The Arrangement by BeautifulSilentDeath

Chapter 7

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. The Arrangement

A.N. Yes, I know. I did a cliffy. You will not see that too much. I just wanted to have fun. I had originally planed to make this the ending part of her stay. At the beginning that is. But I thought better of it. I will make the end of this chapter the ending of Kagome's stay instead. Again with the warnings! There will be stuff that might offend some people. If so then please feel free to skip it. And for the few that thinks it is Inuyasha that walked in on it wasn't. She will figure it out soon enough. I have a lot more to come until that happens. I would like to thank all that had reviewed and I continue to encourage it. It lets me know how I am doing. So if you will so kindly continue to do so I would be very ecstatic! Enjoy! Oh! I almost forgot! If you really want to see a sexy ass pic of have got to go to This picture is fucking hot!!!! I have no shame. *sighs* If only he was real....*sob* Anyways, you have got to see this! He is really looking good here. If anyone knows this artist or if she actually reads this fic.....I give my total and up most gratitude for drawing this. You have graced my eyes with the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. The only other one to do this was technoelfie. She has 'to die for art' too. Ok, I am done.

Disclaimer: I in no way own Inuyasha nor will I ever. *says it with a smile...then BSD brakes down and cries.* I also don't own any music or movies that maybe mentioned.

Sesshoumaru walked into his office with a satisfied feel. He was content. It was nice. Though the nice, contentness bothered him. Sesshoumaru was now confused and bothered. He had been with many women in his life and had only felt satisfied. Never had he felt satisfied, nice, and content. Why would he feel nice and content? Hell, the only relationship he was in, and that was with Kagura, had never felt nice and content. But Kagome was not a relationship. She was just a passing fling. A new pet. Someone that had asked for him to help with a fantasy. A fantasy of being dominate over them. So why was he feeling like he could not wait to get home. To go home and have his way with his new pet. To go home and after a good fuck to lay down beside her.

What also bothered Sesshoumaru was the fact that small conversation that the two had shared was nice. He had got to know her. The only thing he knew of her was what he read in the articles done on her. It was nice to actually talk to her. And this bothered him. It bothered and confused him. Now thinking about the small conversation that they had was a good thing to brake the disturbing thoughts that was racing in his head. The conversation about how Inuyasha had mistreated her. In a public restaurant. Causing a scene.

As Sesshoumaru walked to his large, dark oak desk. He sat down and took what he needed out of his briefcase. He placed what he needed in a nice organized fashion and then sat back in his leather office chair. A small lopsided grin, that could make you wonder of his sanity, appeared on his smooth features as he looked over to his cell phone. Now you may think that he was thinking of what sadistic things he could do with the cell phone. This was not his intention. Instead he picked it up and dialed his brother's number. After a few rings, he heard Inuyasha's tired voice.

"Good morning, little brother." Sesshoumaru smiled when he heard his brother's answering 'Feh'.

"What the fuck do you want, Dickhead." Inuyasha questioned.

"I only wanted you to know that I expect you to give me a written report of what you did Thursday and I will have your new list of what I want done today." Sesshoumaru was only to happy to do this. He knew that Inuyasha could not back down. If he did, it would mean that he could blackmail him when their father called Monday to talk to him about how things at work was going.

"Fine! I will have this shit down to you in a few minutes." With that, he hung up the phone and glared at it. Inuyasha was really pissed. He was tired of his brother's slave driving. He hardly got any sleep and had to walk into the mansion hearing his brother having sex. It was just to disturbing and he had a hell of a time falling asleep without horrid mental pictures of his brother fucking Kagome.

At first he thought Sesshoumaru's weird fetish was funny. Something he could possibly get into. But after years of watching his brother use women for the power and dominance, well, it was just kind of....freaky. O' well. If that was Kagome Higurashi's cup of tea, then so be it.

He grabbed up the report, walked to his office door and left to go to the elevator. Once he got in he pushed the button to the next floor up and waited for it to stop. Once that was done he walked to Sesshoumaru's office.

"Here," Inuyasha said as he threw the report down on the desk before his brother, "There is the fucking report." Inuyasha plopped down in the chair that was in front of his brother's desk. He leaned back and gave Sesshoumaru a heated glare.

