Sex On The Beach by tenchi no mai
A Different Type Of Sex On The Beach
Sex On The Beach – Chapter 2
From the last chapter:
Speaking rather loudly, Haru ordered another round of drinks. "Yes, my friends here will have the same as I am, and the lady will have a Sex On The Beach." Haru glanced over his shoulder when one of the resort guests spewed his beer across the table onto his companions.
Turning back to Sesshoumaru, Haru lifted an eyebrow and smirked at him as Kagome turned wide eyes to look at Haru.
‘Why the heck is Haru ordering a drink for me?’ Kagome didn’t drink too often, and when she did it was usually a glass of white wine or a white wine spritzer, never a mixed drink like the large snifter with the fruit slices and hibiscus flower that was now sitting in front of her. Taking a small sip, she grimaced. Deciding she didn’t like it, she moved the glass over to the side.
Shun was to her right, leaning back against the end of the bar, and Sesshoumaru and Haru were standing behind her. Crossing her arms on the bar rail and leaning forward, she was once again watching the tropical fish in the large salt water tank when the bartender approached.
“You don’t like the drink, Miss? I can make something else for you.” The nametag said his name was Zenjiro, and she could tell by his aura that he was a fox demon, even though he was wearing a concealing spell.
“No, I’m sorry. I don’t drink too often. May I have a white wine spritzer?” Kagome looked hopefully at the rows of liquor bottles behind the bar, but sighed when she didn’t see any wine.
“Of course Miss, give me a minute to send someone to the wine cellar for a bottle.” Zenjiro gave her a big grin, just barely showing the tips of his fangs, as he went to clear the other drink away.
Shun glared at the bartender and put out his hand stopping him. “Leave it here, I may decide to drink it since my mate apparently doesn’t like it.” He had noticed how the other demon’s aura had reached out in a gentle caress towards Kagome.
Kagome gave a questioning glance at Shun as he threw back the rest of his whiskey and sat the empty glass on the bar. ‘That’s odd, usually when we’re out in public, he’ll use the word wife not mate, unless we’re exclusively in the company of other demons. I wonder what his problem is tonight?’
Zenjiro started to turn away, disappointed. He had hoped the male leaning possessively towards her was just a friend or possibly a casual date. The petite human female was absolutely adorable, and he would have liked to have been able to get to know her better. Discreetly taking a second glance, he checked to see if she was marked. He could just barely make out the mating marks under the halter neckline of her dress, and his eyes widened. ‘WOW! She has two mating marks. That’s really unusual, demons rarely share mates.’ As the silver haired male leaned down to say something to her and she smiled lovingly back up at him, he realized that both of the demons she came in with must be her mates.
Shun turned towards Kagome and put one arm around her shoulders as he leaned across the bar to pull the snifter closer and take a gulp. As his groin met her thigh, he had a hentai moment and grinned. His cock twitched and began to harden when he realized that the barstools were exactly the right height, and were fastened solidly to the floor. Shun rubbed his lengthening erection against Kagome’s thigh as he remembered the time they tried to use one of the barstools at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. It was frustrating, it was shorter than these, and it had skidded across the tile floor with each thrust.
Putting his other hand under the edge of the bar on her knee, and after rubbing a few circles on it, Shun began to stroke upwards between her thighs. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, in no uncertain terms, exactly what he would like to do with her on the barstool, and watched her blush a pretty pink. Wishing her skirt wasn’t so slim, he cursed under his breath when he realized he couldn’t get his hand more than halfway up her thighs under the slim, straight skirt.
Kagome was shocked by Shun’s actions, as well as his words. He had never been so blatantly sexual in public before, and she put her hand on his arm before he tried to push her skirt up any higher. Drinking didn’t usually affect him in this manner, and she had to wonder, once again, what brought on this curious behavior.
Sesshoumaru and Haru’s noses flared; Shun’s growing arousal was noticed by both of the males. As they turned amused gazes towards him, Shun gave them a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, Shun lifted Kagome up off the seat and slid underneath her, settling her sideways in his lap after unobtrusively adjusting himself and managing to hike her skirt up another inch or two. As the thought filtered into his mind what he could be doing if she was wearing a different dress with a full skirt, his arousal continued to rise.
