Trapped by sesshou_lover
Strands of Honor
Strands of Honor
Kagome stared at the thin strand of hair wrapped around her wrist, as she had been doing for the last two years any time this happened. How could this happen to her?
She had been minding her own business, watching over her younger brother as he played, when an inu guard told her she'd been summoned by the greatly feared lord of the Western Lands, the Inu no Taisho.
She'd been afraid. No human ever before had been summoned and was ever seen again. No human had ever stood before the great and terrible lord, none but the wicked of heart, which Kagome wasn't.
She was pure hearted, kind, generous. She was a miko. She spent her life taking care of other's needs to the exclusion of her own. Why would she have to make the journey to the Western Lands?
If she knew then what she knew now... She'd been summoned to help the lord teach his heir an important lesson. What the lesson was she couldn't be sure of for surely this punishment was too heavy for one such as her.
She glanced quickly to her side where Lord Sesshoumaru stood, also glaring at the piece of hair connecting them. Whenever something happened they always looked to the strand of hair.
It was insufferable how they both were made to suffer the Inu no Taisho's wrath. The connecting hair was designed to keep them together, at a length of its own choosing. Sometimes they could have perhaps twenty feet to separate them, but most times, mostly at night, there was no space at all.
Bathing became a miserable task, although after the first week she learned to stop blushing for there wasn't a single part of either body that both hadn't seen. At night they had to sleep according to his wants, which forced her to accommodate him or be uncomfortable, not that she was ever comfortable. She only finally got used to sleeping by his side.
She hadn't been able to visit her family for two years and she missed them terribly. Of course they had been advised of the situation. Kagome would be safe because Sesshoumaru couldn't kill her or he'd never be free of her dead carcass.
It wasn't a pleasant thought. All Kagome wanted was to be able to for once take a bath where she wasn't forced against the body of a cold hearted demon. It was all she wanted.
Once again, as she returned her eyes to the strand of hair it began to glow a faint blue signifying the length would shorten. Sure enough, they no longer had the ten feet of freedom, but were again forced side by side.
Although this time Kagome managed to run to his side fast enough not to fall flat on her face, she wasn't always so lucky.
The very first time the length shortened she's been standing as far away from the demon as possible. The objective was for both to be humiliated, but Sesshoumaru weighed much more than he looked and she ended up becoming the only one to be humiliated while he smirked.
After that, she learned real fast to always keep watch.
"Two months at most he said," Sesshoumaru muttered under his breath. They stood facing one another, Kagome's eyes level with his chest, in the middle of the forest. Sesshoumaru was supposed to be patrolling the lands in his father's stead, when Kagome got tired.
Kagome sighed. The project would have lasted two months if Sesshoumaru hadn't tried to kill her the moment they were released. The strand reattached to protect Kagome and now it refused to let them go.
"We should just finish the patrol and get back to the palace." By now it was second nature to have her left hand bent behind her back as his right arm wrapped around her waist.
She didn't move fast enough for him, which forced him to pick her up all the time when they had no space between them. This forced him to endure her sweet aroma for an extended period of time.
Two years of almost constantly holding her either straddling one of his thighs or between his legs eventually took his toll on his resolve, especially because she liked to squirm.
Kagome wrapped her right arm around his neck, hooking one of her legs around his own for a good grip. She still didn't trust the strand of hair to hold her body up should he lose his grip either accidentally or on purpose.
Sesshoumaru bent his knees slightly before the take off. The sooner he got through this patrol, he knew the sooner he'd be in the safety of his father's palace where distractions lay everywhere.
Maybe the damn strand of hair would give him enough space from Kagome so he could finally get laid. Two years without sex wasn't good for him if he actually found himself desiring the human woman.
"Pass me the soap please," Kagome said softly from behind Sesshoumaru. Five hours and they still had no room to maneuver away.
Kagome had wanted a bath badly and only got Sesshoumaru to agree by swearing to wash his back for him.
Now she had to fight against his height to achieve this goal he refused to help her with.
"I intend to have female company later tonight," Sesshoumaru said after he passed the required item.
Kagome paused in her ministrations. "What kind of female company? Sesshoumaru you are not having sex while I am attached to you like this and that is final. I can't believe you'd think I'd agree to this."
She heard him begin to growl, but ignored it. They'd been stuck together for too long for Kagome to be bothered with his attitude now.
"I wasn't asking for your input. I am telling you I am getting laid tonight whether or not we have space between us. Deal with it."
What if she couldn't sleep? It was disgusting to even think of having something like that going on beside her without her wanting it especially at night when she was always forced to cuddle next to him.
