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Underpants Gnomes by MontiK

I am innocent...

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz Media. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Sitting on the couch, watching TV. Ahh... It was nice to relax after a long day...

Wait.. there's something in the way. He tilted to the side trying to see around the sudden obstruction to his view. The damn thing moved in his way again. 

Wait.. now he couldn't hear either. He turned the TV over the racket the obstruction was making. Then he sighed... there really was no way to just ignore this.

"What are you shouting about, woman?", Sesshoumaru asked in an exasperated tone.

"Don't you 'woman' me, Sesshoumaru!", Kagome shouted back, hand on her hips looking aboslutly livid. "You did it again! I don't know why you think you need to steal my underpants when we LIVE together! But you did it again!"

He frowned, "I did no such thing."

She gaped at him, "So how... just HOW? Did all my underwear dissapear from the dirty laundry AGAIN?!"

He got up from the couch deciding this needed to be dealt with. He breezed past the flustered Kagome and into the small laundry. He took a cursory sniff and nodded to himself. Just as he suspected.

"Underpants Gnomes", He stated vaguely before going back to indulge in a relaxing movie. He thought he was free too quickly.

"You expect me to believe that! Seriously? Underpants gnomes?" 

He sighed and nodded, "They are quite illusive.. I suggest you keep all your underpants somewhere safe...", he tried to look around her to the TV again but was again thwarted. Damn she could be persistent.

"Prove to me there are REALLY Underpants Gnomes and maybe, just maybe, I won't take your bisquits away."

He stiffened at the threat. He rather liked his doggy biscuits. 

"You didn't believe in youkai before you entered the Sengoku Jidai, and you were proven wrong. And now you refuse to believe me when I tell you there were underpants Gnomes in the laundry room?"

She nodded, "It's just too far-fetched."

He sighed, "Then I will watch over the laundry room tonight and prove to you it was not me, but the Underpants Gnomes who have stolen your underwear. Will that satisfy you?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes." Then she plopped down on the couch and curled into his side to watch a movie with him.


Kagome curled into her down comforter for warmth with a sigh of happiness. Hopefully her underpants were safe. She didn't know if she should be worried their were really underpants gnomes or that Sesshoumaru was now all alone with most of her underwear. He said he needed 'gnome bait'... but she had her suspicions.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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