Zenjiro was suddenly aware of the other demon’s arousal, and didn’t wish to see his possessiveness escalate into either a demonstration of dominance or blood lust, either of which he was positive would mortify the human female. He handed her drink to one of the passing waitresses and asked her to please deliver it to the woman at the end of the bar.
When a waitress placed Kagome’s drink on the bar then hurried back into the restaurant with her tray of drinks, Shun glanced down the long expanse of polished teak to see the bartender, with his back to them, washing glasses. ‘Well, it looks like he’s learned his place is not flirting with my mate.’
Swiveling the seat so that Kagome faced the bar, Shun wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her firmly in place on his lap as his other hand attempted to work its way between her thighs again. Flexing his hips against her little round derriere which was so snugly nestled against his groin, he tried not to groan.
Sesshoumaru had moved over to take Shun’s place at the end of the bar. This way whatever Shun was attempting to do was hidden from the scrutiny of anyone sitting in the booths and tables lining the walls of the lounge. Plus from this position he had a good view of what was going on and would be able to put a stop to it if Kagome got too upset, or Shun went too far. He smirked as he watched Kagome once again blush a bright shade of pink.
Kagome gripped the edge of the bar tightly with one hand as she turned to glare at Shun. She couldn’t believe what he was attempting to do in public, and was going to be embarrassed to death if anyone other than Sesshoumaru saw them in this position.
Shun grinned at her, then flashed his fangs knowing how much they turned her on. Leaning down, he gave her a quick kiss and grinned again as one finger was just able to touch herquickly dampening panties. Rubbing the tip of his finger against her silk covered cleft of Venus, the first faint scent of her arousal reached his nose.
Haru was talking to Sesshoumaru about the charges that were going to be leveled against the fishermen as well as the resort, when he stepped forward to let a waitress pass behind him with a tray of drinks. Finding himself pressed against Kagome’s back, he glanced down and smirked at the sight of Shun’s hand up her skirt. The view of her lucious breasts down the front of her low cut dress was also attention-grabbing, but the sweet scent of her arousal beginning to twine with Shun’s was absolutely mouth-watering.
Taking a half step back, he glanced first at Sesshoumaru and then at Shun. He didn’t want to provoke either one of them, but he was, above all else, a demon and a male. Even if he couldn’t participate, he certainly held no qualms about watching a free show.
After seeing the three of them together on the beach earlier, he had wondered how much of her human modesty Kagome still retained, especially since being mated with two demons. Seeing the dusky pink blush rising on her cheeks and the glare she was leveling at Shun, Haru quickly realized that this was not a usual part of their foreplay. He buried the comment he was about to make about sex on the beach into the back of his mind and turned to the hostess when she called his name.
“Capt. Haruhara, your table for four is ready. This way, please.” The tall curvaceous redhead who had flirted with him earlier now had his full attention as she led the way to their table.
Shun picked up the snifter and quickly drained the last of the drink. Standing up, he set Kagome on her feet and picked up her wine spritzer to take into the restaurant for her. Catching the bartenders eye, he motioned for him to send another drink to their table.
“Shun, don’t you think that maybe you’ve had enough to drink tonight?” Kagome was trying to unobtrusively straighten her skirt, when Shun smacked her smartly on the derriere almost making her trip.
“What’s the matter, you think I don’t know my limit?” Shun grinned at her as they followed Haru into the restaurant. He put his free hand on her hind end and began rubbing her firm round cheeks, which he could just picture turning a lovely shade of pink where his hand had made contact with them.
“Sesshoumaru, what was the name of that drink? I want you to make sure that Shun doesn’t ever have it again!” Kagome was getting irritated with Shun, even as she was, for some strange reason, becoming extremely turned on.
Haru snickered as Sesshoumaru smirked at her. “I believe the drink was called ‘Sex on the Beach’, koi.”
Kagome swiftly turned to Shun, and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, yanked him down to her level. Lowering her voice, she hissed at him. “You didn’t tell Haru about this afternoon, did you?”
“No, Princess. I can’t believe you would even begin to think I would do something like that.” He gave her a wide eyed innocent look, somewhat reminiscent of Miroku, as he pulled her flush against his body and nipped his mating mark, then whispered in her ear. “He probably saw us when he flew over the beach on his way to the stranded boat.”