And what was she supposed to do if he decided to get vigorous. She'd have to move into position with him to keep him from being uncomfortable. She refused. "Why do you have to do this?"
Sesshoumaru sighed. He hated explaining anything. But damn it he wanted to get laid. An idea came to mind of getting his way.
With the hand wrapped around his back he gripped her wrist, pulling her to his front. His cock was hard and aching, practically floating in the water on its own. He watched as Kagome's eyes stared in fascination.
"Do you intend to spread your thighs for this?" he wrapped her hand around the shaft, pumping from base to tip repeatedly. Her tiny fingers were unable to grasp his full width.
Kagome's breath caught in her throat. Her eyes flew up to his face, though she knew her skin turned an unsightly red. "Of course I won't spread my legs for you." Although the thought was very tempting, she had her virtue to think of.
Sesshoumaru snorted, having too much fun teasing the human. "You can not tell me you are not enamored of the thought. I smell your juices mingling with the water already. I bet you can just imagine me pumping into you, thrusting every single inch inside your tight little hole."
Kagome gave a rather good imitation of a growl before suddenly twisting away from him. She didn't care what he thought. Yes she was attracted to him, but she also hated his guts.
From the very moment of their meeting he behaved as if it were her fault they were stuck together. It took weeks for him to deign it necessary to speak to her. And after that whole two month fiasco, he'd done nothing more than make fun of her.
She'd tried to be nice. After all, she gave him the benefit of the doubt. She didn't truly believe that he was heartless, just a natural jerk and because of it they weren't even friends as he made sure to tell her numerous times.
Why did she have to be stuck to him?
Sesshoumaru noticed that his hand was very close to a rather intimate place on Kagome. It was very hard to ignore when his hand had no place to move. If he wiggled his fingers just the slightest, he had a feeling he could brush against her heat.
He licked his lips, damn was he horny. If the human bitch didn't give it up then he was going to find someone to relieve him of the pressure building in his balls.
"Now Kagome," he said quietly, pressing his length against her back. She shuddered against him, causing him to be pleased with himself. "We can do this one of two ways. You can spread your legs on your own, or you can deal with me screwing someone else. But I will get laid tonight."
Kagome closed her eyes to ignore the way he was pressed against her. Two years of looking at this gorgeous, epitome of the male figure, had really taken its toll on her. She wanted him desperately, but she had her principles to deal with.
There was no way that she was just going to spread her legs for him, even if he had to have his arm around her because there was no room to move anywhere else. "Neither situation is going to happen."
Sesshoumaru leaned further into her, whispering in her ear. "Are you so selfish that you would expect me to suffer so much pain? My balls are turning blue. Do you really want me whimpering like a little pup, or are you going to help me feel better. I'll even settle for your hand."
Kagome could have died with every word he spoke, but she had no way of knowing if he spoke the truth or not. She had to believe him because she was tied to him and if he died then she'd be blamed and killed by his father.
It was a lose-lose situation no matter how she looked at it. She turned around to face him, the movements of their arms to accommodate coming naturally. "All I have to do is touch you by hand?"
"For now," he shrugged. "We can start there and see how I feel."
'How the hell did it get to this?' Kagome asked herself as she sat on her knees sucking vigorously on Sesshoumaru's cock. He was totally taking advantage of the situation if you asked her opinion.
Yes she brought him to climax with her hand, but that hadn't been enough. He was still hard and claiming that her mouth should work better than her hand.
So here she was, on her knees, his hand gripping her hair tightly as he pumped his hips into her mouth. If she didn't like the way he tasted, then she'd really give him a piece of her mind.
"That's it," he groaned. "Suck this demon cock like a good little bitch." She pulled back to his head to nibble on the very tip of him, causing his legs to shake. It made her feel better that she had some kind of power over him.
Still, her damn jaws hurt like hell from his size and she wished he'd finish up so she could finish her bath. This wasn't as fun as she'd heard some of the females whisper when they thought she wasn't listening.
Sesshoumaru had to admit that Kagome certainly had a mouth on her. After two years of listening to her bemoan her situation, as if he really wanted to be tied to her as well, he'd found a very good use for her mouth.
Who'd have thought that the sweet little innocent Kagome was a great cocksucker? He could have convinced her a long time ago if he'd know this little bit of information. Now to see how much further he could push her.
Kagome gagged. How dare he ejaculate in her mouth as if she wanted to swallow his seed? It was gross to say the least.
"It can't possibly be all that bad," Sesshoumaru said with a smug look on his face.
