The Life of a Daiyoukai by Angelicatt

My way or leave

Title: The Life of a Daiyoukai

Chapter: 5: My way or leave

Words: 888

Rating: K+

Prompt: Priestess Skye’s Seven Deadly Challenges #5 - Pride

Summary:  Sesshoumaru is plotting how to make the miko his, in his own awkward, pig-headish way.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the mere sparks of imagination. Characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi, VIZ Media et al.

A/N: Quote from Sun-Tzu, someone I am sure Sesshoumaru would understand.


Patience is a virtue this Sesshoumaru was sadly not born with. It is something that I have had to forcibly learn in this late stage of my life; if only to prevent the unnecessary bloodshed that would no doubt hamper my efforts in pursuing the miko.

It is not my fault that the ookami and the inu-hanyou were born without any common sense or civility.

In the last couple of months that we have been back out on the trail of the depraved kumo and his spawn, those two have been nothing but a hindrance and a never-ending headache for me and the rest of the pack assuredly. It is not even like Kouga is still vying for Kagome’s affections anymore. He continually taunts and provokes InuYasha into aimless squabbles just for the hell of it, which always end the same way – Kouga either gets knocked out by Sango’s Hiraikotsu or by a well placed punch by me, while the whelp becomes intimately reacquainted with Sarutahiko Okami, kami of the earth.

Of course, all of this feuding leaves Kagome in such a tumultuous mental state afterwards, that our daily trek is usually called to a screeching halt, so that she can either go meditate with Miroku or go unwind in whatever nearby onsen we always seem to amazingly stumble across. I am beginning to think that she has some kind of built-in homing ability when it comes to finding the multitude of sulphuric springs that we have discovered, all without a map.

On more than one occasion, the skirmishes have become so much for her, that I have had to fly her back to the Bone Eater’s well on my youki cloud, so she could go back home to her mother and rest in her own time. During these trips, I usually stay close to the well to ensure that InuYasha does not have the audacity to try and go through and drag her back before she is good and ready.

He laughs at me and calls me ‘whipped’, whatever that means. He says that Kagome has me wrapped around her little fingers, even though she isn’t even aware that I am trying to court her. The latter is true, as this Sesshoumaru is biding my time before I even think to broach the subject with her. She is a smart onna, maybe she will catch on. Hn.

I am daiyoukai. I have my pride and no simple onna can control me; but if my altruistic acts of kindness in regards to preserving and ensuring her happiness, can be and are being construed as me loosing my touch, well then, so be it.

She is worth the effort.

It took careful strategizing on my part, something I am indeed master of; and many, many discussions with the taijiya and kitsune about the inner workings of Kagome’s complex thought structure. She is far more perplexing beneath the awkward, klutzy appearance she projects on the outside than anyone could ever imagine.

Indeed, some of the tales that Sango and Shippou have retold to me have given me cold shivers and night sweats. As strong and powerful as I am, even I am not immune to the fallout from the scorn of an enraged onna and having seen Kagome’s wrath on occasion, it was definitely worth getting any and all intel about her, before having to travel with her under more confined conditions.

‘Nothing is more difficult than the art of maneuvering for advantageous positions.’ my old mentor used to say. That could not possibly be truer, especially when it comes to gaining ground with the miko’s good graces.

Still there things that this Sesshoumaru refuses to partake in no matter the unforeseeable reward - I have a reputation to maintain.

I will not coddle or defend her when she prattles on about her weaknesses. If she wants to get stronger, I will gladly assist in her training.

I have no patience for endless chatter and complaining, something I am sure she is well aware of that already. Speak when necessary or leave me to my peace.

If there are questions to be asked, ask them for kami sake. Do not waste my time or energy with self-doubt and buffoonery – that is what InuYasha is for.

I am immune to doe-eyed pleading and immature pouting. It does not work for Rin; it will most certainly not work for the miko. She is too old for such childishness.

If she or anyone else in this mishmash of a tachi can not deal with that, then they are welcome to leave at any time. This Sesshoumaru will give no ground to lesser beings. If I even make one exception, then I leave myself wide open to be taken advantage of and that will not do at all.

The mere fact that it is my choice to make the miko my mate puts me at a disadvantage. I do not and probably will never understand ningen onna. Add to that the absurdity of time travel and outlandish futuristic notions and I am woefully out of my element. But I will not back down or cower.

This Sesshoumaru is the only being on this earth that is worthy of mating the miko. I just have to figure out how to make her understand that too.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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