Kagome paled and her eyes went wide as she realized that not only Haru, but probably the entire flight crew as well as a boatload of fisherman all had front row seats to their sexploits earlier today. Letting go of Shun’s shirt, she quickly spun around and followed Sesshoumaru and Haru, her agitation growing by the second.
Shun stood rooted to the spot for a moment watching her hair swing back and forth and her hind end wiggle as she caught up with Seshoumaru. Licking his fangs, he only had one thought. ‘I’ll have to get her to wear the high heels later with just a thong. On second thought, maybe just the high heels.’
Quickening his pace, he put an arm around Kagome’s waist as they reached the table. “If it’s alright with you two, Kagome and I will take the booth side of the table.”
Looking at the mezzaluna shaped bench, Kagome narrowed her eyes at Shun, wondering what the the suddenly hentai demon was thinking. From the wicked glitter in his eyes, she just knew it wasn’t going to be easy to keep him under control until they got home. It was as though he had been infected by Miroku, however even he only went so far in public with his lechery.
‘No, if he has been infected by anyone it would be Haru.’ Dragon demons were notoriously well known for their unrestrained sexuality, promiscuous activities, loose morals and shameless public displays of all of the above behavior. She would have to keep a close watch on both of them, although, so far, Haru was behaving himself, aside from some innocent flirting with the hostess.
Catching Sesshoumaru’s eye, Kagome raised an eyebrow at him in question. When he subtly shrugged his shoulders, she realized that he had no idea what had gotten into Shun, or if he did, he wasn’t going to tell her. Kagome unexpectedly had a hentai moment of her own, and decided to give it right back to Shun.
When the overly large menus were handed around, she leaned into Shun on the pretext of sharing the menu. When he grinned and put an arm around her and snuggled her close, she turned, pressing her breasts into his side, as though to point to something on the far side of the menu. Dropping her hand into his lap, she firmly grabbed his cock through his trousers and gave it several extremely enthusiastic strokes. She could feel his quick inhalation, and looked up as his eyes suddenly glazed crimson.
“Don’t you like it Shun? I thought you like the ahi when we had it on vacation in Hawai’i. Well, if you don’t want the ahi, how about something from the ‘turf’ side of the menu?” Kagome almost giggled as she watched his stunned expression.
Sesshoumaru looked over towards Kagome and Shun when he noticed the menu begin to waver and raised an eyebrow as he observed Shun’s eyes abruptly glazing crimson, then slowly fading back to their normal beige and silver. ‘What in the name of the Kami did Kagome just do to provoke that reaction? I hope she realizes that with the mood he’s in, if she takes it too far she’s likely to end up getting fucked right on the table in the middle of the restaurant.’
Shun was fighting with his inner youki. It was demanding that he take his oh so tempting, though impudent, little mate, throw her on the table and show her who was the more dominant one in the relationship. Knowing that would be the worst thing he could possibly do, his more rational side was telling him to enjoy the attention and wait until they were at least back in the car before fucking her senseless.
Haru grinned as he watched Shun and Kagome. He had a good idea of what just occurred, and his mind once again replayed the scene from the beach earlier today. Grinning wider, he tried to bring the conversation back to the reef and what they could do about it.
Sesshoumaru kept one eye on Shun, and as dinner progressed he could see what Kagome had been getting irritated about. Shun was acting more like one of the dragon demons and less and less like his normal calm self. He was beginning to wonder if perhaps Kagome was correct about the drink. The waitress had brought Shun another refill, and as he drank the concoction in the large snifter, his behavior continued to deteriorate.
At one point Shun had her sitting on his lap and was whispering in her ear. Whatever he was insinuating, it must have been quite lewd, as Kagome was blushing a bright red and trying to keep him from working his hand inside the halter top of her dress.
Finally having seen enough of this uncharacteristic behavior, Sesshoumaru spoke up. “Shun, why don’t you let Kagome sit and finish her dinner? I’m sure you will be able to resume your ‘activities’ when we get back to the shiro.” Giving him a stern look, Sesshoumaru waited a few minutes to see if Shun would listen to him, or if a further demonstration of his alpha status would be required.
Dinner continued with Shun slowly managing to get a slightly better grip on his self-control, still being somewhat overly affectionate with Kagome, but not as overtly lascivious.
