to consume her completely and drown her in the torrid and violent sea of flames that he had ignited. It always happened whenever they encountered one another like this, and it never ceased to amaze her, just how wonderful it felt every damned time. Never did their trysts fail to instill such reality within the boundaries of her mind, and she was never left disappointed. Ever.

Clutching his silvery head to her chest as he suckled hard upon her aching peaks, Kagome rode him with rhythmic fervor; her entire body wracked with wave after wave of pleasure and his hot breath sent a trail of flames along her flesh, making the woman utter words she would never say aloud in the real world. In this world though, she could say them with no shame, no guilt of any kind; there she was free and feared no negative reactions from being so open with her lust for this male. This wonderfully talented…indecently sexy…oh- so- wickedly delicious demon male.   

Of course, this was the first time they had ever gone two rounds before; in the past, she always ended it after he had made her scream and he himself had reached his own release. This time was different though, he had already orgasmed once, but still was able to fill her and satisfy her in the manner she knew so well. It really did not shock her too much though; he always took charge at some point during her little fantasy sessions; he just did it early this time was all. It was also possibly the last time they would meet like this, so that was why she had wanted it to be extra hot…a tryst to remember forever.

His mouth and tongue ravaged her mercilessly, having abandoned her firm globes to launch a full out assault upon her shoulder, neck and throat. She found it so hard to draw in a single breath, her head was spinning wildly; he was so intense this time, so fierce and so demanding that she actually felt a bit afraid. His claws were digging into her hips quite hard, she could almost feel them piercing her flesh; the sting of his fangs nipping her throat seemed to compliment the claws and it was swiftly becoming somewhat overwhelming for her. Every breath she drew into her lungs was so hot…like inhaling pure flame…

In the real world, the woman was in pure torment. She had to bite into her bottom lip to stifle the noises that threatened to escape her. Her heart was pounding so hard within her chest she feared that all occupants in that car, even the star of her little porn show, could hear it despite the spell she had put into place. Kagome was certain that she must appear to be ill to all beings around her, but she preferred that to anyone knowing the truth. She would literally die from the embarrassment if anyone knew she was such a raging pervert…to the highest degree.

When the train stopped to let off passengers, the familiar scent wafted by her and forced Kagome to open her eyes just in time to see wisps of silver disappear out the door. A quick dart from her eyes revealed that he had indeed left the car and she frowned; it wasn’t his usual stop, and that had her very perplexed. He never got off in that area, not in all the times she had ridden the train with him. Kagome fought the urge go to a window and watch him as he left the platform, it would be too obvious to all around her; she knew if she watched him, she would blush from head to toe.

The slight salty taste in her mouth diverted her attention then, her brows furrowing even more…when did she bite her lip hard enough to draw blood? With a shrug, she sighed and cleared her throat, satisfied with her latest encounter; it had been just what she had wanted it to be, just in case she did not see him for a while.   


A month. It had been a month since her last sort of physical encounter with the demon she fantasized about at night. It was not the same as being in his presence though, there was no comparison whatsoever. Somewhere along the way, the woman realized just how ridiculous and pathetic she was with it all. What she did was unhealthy and wrong, oh so very wrong. Kagome wondered if what she did could be considered as stalking, or sexual deviancy. Perhaps harassment was a better definition? In any case, she had reached the decision that she had to stop it.

The way to do that was to go out on a real date, something she had not done in some time; it was only logical that actively dating would curb her need for interaction with the male gender and thusly stop her sick preoccupation with the complete stranger she had chosen to mentally accost every chance she got. It wasn’t like she did not have offers; there were guys who asked her out frequently…okay, so it was only two guys, but still. What kind of normal woman would turn down a real life date for an imaginary, make-believe fuck session with a stranger she had never even said hello to? None, that was what.

Hojo was a nice guy; he was funny, sweet and very attentive whenever they were in the same proximity of each other. Kagome had to admit that he was okay to look at, although he did not compare to the epitome of masculinity she had found in her mysterious fantasy lover; he had an adequate build and his face was quite pleasant as well. If she went out with him, maybe she could move on and eventually over come her ‘addiction’? It was worth a shot anyway.