Sesshoumaru spared his bother a glance before he picked up the report in front of him. He read over the two page report. Keeping his face in a cool line, Sesshoumaru raised his cold gaze at his brother.

"It seems that you have done all that I have requested. Maybe you are not a dimwit after all." Sesshoumaru inwardly smirked as Inuyasha gritted his teeth. He could see that his left eye was starting to tick. A sure sigh that he was pissed.

"Fuck off! You know I can do this job! What is your problem now?!" Inuyasha shouted.

"I have learned an interesting tidbit from out 'future' partner." Sesshoumaru leaned back in his seat as he gagged his brother's reaction. "It seems that you, not only made a fool of yourself, but also verbally assaulted her. Come now Inuyasha, is that any way to treat a lady?"

Inuyasha could not believe this. He got her story. He narrowed his golden gaze at the other pair of eyes that was like his. "So what? It is not like what I said to be false. She was the one making all sorts of crazy demands!"

Sesshoumaru could clearly see that he was flustered. He openly showed his amusement. A small smile curved his thin lips. "You will now not only apologize to her, give into her demands about being here, but you will be at her beck and call while she is here." He let his small smile turn into a sadistic smirk as he watched his brother pale.

"No fucking way! I will NOT be her slave!" Inuyasha countered back. His brother couldn't be serious!

"You will do as you are told until this is done and over with. I will not repeat this. Now here is what I want done today and you had better have it all done." Sesshoumaru handed him a list that only took up the page.

What pissed off Inuyasha was that the list long page would take all damn day to do. He sighed as he took the paper with some force and stomped out of the office. 'Fucking freak....both of them are fucking freaks..' Inuyasha got on the elevator and pushed the button to go down to his floor. He exited off and made his way to his office. His face held a frown deeper than normal. As he passed by his secretary, she stopped him.

"Sir, a woman is waiting for you on the phone. Will you be taking it?" a young woman asked her employer.

Inuyasha sighed. Damn it if he could not get a moments peace. "Yeah, send her through." Inuyasha bit out with clenched teeth.

He walked to his desk and waited for the light to flash on the phone to pick it up. Once the light flashed, he picked up the receiver. "Inuyasha Takashi speaking."

"Good morning, Mr. Takashi. I am Sango Hunter. I have a few.....issues I would like to discuss with you." Came a smooth female voice.

Inuyasha paled as he heard her name. Kagome's partner was on the phone.


Sesshoumaru was riding his bike home. He had a stressful day. He wanted to relax. Especially with his pet. Kagome was a nice change in his home. He would kind of regret having to let her go back home. Sesshoumaru shook his head to dispel the thoughts. Of course he would regret taking her home. She was a good fuck and it was nice to have a pet.

Sesshoumaru pulled in to the drive that led to his large garage. He had other cars and a limo. But he still preferred his bike. Sesshoumaru pulled in when he pressed the button to open his garage door. After he parked the bike and removed his helmet, Sesshoumaru took the latches that held his briefcase in place and brought it to his side.

He pressed the button and closed the garage. Sesshoumaru made his way back to the house. Now all he had to do was change and then he could go see his pet. Sesshoumaru started to walk up the stairs when he stopped in mid-step. He looked over the rail into the back of the staircase. The darkened hall was vibrating with what sounded like rock music. Sesshoumaru stared at the hall for a minute before he allowed a small smile to form on his normally straight face.

Sesshoumaru continued to walk up the staircase until he came to the second floor. He quickly changed in to a pair of silk black pajama bottoms and put his mask on. He let his hair down and left his chest bare. No wearing a shirt tonight. He didn't have to go to work and he was going to enjoy his last night with her. Tomorrow he would have to drop her off back at the park.

Sesshoumaru walked down the stairs and was going to go investigate the bass from the music coming out of the room, but he remembered that she didn't have anything to eat except this morning. He took a right instead of a left and walked into the kitchen. He pulled out a banana and some melon that he had Jaken make up for him this morning. He looked at his watch. It was about seven at night. He had almost been home for forty minutes, and the music was still playing. He did like the group she was playing. Sether was a good group.