Shun was relieved when dinner was finally over and they were on their way back to the car, he didn’t think the evening would ever end. His erection was still as hard as it had been in the bar before dinner, and he wanted some relief… now. Picking Kagome up, he flew over to the car; opening the back door, he sat her down on the seat and motioned for her to slide over.
Climbing in after her, he pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. Tugging on her skirt, he suddenly realized it was slim enough that it couldn’t be pulled up to her waist. “Kagome, get the dress off, quickly, before I slice it off for you.”
“Shun! Don’t rip it! Hang on a second, don’t be so impatient!” Kagome struggled for a minute with the zipper, then managed to slide her dress down past her knees and let it drop to the floor of the car. She was now as horny as Shun, the thoughts she had been entertaining over dinner were absolutely wanton, and her panties were wet and sticky with her arousal.
Shun had unzipped his trousers and shoved them down past his hips. He pulled Kagome over to straddle his lap and, holding her hips, ground his aching cock up against her soaking wet core. Slicing her panties off her, he put one arm around her waist and raised her up enough to lower her onto his now throbbing erection, which he was gripping tightly with his free hand. He slid down in the seat until he was able to move his hips to drive himself up into Kagome; she wasn’t able to keep up the pace he wanted.
He was so horny; the lust that had started with the teasing in the bar and continued throughout dinner had risen unabated until he was now almost in a frenzy. He could feel that his release was not going to be soon, no matter how much he wanted to be able to quickly lose himself in the blissful explosion of feelings and sensations. His cock was so hard it actually ached, and even after bringing Kagome to two screaming climaxes was still no closer to his own, even with her internal muscles clenching tightly around his tortured flesh.
Sesshoumaru smirked as he pulled the car into the garage. He was taking a wild guess, but he didn’t think Shun realized yet that they were home. Opening the back door of the car, he stood there, waiting for one of them to figure it out. Finally bending down, he motioned for Kagome to get out of the car. After watching them in the rear view mirror on the drive home, and smelling the enticing aroma of Kagome’s arousal, his cock was now standing at attention and screaming for some TLC.
Kagome tried to pull Shun into a more upright position. “Shun, let me borrow your shirt.” It had been unbuttoned a while ago, but he was still wearing it. “I’m not walking into the house naked.”
As she went to lift herself off his lap, Shun pulled her back down onto his still throbbing cock and groaned. “I’ll carry you into the house, don’t worry about it.” Swinging his legs around, he started to get out of the car.
“Shun, give me your shirt! Suppose some of the guys are here. I’m not going into the house unless I’m covered up.” Kagome leaned back and was attempting to work his shirt off his shoulders.
“Alright, but it’s coming off again as soon as we get to the bedroom.” Shun grinned at her as he slipped the shirt off and helped her put it on. Holding her under her derriere with one one hand as she wrapped her legs around his hips, he kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his trousers and boxers as they dropped to the garage floor.
Still buried to the hilt in her hot, slick sheath, Shun bounced her up and down as they headed towards the bedroom, stopping several times to lean her against the wall and give a couple of hard thrusts.
Kagome had her head buried in his shoulder, hoping that the three of them were the only ones in the shiro. She would be mortified if any of the guys were here and saw them like this. She tightened her PC muscles and grinned as she listened to Shun hiss.
When they arrived at the bedroom, Sesshoumaru had already stripped off his clothes and was digging around in the drawer of the nightstand, searching for something.
Shun slid out of Kagome, and placed her on the bed on her elbows and knees. Flipping his shirt up over her back, he grabbed her hips and slammed back into her, causing her to yelp at the powerful thrusts. Setting a hard, quick pace he reached around to rub her little bundle of nerves.
Kagome could feel another orgasm coiling tightly in her abdomen, and wondered at Shun’s stamina, he didn’t usually last this long. She was used to Sesshoumaru being this forceful and demanding, but Shun was the opposite, normally gentle and easy going. When he leaned over and licked, then bit into his mating mark, she lost all thought as her lust skyrocketed.
As her orgasm slowly ebbed, she could hear Shun hissing again. That was never a good sign, he only hissed when he was frustrated or angry.