The date had started off well, Hojo was a great conversationalist, and he complimented her more in the first fifteen minutes of their date than anyone ever had in her entire life. He was a perfect gentleman, which was always nice; it seemed he intended to make a nice impression on her in the hopes that there would be a second date in their future…perhaps even more that a second as well. It was a distinct possibility.

When they went to dinner, all was going so very well; it was a nice, elegant restaurant and they were given a nice table so they could enjoy each other’s company without being bumped into or distracted by the conversations of others. Very nice indeed. However, things changed when Hojo received a phone call and had to go to hostess stand to take it, leaving Kagome on her own. Usually, that would not be a problem but as a result, she decided to scan the restaurant as she waited for her date to return; that was when she saw him. The demon she knew intimately within the confines of her mind; her fantasy lover was there and he was sitting across the room from her at that very minute.

She tried to ignore his presence, made every attempt to push him from her mind and concentrate on the fact that she was on a date but, it did not work. There he was, sitting at a table all alone and dressed in a tuxedo that had her mouth watering as she swept his form several times. From the angle, she could only see his profile, but it was one she knew with painstaking detail…and the fire started.

Leaning back in her chair a bit, Kagome fought to stop the image from forming, but it was too late; it had already flickered within her mind’s eye, taking shape and beginning something she knew was wrong in every way…

She saw herself rise up, her eyes trained upon him and the fire raging inside her. As she neared his table, she saw the waiter approach the demon to ask him what it was he desired for his meal that evening; she did not halt her approach and when she stood at the opposite side of his table, the demon’s eyes drifted over. His eyes were open this time and in order to keep to the confines of reality she had to assign him an eye color, finally deciding on the one she knew to be popular among demons. Gleaming black orbs swept her form hungrily, heating the very blood inside her veins and her body to tremble from the intensity.

 They held gaze for what seemed like an eternity while the waiter continued rattling off a list of specials he was required to recommend, but stopped when a strong, powerful hand raised to halt his words.

“I believe I will start with some…dessert.” There it was; that voice that always got her motor running into overdrive.

“Very good, sir,” the waiter replied as he bowed respectfully, and then made his exit, leaving the two beings there to continue to stare at one another.

Everything and everyone around them drifted into the background the moment Kagome placed her hand upon the table, moving her voluptuous body as he slid his chair backward to make room for her. Once she was in position. Those hands grasped her waist and lifted her up, then sat her upon the sturdy table behind her. Kagome did not know just how he had managed to raise her dress up when he lifted her, but she could feel the fine linen of the tablecloth beneath her ass the moment he sat her down. Kagome slid the top of her dress down, revealing her naked, round breasts to him; thankful she had foregone a bra that night since her dress was not one to be worn with that particular undergarment. The woman held out her hands to him and he placed his own into hers, allowing her to decide just where they would go first and keeping to the initial genre of their encounters. He would take control soon.

 Firm caresses made her thighs part instinctively in invitation, but he hesitated in accepting; instead, those hands slid down her legs, squeezing her calves sensuously before they removed her shoes so that they could caress her feet. She had never had a man kiss those parts of her before, but damn if it did not feel wonderful, especially when he dragged his tongue across the top and kissed each one of her toes. His kisses began a very slow, very arousing trail up her legs then; alternating between them seamlessly and keeping a rhythm of sorts until he reached her upper thighs.

Kagome whimpered from the feel of his breath on her inner thigh, his silken strands of silver brushing against her skin and making her body shake with anticipation. The pause in his ministrations made her open her eyes and glance down at him, her chest heaving with her every breath. He was so sinfully beautiful she could not help but reach out to stroke his cheek with her fingertips, only to have those slender digits of hers drawn into his mouth while he sucked on them , a low purring sound falling upon her ears.