He put the fruit on the tray and got some more water in a new pitcher. He padded silently with the small try in one hand and the pitcher in the other. When he arrived to the door in the darkened hallway hidden by the stairs, he balanced the pitcher on the tray and picked up the key that was laying beside the door on a small table. He kept the key their at all times. He had a spare up in his room. He unlocked the door and quietly opened it up. He moved in silently and closed the door behind him. Sesshoumaru turned to look around the room and stopped at the most sexy sight he had ever seen. Kagome was swaying her hips and swinging around the pole. Every time she would swing around, her black-blue mass of hair would flow out in a rippled curtain. She had her clean underwear set on that he had cleaned for her and the silk black shirt he gave her was open so it would follow the same movement that her hair made. She was breathtaking.

He was watching her for a good two minutes. He had set the tray on the floor. Leaving it completely forgotten. Sesshoumaru hardened completely when she bent backwards. Her eyes closed and chest gently heaving. Her hair pooled in the floor like a inky mess and the soft light in the room shined on her glistening skin.

Then her dark blue eyes opened.

Kagome shot straight up after looking into the eyes of her master. She was embarrassed. Her red flushness spread almost all over her body. Even her ears was red. 'OH MY GOD!' she screamed in her head. Sure she was having fun, but to be caught doing this was really embarrassing! She turned to face him and kneeled before him. Kagome could feel the vibration of the music pulsing on the floor and it ran through her body. Her mind was not on the music though.

Sesshoumaru was disappointed that she had stopped. He was really enjoying the show. He had no idea that his little pet could move so provocative. He stepped forward and looked down at her kneeling on the floor in front of him.

"Do not stop, Kagome." She heard him say. Kagome looked up at him with shy and curious eyes. The intense look in them was almost startling.

"Dance for me." With that said he moved to the bed and leaned back against the wall to support his back. He bent up one knee and rested his arm on it as he rested his other hand in his lap. He looked back up at Kagome and nodded his head for her to continue.

Kagome got up from the floor. She closed the short distance between herself and the pole just as the song stopped. She waited for a few seconds before a Stone Temple Pilot song came on. It was one of her favorites from the group. Sex Type Thing. As the music started playing, Kagome started to move to the music. She let the music and bass flow through her. Kagome was a little embarrassed at first. Her movements not very lose, but after a minute she started to let go. She felt sexy doing this.

Kagome turned around the pole to look at Sesshoumaru after a minute of shaking her ass at him and swaying her hips. She almost stopped what she was doing and flushed all over again. Sesshoumaru was sitting there with his long tool sticking out and stroking it slowly. Kagome was mesmerized by the sight. His big hands with the long delicate fingers was sliding up and down his shaft. Having no shame over the fact that he was doing his in front of her. Sure, Kagome had seen him do this before, but for some reason, it just looked so......... bold. It was bold of him to do this while she danced sexy for him. Kagome was not bothered by this. In fact she was very turned on. She felt sexy. Then she noticed something. She had never felt sexy before. She was always so damn conservative and formal that she never really had a fire of lust and want in her. Sesshoumaru gave that to her. He gave that fire to her. He gave her sexiness. Something every woman should have.

After she realized this, she just threw all caution to the wind and really got to dancing. She was getting turned on by this. The why the music boomed and vibrated, the way she felt, and the wonderful view of the man sitting before her on the bed, getting turned on by her actions. He thought she was sexy. So this was all she really needed.

Sesshoumaru was starting to breath heavy. He was really turned on by this goddess. Yes. She was a goddess. A dark goddess that turned him on like no other. He had only done this with her for two weeks, but she was becoming more bold. Would do things for him with out really thinking about it. She was becoming a dark angle that had captured his interest like no other. Sesshoumaru watched as she rubbed up on the pole until it was between her full breasts and he could see her nipples sticking out from under the lacy bra she wore. He could see, when she bent over in front of him, that her panties was wet from anticipation.

He had to have her.

He had to have her NOW.