Shun had continued to pound into Kagome with his demon speed, hoping to force his own release. When it didn’t appear to be coming anytime soon, he became frustrated and began hissing. Suddenly he heard growling behind him and felt fangs on the back of his neck. He released his fangs from his mating mark on Kagome, then stilled and waited to see what Sesshoumaru wanted, he very rarely growled at him, and had never set his fangs on him. The grip on his neck reminded him of when he was a kit and his father had reprimanded him.
Kagome went shock still as the sounds of hissing and growling increased. If there was going to be a dog and cat fight of some sort, she most certainly didn’t want to be in the middle of it, and definitely not underneath it. Sesshoumaru was asserting his alpha status for some reason, and she was unable to figure out why. Slowly turning her head to look over her shoulder, she gazed into Sesshoumaru’s fully red eyes, and the first twinge of apprehension made itself felt.
Sesshoumaru wrapped one arm around Shun’s shoulders and pulled him up into a sitting position. His inner youki was demanding a display of dominance over both his alpha female and his beta male, while his more rational side was arguing that the results of such a display may not be to his liking.
Gently patting Kagome on the derriere with his free hand, he urged her to disengage herself from Shun. Watching her obey his command and scramble towards the head of the bed, his inner youki was pleased. At least his mate still recognized him as alpha.
Kneeling behind Shun, Sesshoumaru reached around and wrapped his hand tightly around Shun’s throbbing, pulsing cock. He was shocked. It was so engorged and rigid that it had pulled up tightly against his abdomen. Sesshoumaru stopped growling and lowered his voice. “You will not take your frustrations out on our mate. If there is a problem, we will find a solution. Losing control and causing any type of harm to our mate will not help the matter.”
Shun sat motionless as Sesshoumaru still held his neck between his elongating fangs. Finally understanding that Sesshoumaru’s inner youki was in full control, and knowing where this show of dominance could lead if he wasn’t careful, he tilted his head, further exposing his neck, and whimpered.
Submitting to his alpha, Shun waited to see where this was going. Feeling Sesshoumaru press himself tightly to his back with his own large erection squeezed firmly between them, he hoped Sesshoumaru would accept his submission, then whimpered again for good measure.
Sesshoumaru flexed his hips and ground his erection into Shun’s back as he sunk his fangs into his neck, and punctured the flesh. He hadn’t intended to mark Shun at this point, but it was too late now. It was something that had been spoken of as a step to possibly take sometime far in the future. As well as being mated to Kagome, Shun was now forever, and for all eternity, marked as belonging to him as well as a full member of the house of Taisho. He wasn’t going to take this into a complete mating, there was something else he wanted more tonight, but a sudden thought popped into his head on how to relieve some of Shun’s stress.
Shun’s eyes widened when he felt Sesshoumaru’s fangs sink into his neck. The pain was tremendous, and he briefly wondered if this was how Kagome felt when she had been marked. Sesshoumaru had tightened his grip on his cock and was now quickly pumping it as his other hand came around to roughly grasp his balls. As a jolt of lust transferred through the mark, Shun forgot everything else as he was abruptly pushed towards the edge. Throwing his head back against Sesshoumaru’s shoulder, he gasped and moaned at the totally unexpected pleasure as he finally approached his release.
Kagome had quickly scrambled towards the head of the bed, wrapping Shun’s shirt tightly around herself. Curling into the large pile of pillows, she tried to make herself as small as possible, hoping against hope that her mates would ignore her while what ever was happening sorted itself out.
She watched with wide eyes as Seshoumaru marked Shun, then proceeded to grasp his cock and begin forcing him towards his climax. She realized that something momentous was occurring, but didn’t fully understand the significance of the actions. All she realized as she watched her two mates was that this was hot. Sesshoumaru was in the dominant position as alpha male, and the look of lust and pleasure on Shun’s features was enthralling. She could feel her own arousal skyrocket and reached down between her legs to rub her clit.
The tantalizing scent of Kagome’s arousal reached Sesshoumaru and he raised his eyes to watch her and see what she was going to do. As she slowly reached between her legs, he internally smirked, perhaps she wasn’t as traumatized as he originally thought. Realizing that Shun was close, he ground his erection harder against his back and sped up pumping his cock. When Shun came with a loud snarl, he released his fangs from Shun’s neck and slowly licked the puncture wounds to seal the mark. Keeping his eyes locked on Kagome, he gently kissed his mark, as Shun leaned heavily against him, gasping for breath.
