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Naughty Dog by Trinity

Bad Dog!

So, this is response to Skye's challenge, I couldn't resist, sexy banner. But yeah, I don't own Inuyasha or the characters, so uhh enjoy this one shot. It's over the minimum which is 800, the story is at 1126 words. So yeah, enjoy.




Whining pitifully the great Daiyoukai of the west rolled around in his overstuffed futon in an attempt to ease the pain wreaking havoc on his slim muscular frame.   He had to wonder why, why he dared to do what he did, but the temptation so great he just couldn’t resist it, especially when she told him no. The regret played around with anger in a painful mix, the two warred inside his pounding head, playing what he could swear were the bongos.

He knew though, it was just the insanity creeping up on him from the immense pain clawing and tearing, clinging tightly to him. Not even his demonic healing abilities could chase it from him, it was pitiful, he, Sesshoumaru the Lord of the West had been taken down by a simple thing. He felt betrayed by his father’s great and powerful blood, it did nothing to ease the terrible feelings spreading slowly through his tense, sweating body.

Why, was all that ran around and around in his head, the only thing he could barely concentrate on. He was so distracted he missed the soft creak of the door and the soft giggles of the two devils that indirectly caused this. He was quickly brought out from the circling question dazed mind to stare blankly at the two with glazed over dim amber eyes. At seeing their great lord in such pain the two ran out of the room yelling, “Sesshoumaru-sama/Otou-san, is dying! Someone sa-“ The last part of the exclamation was cut off as the two collided with a solid yet unbalanced object, the end result was a pile of limbs and other body parts.

A group of soft groans filled the otherwise silent air after the collision. “Did anyone catch that license plate number…?” A pair of giggles met her question as the trio slowly untangled themselves and sat on the floor gathering their wits. After a few moments a shriek filled the air as one of the dubbed devils began to flail and sputter and cry. “Rin, what is the matter?” Sniffling loudly the girl couldn’t respond, she was beyond its grasp in her hysterics caused by her lords soon to be departure from the world. The second devil sniffed loudly before staring at the last of the group with solemn eyes. “Lord Sesshoumaru is dying…”

At the words the young girl who had quieted slightly in the moments before let out a loud wail before the break down escalated. Eyes widening the older girl quickly got to her feet and began running down the hall to Sesshoumaru’s room in a flurry of white, green and a splotch of red. Slamming the large heavy wooden door open, the lord within lifted his weakened form slightly to see who was interrupting his pain. Noticing the miko his eyes narrowed evilly before releasing a growl that was supposed to be terrifying, but lacked the needed qualities in his weakened state.

“Oh no, Sesshoumaru…” Scrambling over to the pale sweating male with worried eyes, she quickly rested a hand on his forehead and flinched. “Your burning up…I thought Youkai couldn’t get sick…” A strangled snarl met her question as he resisted the urge to writhe in pain from that demonic treat of hers. Whimpering softly the male closed his eyes to help ease the migraine that pounded behind his eyes, temple among other places. His blurry vision didn’t help any with the slowly building pain trickling from his torso region, up and well down.

Unknown to the Daiyoukai lost in his pain and torment, the young miko found the cause of the problem; melted on a pillow he used to hide it. Biting her lower lip to stifle a giggle from escaping her lips the dark haired girl walked out from the room to grab the item she needed. She had a feeling he would do this and brought the stuff as a precaution. Shaking her head the miko grabbed the needed item from her worn yellow bag and made her way back down the hall, but before returning to the naughty lord she made a detour to the still crying children on the floor. “Shippo…Rin, Lord Sesshoumaru will be fine. You’ll see.” Smiling at the sniffling duo upon the floor she patted both heads before skipping down the hall merrily.

She would make sure he’d never live this down; she promised herself this and the Kami’s above. Stepping back into the room she made her way over to the over sized bed and flopped beside the irritated male. “Sesshoumaru, open up you big baby.” Opening his eyes to glare at her, he followed the icy stare with a snarl, which gave the blue eyed girl with the chance to dump the medicine down his throat.

“Now shut up and lay there for about a half hour. This is what you get for stealing that chocolate you naughty dog!” Huffing she stood up and began to make her way from the room. “Next time you should listen when I say no, since chocolate is not for dogs.” Pointing a finger at the guilty looking Sesshoumaru, she almost faltered, he looked like he lost his favorite treat. “You deserve that pain you endured, when you decide not to act like a spoiled pup maybe then I will play fight in the sheets again.” Growling she stormed from the room with a slam of the door.

Poor Sesshoumaru was left alone, regretting his decision. Not because she said no, and that other stuff, but because he would have no more night time fun. Blinking, he finally realized exactly what that meant…after pain he got so horny… “Nooo Kagome, come back! I’ll uh, change I promise my di-I mean I need you!” After a few minutes of her not returning he let out a whine which soon changed to a pitiful howl of need mixed with regret and pain.

A smirking miko stood behind the door in amusement, she heard his words, but knew better then to believe him, she knew what would happen after the thirty minutes, but she deemed it, well, a unnecessary   thing to worry about. Walking off down the hall to the wide eyed children at the end, she grabbed their hands and began the trek down to the kitchen for lunch. He would learn, even if he didn’t want to.

“Shippo, Rin, never give dogs chocolate.” Two pairs of eyes turned to the smirking miko in question. “Why…okka-san?” Releasing both of their hands, she knelt down before them and ruffled both of their hairs before responding in amusement. “Chocolate is toxic to them. This includes Sesshoumaru. Kay?” Both nodded their heads and soon followed the gleeful miko in confusion down to the kitchen.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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