One, Two, Three... by LadyDaniTar

One, Two, Three...


"Men suck!" Sango shouted, her voice echoing through the bar and then downed another shot of tequila. She slammed the glass down on the counter with a force that rattled the bottles behind the bar, then turned to her friend with a dramatic flair. "Agree with me, Kagome!"

Kagome, already halfway through her own shot, barely batted an eyelash. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and shot Sango a knowing look. "I told you Miroku was trouble. Once a player, always a player," she said, her tone dripping with the satisfaction of being right. She flagged down the bartender for another round.

Sango snorted—an indelicate, unladylike sound that would've mortified her sober self. "Oh, please, like you have any room to talk! Kouga was no saint, and we both know it."

Kagome’s eyes narrowed, and flicked her wavy locks over her shoulder. "Are we seriously arguing about this right now? This is exactly what they want, Sango! They want us to turn on each other, like some kind of twisted soap opera!"

The drunken logic hit Sango like a ton of bricks. She blinked, then nodded with the solemnity of a judge delivering a verdict. "You're absolutely right!" she declared, turning to face the room again. "Fuck men!" she bellowed, loud enough to make several heads turn.

The two women dissolved into a fit of giggles, oblivious to the side-eye they were getting from the other patrons. Their laughter was still echoing through the bar when the bartender, Bankotsu, appeared with a weary expression.

"Alright, ladies, that's enough. I'm cutting you off," he said, placing two glasses of water in front of them. "You're scaring off my regulars."

Sango pouted, sticking out her bottom lip in a display that was only half-serious. "I thought we *were* your regulars, Banky," she whined, batting her lashes for added effect.

"You would be if you actually paid for your drinks," Bankotsu replied, crossing his arms and giving them both a stern look. "A guy's gotta eat, and I live off tips, remember?"

Kagome, in a heroic but wobbly attempt to save the day, reached into her purse. She nearly toppled off her barstool but managed to pull out a black credit card with a triumphant flourish. "Here! Charge all our drinks on this. Hell, include back pay for all the freebies Jakotsu's given us over the years."

Bankotsu eyed the card with suspicion. "Do I even want to know where you got this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

She waved a dismissive hand and took a sip of her water, only to realize she'd missed the straw entirely. "It's Kouga's. He probably thought if he bought me enough stuff, he'd get a free pass to cheat. Joke's on him, he never asked for his credit card back after we broke up six months ago."

Bankotsu sighed, swiped the card, and handed it back to her. "I'll keep the tab open and make sure to include a generous tip for myself at the end of the night."

Kagome was already half-checked out of the conversation, bobbing her head to the music and sipping water through her straw like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Suddenly, she stopped mid-bob, her eyes scanning the bar. She leaned in closer to Sango, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Hey, Sango?"

"Hm?" Sango replied, not looking up from her phone, probably sending Miroku hate texts.

A mischievous grin spread across Kagome's face, and her eyes sparkled with the kind of mischief that usually led to regrettable decisions. "Wanna play One, Two, Three?"

Sango's head snapped up, her eyes widening as she caught on. "Oh, you're on," she said, grinning back.

They straightened up, both putting on their best “we’re totally sober” faces, and turned to face the entrance like a couple of hunters waiting for their prey. Sango always took the lead in these situations, giving Kagome time to mentally brace herself—or, more often than not, to knock back a few extra shots for liquid courage.

The familiar creak of the bar door made them both lean forward in their seats, eyes locked on the entrance. In walked their first contestant of the night: a clean-cut, bright-eyed man who looked like he’d just stepped out of a catalog for sensible menswear. No, scratch that—he looked more like he’d just come from helping an old lady cross the street.

“Pass!” Sango yelled before Kagome could even get a word in, punctuating her decision with a quick shot of tequila.

“Why?” Kagome asked, genuinely curious as she eyed the newcomer. “He looks so… wholesome.”

Sango snorted, rolling her eyes. “Wholesome? He’s a walking Boy Scout badge collection! I’d eat the poor guy alive.”

As if on cue, the man approached the bar and ordered a Shirley Temple—on the rocks. Sango didn’t even need to say anything; she just pointed at him with the enthusiasm of someone revealing the world’s biggest secret and mouthed, “Boy Scout!”

Kagome couldn’t help but giggle, nodding in agreement. “Okay, okay, you’re right. He’s practically wearing an invisible merit badge for good behavior.”

They both spun back around on their stools, synchronizing their movements as if they’d rehearsed it. Their eyes fixed on the door once more, eagerly awaiting the next contender.

With a dramatic flourish, a raven-haired beauty waltzed into the bar like she was floating in a cloud. Her blood-red lips contrasted sharply with her alabaster skin, and her eyes, the same shade as her lipstick, scanned the room with the confidence of someone who knew exactly what she wanted. When her gaze landed on Sango, she gave her a wink and flashed a fanged smile that made Sango blush. The seductress didn’t break eye contact as she sauntered to the back of the bar, hips swaying in a way that commanded attention, leaving a trail of broken hearts and spilled drinks in her wake.