When his hands slipped up underneath her dress, his fingers hooked into the band of her thong panties and pulled down, Kagome gracefully laid back upon the table. She assisted him in removing the garment, not noticing how he shoved the thing into his pocket. Fingers she would know anywhere swept up her drenched folds and she was unable to resist arching upward in response, a strangled mewl of pleasure tearing from her lips. Kagome could hear him as he cleaned his fingers noisily of her essence, as well as the deep, dark ‘Divine’ he uttered as he did.

 His grip was like a vice upon her hips when he pulled her toward him, his open mouth seared her lower  abdomen as he kissed her flesh, drawing wet circles with his tongue. Unable to take the torment any longer, she placed a hand upon his head and pushed, telling him to move  his attentions southward on her person where she needed him most. He smirked against her flesh, bestowing sharp nips and stinging her skin most deliciously before complying with her wishes.

The second his mouth descended upon her, accompanied with a very pleasing growl, she screamed out her approval and gratitude while grasping a fistful of silver in the throes of her passion. Her fantasy lover had only done this to her once before, Kagome always preferred to go down on him instead so she could feel his hardness sliding in and out of her oral cavern; it was something she enjoyed immensely, and it never failed to please her lover. This time though, she really wanted to feel him as he assaulted her with that wicked tongue of his. She wanted, no, she needed it more than anything; it had been so long since she had been in his presence that Kagome could almost cry from the feelings he invoked within her, she had missed them so. None but he could make her feel so vibrant, so alluring, so…alive. Her walls clenched painfully onto nothing, making her whimper and cry with need. Her hips rose slightly, begging him for some help to end the torture she had not counted on experiencing, and again-he smirked.

His clawed finger circled her opening, teasing her with the implied promise of having her wish granted, but not fulfilling that promise for her. Kagome became quite frustrated and slid her own hand down as far as she could, hoping she could take care of the matter herself, but he nipped at her in reprimand for her unwelcomed action hard enough to make her withdraw. That tongue continued to work her core, making the familiar coil inside of her steadily tighten while his finger continued to frustrate her to the point of madness.

Finally, he decided he had been cruel to her long enough and thrust three finger into her weeping center all at once, his eyes danced with delight as she arched her back and screamed her release to the heavens. Her demon lover kept her riding the waves of her ecstasy longer than he ever had before, his fingers thrusting furiously inside her and his mouth sucking on her clit relentlessly.

Kagome could barely make out the soft sound of his zipper being pulled next to her head, but she managed to turn and open her eyes in response to his demand for her to finish. Unfortunately, before she could do what he wanted, she was pulled from her fantasy by her date touching her shoulder and making her jump with a startled squeal and she had to leave her demon lover unsatisfied.

“Kagome? Are you okay? You look flushed,” Hojo asked her as he sat down, his eyes full of concern.

“W-What? Oh, Hojo…yes, I-I’m fine.” The woman found it difficult to look at her date then, feeling more than a little guilty about what she had been doing while he was gone.

“I’m sorry I was gone so long, Kagome; I had to take that call and then I went to the men’s room. I hope you aren’t upset with me.”

“N-No, I’m not upset with you Hojo. I was just…deciding on what to have for dessert…” Kagome reached for her water, her throat was so very dry at that moment. As she drank, the woman dare to look over to where he had been sitting, noting that he was no longer at his table, and she could not help but wonder where he had went…

Only one more date with Hojo followed that night, she just could not get over how she had indulged her obsession while out with the guy that night. Hojo did continue trying to persuade her to go out with him again, but nothing ever came of it, much to his dismay. He never knew just what had made the girl say they were not compatible, and she would not tell him either.


It was official, she was a depraved pervert. She had tried to avoid it, went to great lengths to ignore it, and even tried to deny it, but now it was time to just embrace the truth and come to terms with it. Kagome Higurashi…was a depraved, sex starved, pervert. How had she been reduced to this? Where did she go so wrong? Apparently it began the very second she got on that train the first time and dared t look in his direction, that was her one fatal mistake; it caused her downward spiral into the hell she currently endured.