Sesshoumaru climbed out of the bed and quickly walked over to her. Kagome was facing away from him and unaware that her audience was approaching her. He didn't bother pulling his pants back up over his throbbing erection. He just grabbed her from behind and pressed up against her. Kagome could feel his large dick as it pressed up on her lower back and she let a small moan escape her lips as she pressed back into him. Sesshoumaru grabbed one of Kagome's arms and spun her around, her hair fanning out at the movement and the tips hitting his chest as the movement took place. He grabbed her chin with some force to move her face up. He kissed her like a man of dire hunger. A man that was going to starve to death if he did not satisfy the need to feed himself. Kagome succumbed to the kiss. She long ago stopped fighting her master when he kissed her. He always demanded complete control over her. Even when it came to kissing.

Sesshoumaru moved from her soft and swollen lips. He started to trail down her jaw, neck, shoulder, chest. Only stopping in his hurried pace to give each perk nipple a quick bit. Kagome was starting to feel her knees grow weak under the assault to her person and put her hands on his shoulders to balance herself. She could feel Sesshoumaru stop and pull down her shirt and then quickly unlatched her bra. He barley slowed down when he got to her stomach. Running his tongue around her navel, Sesshoumaru ran his fingers along the waist band of her thongs and started to pull them down.

Kagome spread her legs some so that he could pull the thongs down with out a problem. She stepped out of them as Sesshoumaru gave hungry kisses to her thighs. Sesshoumaru was on his knees now, running his hands up and down her legs. He then pushed her back up on the narrow pole.

"Grab the pole." he breathed out in a husky voice.

Kagome put her hands above her head and lightly held the pole. She watched as Sesshoumaru lifted one of her legs up and put it over his shoulder. He did the same to her other leg. Her thighs was now on his shoulders and she could feel his hot breath on her core. Sesshoumaru looked up at her and caught her eyes. Making sure she watched, he devoured her wet core and felt her thighs tighten around his neck.

"Ahhhhh!!" she cried out. Her grip left the pole and she brought her hands to his hair. She ran her fingers in his silver hair until she had them tangle up in the fine hair. Sesshoumaru brought his hands up to her backside and balanced her. After he was sure of his grip, he started to push her up the slick pole. Kagome could barely feel that she was being moved upward but it was brought to her knowledge when her head bumped the ceiling. She had to look down so that her head would not hit the ceiling.

Sesshoumaru was now at full height and still had his hands on her ass as he tongue fucked Kagome. She was trying her damnedest to not fall off to the side. It was hard when she could feel Sesshoumaru's tongue assault her passage with a furry. Kagome could feel the tell-tale signs of her orgasm coming and she was starting to break out in a light sweat. Kagome's breathing was labored and she was starting to shake.

Sesshoumaru could tell she was near. He felt her thighs tremble and she was almost painfully pulling at his hair. He moved his tongue out of her tight passage and moved it to her clit. Wasting no time, he started to flick his tongue quickly against her throbbing bud. Kagome Screamed at the new sensation. She felt her body tense and her fluids poured out of her. Sesshoumaru made a quick catch to lick it all up.

"Please, Master." Kagome breathed. Her body was coming down from it's high but she was still feeling weak from his assault. She also didn't feel like she could hold on much longer. Sesshoumaru got the clue and started to lower her.

When he got her to where his head was next to hers, he made sure that her legs were startling his waist and then he leaned forward until his lips was next to her ear. "We are not done yet."

With those words, Kagome felt him position himself at her entrance and thrust forward. Her gasp was the answer that he had hit home. Sesshoumaru started thrusting in her at a frenzied pace. Kagome started to bounce with his assault and the pole was starting to dig into her back. She didn't mind. The pleasure overrode the pain. Sesshoumaru felt like he was in his second heaven. She was so tight and hot. It almost burned him as he thrust into her. He was getting close but he didn't want to cum just yet.

Making sure he had a good grip on her, Sesshoumaru lifted Kagome up off of the pole and walked over to the bed that was not far from it. He threw her down on it, which caused them to separate. Kagome was shocked at the small toss. She was not expecting it, so she let out a little 'eep'. Sesshoumaru just gave her a mischievous smile as he grabbed on of her shoulders and forced her on to her hands and knees. Kagome was very easy to move about. She was so small compared to him. It made doing tricks with her enjoyable and easy.