"You try swallowing that and then tell me it doesn't taste bad. How can women do this without their jaws hurting?" She tried rubbing some life back into her jaws. This was not something she was ever going to do again if she could get away with it. He was just going to have to suffer blue balls as he said.
"It must not hurt enough if you're still gabbing."
"Do you at least feel better?" She chose to ignore his stupid words. How she got herself into this mess she never knew but someone up above had to really dislike her.
She turned away from him, intent on finishing her bath and ignoring the salty taste in her mouth. Her hand still hadn't been let loose by the strand, so she was forced to endure Sesshoumaru's hand impeding her process.
As if it weren't bad enough that he couldn't at least help her clean her body, he kept touching her with the hand forced against her body. "Stop it Sesshoumaru."
She could just feel the smugness radiating off his body. "I can't. I'm still horny."
She closed her eyes for a brief moment. She couldn't give him another blow job with the way her jaws felt. She knew for a fact that although he liked her hand job it hadn't done nearly a well enough job to satisfy his appetite. So that left one recourse that she was unwilling to consider. Sex.
"You might as well give me your virginity," Sesshoumaru stated as if he were being put upon. "I meant what I said about getting sex. It is either you or Yura, maybe Kagura."
She just knew he was going to do this to her. He had to choose the two demonesses he knew she could not stand. But why the hell, did he just have to have sex with her anyway? She thought he couldn't stand humans.
He hadn't been joking. Because she refused to have sex with him, he actually had the nerve to invite both females to his room, thereby ensuring her a night of no sleep.
So here she was, sitting on Kagura's back facing Sesshoumaru as he drove into the wind demoness over and over. Yura lay just behind Sesshoumaru, having already been satisfied earlier.
Kagome kept trying to close her eyes to keep out Sesshoumaru's face, but the damn demon kept looking at her the whole time he fucked Kagura, kept puller her closer with her trapped arm, making her feel awkward. If that wasn't bad enough, he had the nerve to keep nipping at her skin, occasionally licking her.
She swore that if she had to move one more time, she'd get her revenge on him. This was not a night that she was ever going to forget. And it wasn't going to happen again if she could help it.
Six months. For six months she had to endure of not having the slightest space between her and Sesshoumaru. Six months of enduring his constant arousal that she had no desire to take care of.
Six long months of enduring Yura's and Kagura's presence when all she wanted was to purify them all. No one seemed to have sympathy for her plight; after all if she would only have sex with Sesshoumaru, she wouldn't have to endure other females.
But she didn't want to have sex with him. Yes, she had a feeling that he was very good in bed. With all the moaning and screaming she listened to at night, how could she not notice.
Still, she did not want her first time to be with a demon. It should be with a human male that she married. Sesshoumaru wasn't going to marry her. He wasn't going to love her. He just wanted to fuck her.
What the hell was she going to do? Because she couldn't lose another night of sleep.
Kagome lay very still as she waited for the two bitches to take their ugly bodies out of the room so she could finally go to sleep. Except she could still smell their nasty scents all over Sesshoumaru.
"You stink. I don't like their smell," she said.
She could just feel his smirk. "I told you what to do if you want this to stop."
"I told you I don't like you."
"I don't like you either, but we are stuck together. The least you could do to make it easy on us is let me fuck you. I've heard of this very interesting technique I think you will enjoy."
Kagome growled in that feeble human attempt of hers. She couldn't take it anymore. It had to end now before she became truly sleep deprived. "Then bathe their damn scents off before I gag," she said. Sesshoumaru's answer was a laugh.
"Wrap the pearls around me," Sesshoumaru growled. He was so hard it almost hurt. Finally he was going to get to debauch Kagome. He'd only kept up with Kagura and Yura because he was waiting for Kagome to cave in.
He figured, Kagome might be human, but she smelled better, and she was pure, so it worked to his advantage to have her become his lover. He knew that she could never touch another male. How could she if she were always with him?
Kagome trembling wrapped the string of pearls around his member as instructed. She had no idea what it was for, but it looked strangely...interesting. He was so hard, like steel, yet the skin was so velvety soft.
With the pearls wrapped around him, his skin peeking through nicely, it looked very different. It made her want to touch him; just to see how it felt. "Touch me," he whispered.
The string of pearls shifted beneath her questing hand causing Sesshoumaru an intense amount of pleasure. This was going to be so good when he finally got his hands on her, or rather his cock inside her.
He pushed against her shoulder, forcing her to lie back against the bed. He would be kind this once and do what he'd never before gifted another woman with, oral stimulation.
As a lord he knew how to please a woman, he just didn't like to apply his tricks to unworthy whores who most times reeked of other men.