Since that night at the restaurant with Hojo, she had managed to run into her fantasy a few more times…in restaurants no less, and the exact same thing happened each time. So much for the whole ‘becoming normal’ scenario. She would be sitting, either alone or with a companion, and when she looked around…there he was. If she did not know better, she would say that fate was trying to tell her something; just what that would be, she had absolutely no damned idea. Maybe it was telling her she was in need of professional help? Just how would something like this be treated? Was there even a support group for what she had?

Oh for the love of god…she was hopeless.

She felt sorry for the poor unaware demon, being reduced to nothing more than a sex toy for her deviant mind to take out and play with at whim. To unknowingly be mentally molested and accosted each and every time their paths crossed, it was sure to be labeled as violating in some manner. The fact that he was a more than willing participant in each of her fantasies was in no way relevant; in her deviant mind, she could make him sit up and beg if she wanted him to. What would the guy think if he knew about her problem? God, she did not even want to think about what would happen if he found out.

Now, her mind had taken to hallucinating as well. Perfect, her downfall was now complete.

Just why she had to attend the little function was beyond her; her lazy boss could have attended, in fact he should have attended the schmoozing affair instead of sending her in his place. She wasn’t the one wanting to sway all those doddering old men into moving their business accounts to Tomagashi Incorporated; he was, the bastard. He was just trying to avoid being bored to death was all, he wasn’t fooling anyone. Maybe he was angry with her over the mishap with the toner cartridge last week? He was just the type to want to torture her for something that had been a complete accident, and she had paid the cleaning bill for gods’ sake.

Kagome could not wait to leave, the so called party was so yawn inspiring, she could just cry. The conversations were boring and stale, as was the food, and the liquor was watered down. Yeah, some great evening. It only got worse when her seemingly bored mind started to amuse itself with projecting images of him here and there in the huge room. Standing against a wall with a drink in his hand…conversing with that awful Mr. Kagowa over at the balcony door…even sitting at a table six tables away from her… all while wearing a very sexy tux, just like the one in the restaurant that night with Hojo. Ugh!

 She could take no more; Kagome decided it was time to go. She made her excuses and apologized for calling it an early night; her eyes ever scanning the room for him to appear again, but he didn’t. Thank god. 

The air outside was warm, but not overly so, and held the faintest hint of jasmine; which did calm her somewhat, soothing her out of her anxious mood a little. She was grateful that her boss had arranged for a car to drive her to and from the event, probably out of guilt for daring to demand she go in the first place. It could also be that her old beat up jalopy would present a bad image on the company too though. In any case, she would not have to drive the thirty minute trip to her home; which furthered her increasing state of calm as well, for she hated driving the busy streets at night. As the long black car came to a stop in front of her, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, drawing in more of the wonderful night air and allowing her body to relax. It was over.

Her head rested back against the rich leather, her eyes slid closed and she sighed. Soon she would be home and in her bed where she could sleep and forget the entire thing. If she dared to think about him, she could always take one of those pills that Eri gave her; they always put her into a nice deep, dreamless sleep.

The car jolted to a stop rather roughly and Kagome opened her eyes in response, wondering what on earth caused the driver to make such a maneuver. She heard muffled voices and she thought perhaps there was another motorist asking for directions from the guy behind the wheel, but then she heard the driver door open and close. The woman stared at the tinted partition that separated her from the driver as if it was going to roll down or something, her curiosity piquing to higher levels. What the hell was going on?

Then, the door on the opposite side of the car opened and someone climbed inside; her heart damn near stopped beating…her breath caught in her throat and she instantly started shaking.

“W-What are you doing?” she asked after a few failed attempts to say anything at all.

 He paused, not moving a muscle and her anxiety escalated. The panic was swiftly starting to overwhelm her and Kagome wondered if she was about to faint. It was a distinct possibility. Her wide azure eyes watched him, waiting for him to make a move; she felt her mouth go dry and swallowed hard, wishing she were any other place than there at that moment. Slowly he turned toward her, his eyes closed until he faced the suddenly pale and apparently frightened woman; then, they opened to reveal the most mesmerizing and vibrant amber she had ever seen. Okay, this time it really was official; she was a nutcase and should be hospitalized. There was no way he was there beside her; looking at her with eyes that could literally stop time if they wanted to…it was not real. It was not real.