“That one. Her. I want her,” Sango blurted out, the words rushing out like a confession. She was practically glued to her stool, eyes locked on the demoness who was still sending her unmistakable signals to follow.

“Okay, okay, it’s your turn—hurry up and pick so I can go learn that goddess’s name and get her number before someone else does,” Sango urged, barely able to contain her excitement. She looked like she was one wink away from abandoning Kagome altogether.

Kagome couldn’t help but laugh, watching her friend practically drool over the mysterious woman. The rules of their game were simple: once you made your pick, the goal was to get their number—bonus points if you scored more. Judging by the way Sango’s pick was eyeing her like a snack, Kagome knew her friend was about to walk away with more than just a phone number.

The door creaked open again, and Kagome turned her attention to the next contender. In walked an angry-looking half-demon with wild white hair that looked like he’d been in a fight with a tornado—and lost. His red sweatshirt hung off him like a sack, clearly a size too big, and his dog ears twitched in every direction.

Kagome tilted her head, considering. On one hand, those ears were adorable, and she had a weakness for cute things. On the other hand, the half-demon was already shouting across the bar, his voice grating on her nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

“Hmm,” she mused, taking her sweet time to evaluate him, much to Sango’s impatience. “Pass,” she finally decided with a wave of her hand. She took a shot to wash away any lingering second thoughts.

“Seriously? How could you pass up those ears?” Sango teased, but her eyes were already drifting back to her demoness.

Kagome shrugged. “Cute ears, but I’m not here for a shouting match.”

The door creaked open once more, and Kagome's heart sank as the absolute worst possible choice strolled in. Kouga. Her ex-boyfriend. The wolf demon had an auburn-haired woman draped on his arm, looking like she'd just won the lottery. Trailing behind them was his usual pack of lackeys.

"Pass. Pass. PASS!" Kagome practically shouted, her voice rising with each word as she downed another shot. "Literally anyone but him."

Sango shot her a sympathetic look, but before she could offer any comforting words, the door flew open, as if the universe itself had decided to make amends. In walked the single most gorgeous creature Kagome had ever laid eyes on. Tall, commanding, with an aura that seemed to make the very air around him hum, he pushed his way into the bar like he owned the place. His amber eyes were glued to the phone in his hand, paying absolutely zero attention to the awestruck women around him, coming to a stop right next to Kagome.

"Dirty martini, extra olives," he ordered, his deep, velvety baritone voice cutting through the chatter of the bar like a hot knife through butter. The sound of it seemed to travel straight through Kagome all the way down to her clenched thighs.

She and Sango were shamelessly staring now, their eyes glued to the demon as if they were witnessing an angel descending from the heavens. His long silver hair cascaded over one shoulder, brushing against the barstool as he leaned forward, obscuring the view of the sexy magenta stripes on his cheeks and the crescent moon adorning his forehead. His presence alone seemed to make time stand still.

"Him. That one," Kagome declared, her voice resolute as she turned back to Sango, talking about the demon like he wasn’t standing mere inches behind her, ordering his drink.

Sango nodded in agreement, eyes still wide with admiration. "Good call. Especially since, you know, you have no other choice," she teased, giving Kagome a playful nudge. "But honestly, you couldn't have picked better if you tried."

Kagome's heart raced, a mixture of nerves and excitement bubbling up inside her. She had no idea how she was going to approach this god of a male, but damn it, she was going to try.

Sango chuckled, sensing Kagome's inner turmoil. "Well, good luck with that," she said with a wink. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a woman waiting for me."

With that, Sango slipped off her stool, leaving Kagome alone next to the silver-haired demon, her mind scrambling for an opening line that wouldn't make her sound like a complete fool.

Spinning back around, Kagome took in the demon’s outfit. Neat, iron-pressed black slacks and a crisp white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Simple, yet somehow devastatingly sexy in its understatement. Meanwhile, she glanced down at herself, adjusting the top of her sapphire blue mini dress, making sure her boobs were at just the right level of perkiness. If she was going to play this game, she needed all her assets working in her favor.

Just as she finished her adjustments, Bankotsu appeared with the demon's drink. He slid the martini across the bar but before giving Kagome a warning look. She raised an eyebrow, silently questioning him. In response, he pointed discreetly at the handsome demon, who was now sipping his martini with one hand while his eyes remained glued to his phone.

Kagome mouthed for Bankotsu to *go away*, but he just shook his head and mouthed back, *You're playing with fire*, before walking off with a knowing smirk.

With the silent argument over and her pride on the line, Kagome cleared her throat, picking up her glass of water in what she hoped was a seductive manner. Leaning slightly closer to the demon, she tried her best line. "Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?"

The demon didn’t even flinch. He simply turned and leaned his back against the bar, his expression unchanging as he continued scrolling through his phone. It was like she was invisible.

Determined not to be ignored, she tried again, upping her game. "There’s something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it."

She grabbed her phone from the bar and, in what she imagined would be a suave move, went to dangle it in front of him. Except, in her drunken enthusiasm, she miscalculated and dropped the phone on the floor with a loud clatter.