Carefully he spread Kagome's thighs, fighting against her natural motion to close them once more. He smirked in her direction, mocking her ridiculous endeavor to hide all her feminine secrets.
He opened his mouth wide, uncurling his long tongue to lick the whole of her sex. Kagome jumped, surprised at the feeling of his rough tongue against her previously untouched place.
She felt strange; having his tongue in a place it had no business. But at the same time, it felt so good too. Her hips tilted up of its own accord, giving his mouth a better angle in which to work.
Sesshoumaru made gentle circles around her clit, finding that she was the slightest bit more sensitive along the left. He paid closer attention to this ultra sensitive place, bringing her to the height of pleasure before backing off the slightest.
Kagome whimpered low in her throat, her hands helplessly tugging at his hair to bring him back to her. Sesshoumaru gently disentangled her fingers from his strands of hair, entwining their fingers to keep her hands from his scalp.
He returned to her then, his tongue stiff in preparation for penetrating her slick opening. She was sweet, just like he expected her to be. Above him he heard Kagome gasp.
She did not know how to feel. It was much beyond her comprehension. She felt tension in her body, in her lower abdomen. She felt it tighten with every caress of his tongue to her body. She liked it, and she was afraid to continue liking it, afraid what it might do to her should she relax enough to fully enjoy it.
Sesshoumaru pressed a single inside, feeling just how tight her muscles fought against him. He groaned. It had been so long since he'd found a tighter fit, if he ever had before.
He continued to press his finger inside, finding her hymen. He pulled his finger out slightly, a mischievous smirk on his lips. Kagome watched as he placed his lips around her tender clit.
She waited, uncomprehending why he should do something like that, until he suddenly sucked hard. Her head flew back in a scream of unbearable pleasure pain.
In that single moment of distraction, Sesshoumaru pressed three of his fingers inside, breaking her hymen with his claws. He felt Kagome stiffen further with the added pain, but he continued pumping her, stretching her muscles to prepare for his penetration.
He kept suckling on her clit, pulling the pleasured moans from her reluctant throat. He was relentless in drawing out her pleasure, forcing her to two orgasms, contemplating pushing her to a third.
Fingers still pumping her sex, he began nibbling his way up her body, brushing her skin with his cooler flesh. The contrast had Kagome panting. She hadn't known it could be like this.
"Relax Kagome," he whispered when he'd kissed his way to her ear. But it was so hard when the very tip of him kept brushing against her clit and his cool chest pressed against her distended nipples. She found it so hard to focus with his fingers constantly rubbing against the sensitive insides of her vaginal walls. She was going crazy and there was nothing to stop it.
Sesshoumaru captured her cursed wrist with his own. For once, he was glad they were attached this way. She could not get away from him as he grasped his rock hard cock, helping to pump the pearls back and forth across his skin.
More than anything he wanted to drive himself hard into her body. She'd feel so good coating him with that delicious pussy juice. Still, he took his time. He removed his fingers in a slow glide that had Kagome's hips lifting to follow him.
He pressed her back down with his free hand. Gently, he pressed against her stretched opening. It may not have been stretched nearly enough to accommodate his thick girth, especially with the added pearls, but he had to admit. He had tried.
Kagome couldn't help her reaction to this new invasion. She stiffened. It hurt so bad. "Sesshoumaru stop," she whimpered, clawing at his skin. Sesshoumaru let loose a slight growl but he stopped his invasion.
He grasped both her wrists with the one hand tied to Kagome, keeping her from scratching at him.
Maybe the pearls weren't such a good idea for a virgin, he determined. Quickly he ripped the pearls away, the loose beads, falling wherever they may, before returning to Kagome's body. 'This should be better.' He pressed again, fighting against her panicked tightening.
His teeth clenched. She was too tight right now. He scented her tears, but still he pressed on, forcing his way through until the plum shaped head made it inside. He paused, allowing Kagome time to get used to him.
She gripped his hand tightly, sobbing. Sesshoumaru sighed. "You have to relax," he groaned, his hips pushing forward once more.
"It hurts," she whispered.
Sesshoumaru trailed his free hand down her body, finding her clit. He ran soothing circles around it, distracting her from the greater pain of his invasion. When her mouth opened, he leaned forward, wrapping his tongue around hers.
Properly distracted, he shoved his hips forward once more, until he finally managed rest fully within her, pressed hard against the mouth to her womb. It was a struggle to wait as Kagome screamed into his mouth her pain.
He pushed more firmly against her clit, feeling as her muscles rippled against his length. That little fluttering almost made him lose control.