“To the contrary…it is very real.” Oh god, that voice…

He slid closer to her, his eyes holding her prisoner within their depths and refusing to release her; his very presence demanding her attention as well as her submission to his every command, and she panicked.

Kagome backed against the side of the vehicle, attempting to retreat as her hand sought out the handle to open the door. Despite her pulling, the door refused to open and she could not get away like she had wanted to. The unexpected intruder smirked devilishly at her, amused by her attempts to exit the vehicle…

“Did you know that there are child safety features on limousines?” he was teasing her, letting her know there was no escape.

“W-What do…what do you want?” she stammered, her heart pounding in her ears.

Before she could even blink, he was right in front of her; his face mere inches away from hers, his breath hot on her face. “You tell me what you think I want…”

Clawed fingers stroked the creamy flesh of throat rhythmically as he leaned in closer, his lips moved next to her ear and grazing it as he whispered, “If I did not know better, I would say that you are a shy woman…” his hand gradually dropped down to cup her left breast through her dress, squeezing firmly and making her gasp sharply.

“Impatient? It normally takes more than this to bring that sound from your lips; like having your nipple caught between my teeth,” he chuckled.

 Kagome shuddered as his tongue snaked out to caress her earlobe then draw it into his scorching mouth. Despite her shock and fear, the woman could not stop the whimper that escaped her then, and it pleased the demon greatly.

“I so enjoy hearing you make that sound woman; it calls to my inner instincts so sweetly. Each time is just as pleasing as the first time you ever made it for me.”

Kagome placed her hands upon his shoulders and pushed, relieved when he moved back a little, although his hand was still massaging her breast with no signs of stopping. “I...” she was having trouble breathing; which hampered her ability to speak, “I...have never made that sound in your presence.”

Amusement danced in his eyes as he scanned her face, focusing on her full, luscious lips, “Again, to the contrary woman, you have made that sound and so many more.” The demon kissed her full on, his tongue sweeping her petals and demanding she part them for him.

Just why she obeyed, she did not know, but her compliance was a million times better than it had ever been in any fantasy. His tongue sent electric jolts of pleasure along every nerve in her body; even her fingers and toes tingled from the effect. While their kiss deepened, his left hand ventured around to grip the back of her head, and he sat back against the seat, taking her with him and never letting their mouths part.

Kagome felt his hand move from her breast, down her side, and around to her firm ass. Those clawed fingers of his slowly raised her dress upward until his bare hand touched her skin and again, she shuddered with pleasure. He tore his mouth away from hers; seeking the enticing taste of her neck, his deviously wet appendage ran along her pulse, feeling the lava like nectar rushing within and brought forth such a sound from deep in his throat, Kagome trembled violently under his touch. So very delicious. The only thing missing was her fire, her vigor she had always displayed in the past.

“Why do you hesitate, girl? Is it because we have deviated from the usual genre? While this may be neither a train nor a restaurant, I believe it to be an adequate location.”

“H-How…do you know about…?” she panted, unable to finish her question due to his hands pulling her dress up and over her head, it was tossed off and forgotten.

“You are…most insistent when pulling one into your fantasies, whether they want to be or not.” Finally having freed her breasts from their fabric prison, he indulged in the taste of them, happy that she had once more foregone the use of another barrier for him to work around; he hated those things, he could never work them properly and always ended up shredding them.

“Huh?” she had no idea as to what he was talking about, and frankly she was beginning to not give a damn either.  

  “The driver has been paid to disappear for precisely one and a half hours…I suggest you do not waste it; otherwise, there will be an audience for our activities, for I have no intentions of stopping…for any reason.” It was a warning to her, one even her hazy, lust filled mind could understand.

 Finally comprehending, Kagome unbuttoned the demon’s shirt to expose his chest where she placed hesitant but heated kisses upon his flesh just as he had done to her. She marveled at the way his abdominals jumped slightly as she kissed him there, moving lower and lower.  A hard tug of her ebony locks brought her mouth back up to his, allowing him to kiss her urgently; his hand grasped hers, leading said appendage right where he wanted it to be. As her hand squeezed his hard cock through his pants, he slid his hips forward in the seat some to give her more room.