Knowing how much it turned Kagome on, Sesshoumaru continued to kiss up Shun’s neck and across his jaw, before pulling him into a passionate kiss. Shun collapsed forward onto his elbows as Sesshoumaru released him from the embrace.
Slowly crawling up the bed as though stalking his prey, Sesshoumaru grinned wickedly at Kagome. “You’re next, little girl.”
Sesshoumaru made his way over to Kagome and pulled her into his lap. Holding her close, he gently took off Shun’s shirt and her shoes, dropping them over the edge of the bed. Putting a crooked finger under her chin, he lifted her head and kissed her passionately.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Kagome returned the kiss, as she shifted to straddle his lap and rub her now aching core against his hard cock. His eyes were still completely red, and she couldn’t believe how gentle his inner youki was being at the moment. Running her hands through his hair and across his shoulders, she then traced the muscles of his chest and abdomen before reaching for his cock. Shaking his head, Sesshoumaru took both her wrists in one of his hands and held them above her head has he laid her down on the bed.
Kissing down her neck, he first licked, then nipped, his mating mark, but continued the open mouthed kisses across her collarbone to her breasts. Gently licking her nipples, he first sucked one breast, then the other before working his way down her body. Combing his claws through her dark curls, he settled himself beween her thighs to pleasure his mate.
Taking a deep breath as he nosed her soft curls, the scent of her arousal deepened when he began licking her little nub. Running his tongue between her outer lips, he spread her open to continue tasting her arousal, which was now so strong, it was putting him into a lustful haze.
Kagome was absolutely writhing as she wrapped her long legs around Sesshoumaru’s shoulders and held on for dear life. He was driving her absolutely mad with desire, and she wanted him inside her. Bucking her hips as she came closer to the orgasm she could feel coiling tightly inside her, she pulled on his hair trying to let him know what she wanted.
Sesshoumaru wasn’t about to let Kagome wiggle away from him, and he tightened his grip on her hips to keep her in place. Slowly licking her slit again, he grazed her clit with his fang and listened to her gasp. Inserting one finger, then a second into her hot sheath, he gently pumped them in and out as he sucked on her now pulsing clit. With one final hard suck, Kagome arched up off the bed, screaming his name with her release.
As Kagome lay gasping for breath, Sesshoumaru worked his way back up her body, licking, kissing and nipping her flesh all the way. When they were face to face again, he watched her expression as he licked her fluids off his fingers. He loved to see her like this, as she lay there all aglow as she came down from her climax.
He knew he could easily rekindle the flames of lust and smirked as he reached between them and gripped his cock, pumping it a few times. Rubbing it up and down her slit, he then ever so slowly sunk himself into her still twitching sheath, moaning as her muscles spasmed around his now throbbing erection.
Keeping himself under control, he set a slow, steady pace as he brought Kagome to another screaming release, only speeding up slightly as his own release boiled up and he emptied himself into her.
Shun sat cross legged on the end of the bed observing Sesshoumaru and Kagome, and after a few minutes of comtemplation, realized that Sesshoumaru was right, if he had continued the way he was, there was a good possibility that he could have harmed Kagome in his frustration.
Once he had calmed down somewhat and realized that his erection from hell had finally dissipated, he was enjoying watching the two of them as they participated in the dance of lovers.
Sesshoumaru had slid is still semi-erect cock out of Kagome and flipped her over onto her knees. Kagome was laying with her chest and head down on the bed and her rump up in the air as Sesshoumaru licked his fangs and rubbed his rapidly hardening cock up and down her slick slit, getting ready for round two.
Kagome was one sated mate as she lay face down on the bed and felt Sesshoumaru insert a finger or two into her dripping pussy. Gazing at Shun, she made a ‘kissy face’ at him and he smiled at her and blew a kiss back.
Sesshoumaru felt that Kagome was relaxed enough that he was going to push for something he had been wanting for quite some time. As he pressed his cock into her dripping wet sheath, he put one hand on her shoulders to keep her in position and with the other began to rub their combined juices around her puckered opening.
Kagome suddenly looked over her shoulder at him, as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Relax, Kagome, you know I won’t hurt you.” She began to tense up as she felt him carefully insert first one finger, then another finger into her back passage.