Kagome figured something had to be wrong with her as time passed. The pain seemed to lessen immensely, not that she thought it could ever be pleasurable. It just seemed so wrong that she could derive pleasure from something has big as Sesshoumaru's...thing.
Okay, so she refused to call it anything, even in her mind but she stood by her thought that it wasn't worth the trouble. She'd rather him continue on with Yura and Kagura than to deal with this kind of pain again.
Then she made a mistake. She shifted her hips into a more comfortable position. Sesshoumaru growled low in his throat and she gasped. 'Well that's interesting.'
Sesshoumaru pulled back just the slightest before he returned to her. The sensation was indescribable. Kagome couldn't help her tiny moan of pleasure. She felt every last bit of him caressing her walls as tight a fit as he was.
Sesshoumaru knew she was ready when he heard the moan. He pulled out further, keeping his stroke long, extending her pleasure, until just the head remained inside. Her muscles clamped down on him.
He pushed forward, fight against her muscles. This was so much better than he thought it'd be. Kagome was tight, almost too tight, but that was okay. Her pussy muscles could nearly strangle his cock any time as long as it felt this good.
He settled into a slow pace, pulling out before slowing pushing in. Kagome writhed beneath him, unable to remain still. Every time his hips settled against her, he gave a nice grinding roll against her clit.
Kagome's grip on his hand hadn't lessened in the slightest. In fact she tightened her hold on him. Her legs wrapped around his, the heels of her feet pressing against her thighs to give her enough purchase to grind her hips against his to keep that wonderful contact.
Sesshoumaru felt a smirk touch his lips. So she wanted to keep rhythm with him? He suddenly changed his pace, picking up speed and strength. Kagome's head fell back to the pillows. This was even better.
She tried to keep pace with him, slamming against him as the wet sucking sounds of their flesh met her ears. Sesshoumaru kept changing pace on her, from nearly bruising strokes to sensual grinds that kept her off balance.
Sesshoumaru felt her contract against him in her orgasm. He hissed at how much tighter she became. His eyes bled red. His stripes ran jagged as his fangs lengthened. His beast fought against him to play with the bitch.
Kagome's miko powers felt the change in him. Her powers rose to the surface, ready to defend her should he turn violent.
But she needn't worry about a volatile youkai. The beast increased the strength of his thrusts, pounding into her body, taking pleasure in her screams of ecstasy.
Neither noticed that the strand of hair tying them together began to glow gently or that it loosened from around their wrists. Sesshoumaru was too busy fucking the little bitch beneath him to notice such a mundane fact.
Kagome felt her eyes roll into the back of her head. Her body jerked in another orgasm. Her mind knew nothing other than the way his cock possessed her body, filling her again and again.
Sesshoumaru felt his orgasm draw near. He couldn't hold it back once Kagome came again, her juices flooding him, dripping from his tightened nut sack.
He head flew back as he howled. His seed pumped into Kagome's body, filling her to overflowing. His fangs lengthened further as the beast prepared to mark Kagome. At the last moment his more rational side took control, keeping the beast from making a mistake.
Sesshoumaru collapsed against Kagome's limp body, both much too weak to move.
Kagome felt the weight, but could do nothing about it. As long as she could breathe she guessed he could stay where he was. Hell, she felt almost dead anyway so did it really matter if she suffocated.
Kagome awoke to a bed deprived of Sesshoumaru's presence. She glanced at her left wrist noticing that for once, there wasn't a glaringly white strand of hair tied to it. Her heart gave a little hopeful flutter.
Did this mean she could finally go home?
"Don't look so happy Kagome. I'm not nearly finished with you yet."
She jumped. Sesshoumaru stood near the window, his naked body gleaming in the light of the moon. She fought her eyes, to keep from staring at the erection practically pointing at her. "W-what do you mean? The strand's gone. That means I can go home."
He shook his head. "Oh no. You see, I realized something; your cunt is the perfect place to release my sexual frustration. If I let you go home, then there is a risk that you might marry some human male, thereby tainting the pure scent of my essence. I can't let that happen. I happen to like the idea of you always holding my seed."
"You can't," Kagome screeched. His father wouldn't allow it would he? She had a life she had to get back to. She couldn't be his little sex toy to use whenever he wanted. She refused to be a whore when she could be a wife.
Sesshoumaru smirked. "Oh I can. And I will keep you, by any means necessary." He suddenly moved to attack, but before he could the strand of hair returned to bind them together.
Kagome groaned in frustration. "Sesshoumaru you jerk. I can't believe you did that."
"By any means necessary Kagome? What else did you think I was going to do?" he said with a smirk. Kagome was too frustrated to answer his question. "Now, about that pearl technique..."