Feeling more confident, Kagome utilized her not so recently learned skill and unfastened his trousers one handed, pulling the zipper down…he went commando tonight, perfect.

“That’s it, now we are getting somewhere,” He growled as she hauled his throbbing member out, sliding her hand up and down his hard length and making his hip buck upwards involuntarily.  

It was her turn to smirk then, knowing exactly what he was wanted. As she kissed her way down, his hands busied themselves with her silky thigh, caressing and squeezing as he watched her move lower upon his person. His breathing turned to hard, intermittent pants as she drew closer and closer to where he wanted that mouth the most. Absently, he slid a finger down between her cheeks instantly discovering her wetness. That digit circled her opening lazily in wait of the moment when she would take him into her oral cavern, just like she had many times before; his eyes never strayed from the sight before them though, he would not miss the moment he had waited for.

Kagome’s eyes rolled up into her head the very second his flavor hit her tongue, marveling at how he tasted exactly as he did in her fantasies. The exact second her lips engulfed him, the demon shoved a finger deep inside her body. Her moan of pleasure filled the small space, as did his long hiss of approval.

Quickly he thrust two more fingers into her center and set a very pleasing pace, watching as his cock slid in and out of her sinful mouth. The look in her eyes as she sucked him told him she was enjoying the act as much as he was. The occasional thrust upward moved him deeper into her throat and he was amazed she did not mind it; apparently the girl had known her abilities whenever she fantasized about him, leaving no room for disappointment now that she was doing it outside the confines of her mind. There was no comparison however, her hot searing mouth was much better in the real world.

Kagome pulled out all the stops, using every oral skill she possessed to drive him insane for her, make him moan for her, pushing her demon lover closer to the edge. She paused a couple of times, to voice her own pleasure, unable to prevent the sounds from escaping her otherwise occupied petals, only to have him either cease his ministrations out of protest, or withdraw them completely in order to reprimand her with a firm slap on her ass as a reminder of what she should be doing. Gods, did it make her weird that she found that move arousing?

Before long, the male had decided she had worshipped his cock long enough and pulled her up from his engorged and suddenly protesting member. Taking the initiative, Kagome straddled him, her hands upon his chest as she gazed down into his swirling orbs of gold and red. Leaning forward she offered him one rose tipped peak, dragging the hardened bud back and forth across his lips, only to pull away teasingly just as his tongue snaked out for a taste.

His frustrated growls excited her; they sent massive shivers along her spine as she repeated the act once again, offering him the other breast this time. Once more she pulled away from his mouth and his eyes flashed crimson; she should know better than to tease an Inu and his beast, it was not a nice thing for any female to do. Up to that point, they had alternated, taking turns in the aggressive role but all that ended when she dared to tease him.

He panted hard, hovering above her as he glared down into her azure, unfocused eyes. His trousers and shirt a mere memory, thrown haphazardly across the vehicle and her lying on her back in the ample sized seat, the demon scolded her for her unwise actions, “Never tease an Inu, girl; the results could very well be your undoing.”

Now, logic would dictate she should have been trembling in fear at his words, but the woman trembled for an entirely different reason; which could have something to do with the sudden vicious assault his mouth launched upon the very objects she had teased him with. The demon attacked them with such fervor; kissing and sucking one as his left hand kneaded the other most unforgivingly, pinching the tip between his strong fingers until she cried out with desire. He switched his oral attentions to the other breast, repeating his previous actions.

Kissing his way down her abdomen, he swirled his tongue into her navel, nipping at the flesh he encountered on his journey to make her writhe beneath him. Desperate begging quickly followed as a direct response to his hot breath upon her aching folds, his mouth hovering just above her tormented mound to torment her. As his breathing grew heavier, her agony increased tenfold; he had managed to bring the woman to the verge of tears from her need, and it made him grin oh so devilishly at her.