Kagome felt him push back into her with a quick thrust. "Mmmmm...Yes, Master!" She cried out. Sesshoumaru was hitting all the right spots. In this position he was able to thrust deeper. Kagome felt a large hand on her back. She felt him push her head down until her cheek was resting against the black sheets. His thrusting never slowed nor did they stop.

Both was sweaty, hot, and breathing hard. Sesshoumaru had a hard grip on Kagome's hips and she would be pushed forward every time he pumped into her. She tried to meet his thrusts but just let him do as he pleased because of his fast pace.

"Mmmm........I am going to fuck your little hole until you are all stretched out." he breathed as he leaned forward.

Kagome was starting to moan loud now. His hot words making her tremble with anticipation. All you could hear in the room was the loud music and each others moans and cries. He kept his deep pumps going until they were both coming to a point where exhaustion was upon them. Soon Kagome came again, and when she did, it was a loud scream. Sesshoumaru soon followed with a loud and low moan. Sesshoumaru leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist. He laid over on his side and brought her with her. Sesshoumaru and Kagome both laid in each others arms until they caught there breaths. The music finally stopped. Having no more CDs in its player to turn.

Kagome was starting to fall asleep in her master's arms. His heart beat was like a steady drum. She snuggled closer and finally let her eyes drift shut. Sesshoumaru felt her get comfortable in his arms and watched her breathing become steady. He started to run his fingers threw her hair. She had such nice hair.

'You will be my down fall if I don't be careful.' He thought as he finally let sleep find him.


Inuyasha walked in the mansion pissed. He slammed the door behind him and threw his keys on the small table that was beside the door. Unfortunately, they missed and landed on the floor with a small clatter. Inuyasha just shrugged it off and started to stomp up the stairs. Before he even made it to the steps, he felt a vibration of a stereo system. It was heavy metal. "What the fuck are they doing in there...?" he said to himself. All of the sudden there was a loud scream and low moan that came out of the darkened hallway. Inuyasha got so pissed that he looked in the direction of the hallway and started to swear. He didn't even care if anyone heard him.

"Shut the fuck up in there you freaks!!!" He screamed as loud as he could. It was all lost over the loud music.

He was tired and now he had to listen to his brother fucking. From being chewed out by Ms. Hunter, working late hours on extra work, and the upcoming event of being a slave.....well, he was not in the mood of anything but peace and quiet. He gave the dark hallway the 'bird' and started up the stairs.

Was quiet too much to ask?


Saturday morning was uneventful for Kagome. She woke up more sore than yesterday, but the nice side was that she was nice and warm. The nice and warm thing that was keeping her that way was what surprised her. Sesshoumaru was still there. Normally he would be gone. Her waking up alone. She looked into his masked face and sighed. Maybe one day she will be able to see what is behind that mask. One day. She started to trace his muscles on his chest as he slept., trying to keep her mirth down when he would twitch. 'Who knew he was ticklish.' she thought.

Kagome kept this up until she got to a very sensitive spot on his stomach. She couldn't contain her laughter any longer. She busted into fits when he grabbed her hand in his and gave her a small glare.

"Oh come now, Master. You cant be mad over that." Kagome said as she contained her laughter.

Sesshoumaru looked at her for a moment before he allowed a small smile appear on his face. He moved his hand from hers and cupped her face with it. "Go and clean up. I will be back hear in an hour."

With that said he got up and left the room. Kagome got out of bed and got a bath ready as she went to the bathroom. When she was all done with everything, Sesshoumaru came back in and had some food with him. He had taken the dirty plates out, so the little table that he put in there was ready for the new meal he brought for her.

While Kagome ate, Sesshoumaru cleaned up the place a little. She really didn't want to be in here. Kagome was starting to hate the dark colors and she was longing for the sunlight. Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru. He was putting CDs back in there cases.

"Master...." Came her small voice.

Sesshoumaru stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at her. "Yes, Kagome?"

" I mean is...." Kagome was trying her best to not anger him. She just wanted out so bad.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her, that she couldn't see, and waited. "Can I go outside?" Came her question.

He looked at her for a minute. He could tell that his staring was making her uncomfortable. He watched as she started to fidget under his scrutiny. Kagome was just sure that he would not allow her to go outside. Hell, she was about to tell him that he could blindfold her if he would just let her out of the room.