“Relax, Kagome.” Sesshoumaru’s rich baritone voice ghosted over her ear as he continued gently preparing her. Once she was finally able to relax, she had to admit to herself that the feelings he was creating were pleasurable, especially since he was also still slowly working his hard cock in and out of her pussy. Reaching between her legs she began to rub her clit as her arousal increased.
Sesshoumaru grinned, this was what he had been waiting for. He pulled out of her sheath and pressed the head of his cock against her puckered opening, slowly insert himself into her back passage. He groaned as the head of his cock popped through the tight ring of muscle and continued until he was sunk to the hilt. He waited, allowing Kagome time to adjust to the feeling before he began to move.
Kagome continued rubbing her clit as Sesshoumaru slowly worked his way into her back passage. There was a slight burning pain as he breeched the ring of muscles, but it quickly subsided as the pleasurable feelings intensified. The sensations were different, but no less delightful than when he was buried to the hilt in her now empty sheath.
When Kagome pushed back on him, Sesshoumaru groaned again, then began to slowly pull out and push forward once more. The feelings were exquisite as he set a slow pace. Leaning down, he put one arm around Kagome’s waist then sat up bring her with him. Holding her firmly to his chest, he lifted her high enough that he could keep control of the pace and pleasure as he slowly surged upwards to fill her. Catching Shun’s eye, Sesshoumaru motioned him over.
Shun suddenly realized exactly what Sesshoumaru wanted, and he made his way over to them. Kneeling in front of Kagome, Shun hesitantly began stroking his cock, praying that there would not be a repeat of the last time. Leaning down he kissed her gently, as he moved her fingers out of the way and began rubbing her little bundle of nerves.
Sesshoumaru pulled out until just the head of his cock was left inside Kagome. Shun moved forward between Sesshoumaru’s spread thighs and rubbed the tip of his erection around Kagome’s slit. As he slowly pressed his cock into her hot, wet sheath, his first thought was how incredibly tight she was with both of them inside her. He could feel the head of Sesshoumaru’s cock rubbing against his own as he filled her to the hilt.
Kagome grabbed firmly onto Shun’s shoulders, sure her fingernails would leave marks, as he slowly filled her. When Sesshoumaru then did the same, a gurgling sound left her throat, and both males stopped to make sure she was okay.
“Oh, kami, so tight!” Kagome whispered, as she panted and groaned. The feelings were mind-boggling as Sesshoumaru and Shun continued to slowly fill her, sometimes together, and sometimes alternating. It was as though someone had replaced her blood with boiling water. She could feel what she was sure was the mother of all orgasms beginning to coil tightly inside her.
Shun was sure he wasn’t going to be able to last much longer. He knew that the moment Kagome came, he would be following her. Shun noticed Kagomel’s skin flushing a dusky pink color, and within seconds she started wailing loudly. As he felt her muscles begin to quiver and clench onto his erection, he came with a loud snarl, and felt Sesshoumaru’s cock begin to twitch and spasm.
Kagome was in a lust filled world of her own as she siezed, then her orgasm released and she couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she was sure her heart was going to stop.
Sesshoumaru was trying to hold out as long as possible, but when Kagome and Shun both came within seconds of each other, he knew he was on the edge. Feeling his balls tighten up, he buried his face in Kagome’s hair as he emptied himself into her.
When she felt the hot release from both her mates, it just pushed her orgasm higher. That was the last thing she remembered as her world went black.
When Kagome went limp, Sesshoumaru tightened his grip around her waist. Quickly he pulled out of her still rippling passage; the last thing he wanted now was for his knot to form. If it did, then the three of them would be locked together, possibly for hours.
Shun carefully slid out from Kagome, hissing as his oversensitised flesh was rubbed by her spasming muscles. He took her slight weight onto his lap when Sesshoumaru went to get a cold, wet towel for Kagome’s forehead.
Later, after everyone had showered, the three of them were cuddling in bed. Kagome was drifting off to sleep as Sesshoumaru gently ran his claws through her hair. Shun winced as he touched the still sore mark on his neck, and wondered about the changes in hierarchy the pack was going to go through, all because of a couple of drinks and some unrestrained lust.