“Do you now see the error of your ways?” he growled at her, his eyes never leaving her flushed face as he graciously allowed her some release through one long sweep of his tongue, mainly out of  his intense desire to taste her essence once more. He only allowed that one though, for their time was nearing and end and he knew she would have a problem with them fucking with the driver in the front seat- even if there was a partition between them.

Kagome raked her nails down his back, leaving red welts behind; which he did not seem to mind at all. “You will scream my name Kagome…,” his hoarse whisper sounded more like a command than a request; there was just one problem though…

“I do not know your name.” she breathed heavily, blushing from the shame of it. How can she let this male do such things to her when she did not even know his name?

“Yes, you do,” he purred deeply, positioning himself at her entrance while he nipped at her earlobe to make her gasp for him. “When the time comes…you will remember it.”  In one quick thrust, he was fully sheathed inside her, her eyes wide and her body shaking while she tried to adjust to the size of his member. She had given no thought to the matter of how large he was, or to the fact that she had not had relations in quite some time.

“Oh damn…oh fuck..,” Kagome panted over and over. She had not been expecting the intense sensation that bordered precariously near pain. Any attempts she made to compensate, to calm herself, failed miserably.

“Relax you muscles Kagome,” he sounded as if he was pleading with her; his voice was as strained as his features, and sweat beaded his brow.

He had expected her to be tight; their shared encounters had given him that impression about her, but he was not prepared for just how tight she was in person... from the vice like grip she had on his cock she was practically a virgin. It was a real struggle to move as it caused him to be quite uncomfortable as a result.

 Much to his relief, just as he was about to end it all, she did begin to relax and he found it easier to move. “That’s it; just concentrate on how wonderful it feels…”

He wasn’t just trying to placate her; it did feel wonderful, exquisite in fact. Even relaxed she was amazingly tight and the sensations she evoked within him were a wicked mixture of pain and pleasure that had his beast howling in approval inside his head.

Oh yes, she was worth the effort he had put into arranging their get together tonight. It had not been easy to convince the driver that Kagome would be delighted to see him and would not report him for leaving the vehicle unattended. In the end it cost him a sizeable sum of money, and the promise to request said driver whenever he needed a limousine.

“More…oh gods, yes, harder…” her cries rang in his ears and spurred him onward until the demon was using nearly all of his strength to pound into her tiny body. Just how this small, human female was able to take such force was mind boggling to him. She should be screaming in pain, asking him to stop, but she wasn’t, she was asking for more.

Kagome could feel it; the coil inside her was tightening. She matched him move for move, thrusting her hips upwards to compliment his and she even rolled her hips once he was fully sheathed to add to their pleasure. Her body was one big bundle of heightened nerves and it was exquisite. When they became too much to tolerate, she gave them a voice, her walls clenching mercilessly around his cock and forcing snarls and growls from her demon lover. It would not be long and she would reach release and she still had no idea what his name was. How could she scream it for him if she did not know it?

“Open your eyes woman…,” his deep command broke through her foggy brain, making her do just as he told her to. Kagome was instantly lost within a sea of crimson, mesmerized by the intensity and fierceness of his stare, unable to blink or even look away.

Images flashed before her eyes, background by the crimson of his eyes; confusion filled her mind as she saw him, walking toward his regular seat, passing right by her and not even noticing her as he did. She saw him pause to greet a gentleman that spoke to him with a huge grin upon his face. Despite her attempts, she could not make out a thing either of them said to each other and her demon lover continued on his way.

He stopped thrusting long enough to slip his arms under her legs, which opened her even more, pushing her knees up toward her chest a bit and allowing him to delve deeper into her tiny body. All the time, he did not break the gaze they shared. His thrusts increased in force, bringing strangled and incoherent cries from her lips; he did find them to be quite pleasing, but they were just not what he wanted to hear.

Kagome gripped his forearms, digging her manicured nails into his flesh as another image appeared in her mind. The burning in her lower abdomen from her impending release intensified, as did her lover’s pace; they were nearly there, soon her world would explode and it did not matter if she was ready for it or not.