"I will allow this." Sesshoumaru said after a few minutes. Kagome's face lit up. She was about to tell him her gratitude when he held up his hand to stop her. "You will keep your eyes closed until I tell you other wise." With that he walked out of the room.

Kagome looked at the black door. 'Ooookaaaayyy, why did he leave?' She shrugged it off and waited for him to return. She didn't have to wait long. Her master came right back into the room with a black sheer robe. It was a mans robe but it would do. He walked over to Kagome and told her to put it on. She had her underwear on so at least she had a robe to cover up. After she had it on, he ordered her to shut her eyes and not to open them until told otherwise.

Kagome felt a hand on her arm. She allowed him to lead her out the room and she kept walking until she was stopped. The hand let go but she didn't open her eyes yet. She just stood perfectly still. Kagome felt a warm breeze and it felt wonderful. A small smile appeared on her face as she felt the soft breeze caress her face and body. She felt the hand come back and lead her out the obvious door. The hand led her a few more feet before it let go. Kagome knew she was in the sun. She could feel the heat beat down on the top of her head. It felt heavenly.

"You can open your eyes." Came his low voice.

Kagome opened her eyes. She had to adjust to the light at first. It was bright and clear. When her eye sight returned, she was greeted with the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. At her feet was marble steps that was wide. It fanned out like a sea shell. At the bottom of the steps was dark green grass. It was manicured with the up most precision. A few more feet back was trimmed hedges that acted like a wall that lined a walkway. There was a few stepping stones that led out into a wider part of the garden. It was a patchwork of flowers of all varieties and in the middle was a large pond. It had a little bridge that allowed you to walk across it. She was in her second heaven.

Kagome turned to her side to see her master there. Still only in his silky pajama bottoms. His skin seemed to glow in the bright sun and his hair looked like it was spun silver as it reflected the sun when the breeze moved it. A large smile graced her face.

"Oh, thank you so much Master! It is beautiful. Like a paradise." Kagome's eyes shined with happiness and curiosity of her surroundings.

Sesshoumaru almost let a smile grace his face as well, but stopped himself. He allowed her to come out because she would not be seen here. They where miles from another soul and he owned about thirty achers, ensuring privacy. She took one more gratifying look at him and ran down the steps. Her robe, although was tied shut, was still flowing against her body, showing her curves. She was happy. It almost reminded Sesshoumaru of a child that was finally free to play when they had been kept up in there room because of rain.

Sesshoumaru walked over to a table and sat down on one of the chairs there. It was a stone table that was only meant for four people and the chairs was rod iron. It was in the shade so he could watch her explore his large garden. He could see her look at the back of his mansion. He was not worried about that either. It was the back of the mansion and you could not see the front. He let her stay out there for a long time. When they went out there it was about one in the afternoon. Now it was starting to get to evening. It was time to get her ready to take her back. He didn't have sex with her. That was alright. He found peace in just watching her play in the pond and looking at everything. 'She belongs out here.' he thought as Sesshoumaru stood up.

"Kagome, it is time to come in." Sesshoumaru saw the look of disappointment on her face, but she let it slide before a smile graced her features again.

Sesshoumaru led her back to the room with her eyes closed again and let her put on her shirt, coat, and shoes. When she was ready to go. He left for a couple of minutes to get the limo ready. When Sesshoumaru came back he had the blindfold in hand and told her to put it on. When she had secured it, he led her to the limo and they drove off. It was now dark outside and the drive was long and silent. Kagome sat on her side of the limo with a small smile on her face. He could tell that she was content.

When they finally got back to the parking lot of Rodgers Field, he slide over to her. He cupped her face with one of his hands and gave her a chase kiss.

"You will come when I call for you. Is that understood?" He said.

"Yes Master." Was Kagome's reply.

"Good girl. Now take your blindfold off." Sesshoumaru told her.

Kagome took it off and saw that they were already at the parking lot. She pulled out her keys and opened the door. Before sliding out completely, she looked back of what she could see of her master. She didn't say anything , just smiled at him. Kagome got out and closed the door.

It was time to go home.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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