The train…the day of their last encounter on the train…he had been more fierce; going for more than one round that day and she had experienced something she never had because of it. The scent as he passed by her, getting off the train at a different stop than he normally did; the taste of her blood in her mouth caused by her biting into her lips a bit too hard. A faint echo sounded in her ear…

As fast as it had appeared, the image faded and she stared into the crimson depths once more. A delicate hand gingerly traced the stripes upon his cheek, then slid around to grasp his neck and pulled him toward her. Kagome swept her tongue over his lips, delighting in their flavor; her hand tightened upon his neck as her body tensed…oh god, oh dear sweet, merciful god…

He roared in triumph as his seed spilled forth to coat those brutal walls that held him, unable to contain the rapture her scream instilled within him; he finally heard what he wanted to hear.


Kagome awoke with a start, her mind foggy and disoriented as she fought to focus. Her cheek felt the rich leather beneath it, and she became even more confused than before. Every so slowly she sat up, her eyes darting around the vehicle. What the hell had happened?

Her demon lover was nowhere to be seen; there was absolutely no sign of him ever having been in the vehicle at all…had- had she hallucinated again? Had she fallen asleep and fantasized the entire thing? That was impossible, he had to have been there, touching her, kissing her…how else would she have come up with his very uncommon eye color? And the name she had screamed, Sesshoumaru? Never in even her wildest of fantasies would she have thought of that name to title him with.

She was fully dressed though she did not know just when she had re-dressed herself. The last thing she recalled before passing out was his sweaty body pressing down upon her and his heavy panting breath in her ear, then…nothing. Her body ached a bit, and she inspected what she could of herself without removing her clothes…no marks. What? How was that possible? He had been so aggressive, so fierce; there had to be marks damn it. It had happened; she did not imagine the entire encounter this time.

The car stopped and she turned her eyes toward the door, waiting for it to open and thinking that she might be caught in one of those intense dreams, the kind it was so hard to wake up from. She had them before, waking up disoriented and relieved to finally be awake, only to find that it was still a dream. Man, she hated those; they always fucked her up for days.

The driver’s hand reached inside to assist her out of the limo and she instinctively took it. Her legs were shaking, as was a couple other appendages on her person, and she was a bit grateful for the help. Inhaling deeply, Kagome climbed out of the vehicle, raising her head to utter a word of thanks to the driver, when her breath caught in her throat. Deep blue orbs widened as she looked upon a home she did not recognize, in an area she was not familiar with…

“Uh…e-excuse me, where are we? This isn’t my home,” Kagome muttered as fear began to seep into her small body.

“No, it is not…it is mine.”

She could have given herself whiplash with the way she turned around so quickly in response to his voice. “You…?”

The demon smirked at her, amused by her reaction, “Me.”

He moved slowly as he approached her so as not to startle her further and cause her to run. “You must forgive my leaving you earlier; you were unconscious and I had some matters that needed tending before we continued our…evening together.”

Relief filled her as soon as he said those words to her; at least she knew now that she did not imagine the entire thing. “S-So, you were there…we actually…”

He gave her a slight nod, the lascivious grin never leaving his handsome face, “We did, and we will again…and again.”

The wicked promise of his words made her blood heat and her heart quicken. She did not even notice the limo pull away, leaving her there alone with him with no way home; it wasn’t as frightening as one would think it to be really.

Her eyes swept his form, noticing he had changed his clothes while he tended the matters he had spoke of; Kagome could not help but appreciate said change too, it offered much easier access…

Clearing her throat and shaking her head a little, Kagome leveled her eyes with his; a smirk he knew too well by then spread across her face as she tried to make her voice sound as normal as possible, “Is that so, Sesshoumaru?”

 He gave her no warning, no time to prepare or protest either; the demon just came at her. Sesshoumaru moved as a blur to cross the distance between them and lift her up into his arms. “Yes, it is so. To date we have indulged in many of your fantasies, woman; now…we shall indulge in a few of mine.”

The demon carried her up the stone steps to his home, the crimson that was slowly beginning to seep into the golden depths to hold her a willing captive, told her that she would not be leaving those walls anytime soon.



INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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