"Shit!" she hissed, quickly bending down to retrieve it, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Still nothing. Not even a sideways glance. At this point, Kagome was convinced he was ignoring her on purpose. She narrowed her eyes at him, mentally willing him to acknowledge her existence.

"I wish I was your phone so you'd be on me all day," Kagome mumbled while wiping what she hoped was just beer off her phone case. To her utter astonishment, a sound that suspiciously resembled a snort came from the seemingly uncrackable statue beside her. Her head shot up, catching the tail end of a smirk as the handsome demon took a sip from his martini glass. 

"Seriously?" Kagome huffed, unable to hide her amusement. "That one got your attention?"

Setting his now-empty glass down, the demon tilted his head slightly, his golden eyes narrowing in a way that made her stomach flip. He stared down at her, his lips quirking up ever so slightly. "You are a tenacious little creature, aren't you?"

"You think I'm little?" Kagome shot back, batting her lashes in exaggerated flirtation. The playful sparkle in her eyes was met with a roll of his own as he signaled for another drink from Bankotsu.

"Put it on my tab," she added with a wink, jerking her head subtly in Kouga’s direction. If she was going to play this game, might as well get some payback while she was at it.

Bankotsu shook his head, muttering something about how much he hated this place as he slid the demon another martini. He shot Kagome a disapproving look before placing another glass of water in front of her, ignoring her pout.

"Do you intend to win me over with free drinks all night?" the demon finally asked, his attention shifting from his phone to her. It was the first time he'd really acknowledged her presence, and Kagome couldn’t help but feel a surge of triumph.

"No, I have other methods for that," she boasted, lifting her chin slightly. When he raised a skeptical eyebrow, she added with a mischievous grin, "But I'm not above begging."

"Hm." His gaze traveled over her, this time more appraising, as if he were sizing her up for the first time. Whatever he saw seemed to intrigue him, because his next question came with a challenge. "On your knees?"

Kagome's grin widened, loving the shift in the conversation. "As a good Catholic girl, I've spent plenty of time on my knees," she quipped, leaning in just enough to flaunt her breasts. "I even have my old school uniform if you're into roleplay. But fair warning, spanking me will only make me want to act out more."

For the first time since they'd started this back-and-forth, the demon actually looked taken aback. He nearly choked on his drink, coughing into his hand as his cool composure began to shatter.

Kagome smirked, pointing an accusatory finger at him as she basked in her victory. “Gotcha. I’m Kagome, by the way.”

The demon, having regained his composure, looked at her with a mix of amusement and something dangerously close to admiration. After a moment he finally spoke again after seeming to consider playing her little game. "I’ll give you my name if you can manage one more of your atrocious pickup lines."

Challenge accepted. Leaning back on her stool, Kagome crossed her legs, letting her dress ride up just enough to hint at what lay beneath. Her voice dropped to a sultry tone as she quipped, "What’s the difference between me and a mosquito?"

He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Do tell."

"A mosquito will stop sucking when you slap it," she finished with a sly grin.

For the first time, a genuine laugh slipped from his lips—rich, smooth, and unexpectedly sexy. “Sesshoumaru,” he finally offered, his name rolling off his tongue with the kind of gravitas that could make angels weep.

Kagome blinked, her brain short-circuiting as she processed the perfection that was his name. “Fuck, that’s hot.” The words tumbled out before she could stop them, earning her another low chuckle from Sesshoumaru, who seemed to be enjoying this far more than he let on.

“Well, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru drawled, his voice smooth and rich like molten honey, “shall we get a table? My half-brother’s stag party reserved a few for the night.”

Kagome arched an eyebrow, surprised by the invitation. Standing on what she hoped were stable feet, she picked up her phone and coat, trying to keep it cool. “Are you sure you want to spend the evening with me and not your... friends?”

He let out an intentional snort, one that somehow managed to sound both disdainful and amused. “They are no friends of mine. My presence is merely a family obligation.” He turned away for a moment, catching Bankotsu’s attention with a subtle wave of his hand. “Have a bottle of champagne and a fruit platter brought to our table,” he instructed, passing over a sleek gold card that looked like it belonged to someone who owned half of Tokyo.

Kagome’s eyebrow flew into her bangs, clearly impressed. “Careful, I might get used to this kind of treatment,” she teased.

As Sesshoumaru motioned for her to follow him to a roped-off booth in the back of the bar, her coat mysteriously slipped from her grasp. With a coy smile, Kagome bent down to pick it up, making sure to give him a little show in the process. She slowly arched her back, deliberately brushing her voluptuous rear against the front of his impeccably tailored pants. 

The moment of contact sent a jolt through Sesshoumaru, his eyes narrowing as he tried—and barely succeeded—to keep himself still. His hands twitched at his sides, the urge to grab her by the hips and pull her into him almost overpowering his self-control. His usually icy facade cracked for just a second, revealing a flash of heat in his amber eyes.

But just as quickly as she’d presented herself, Kagome was upright again, her coat in hand as she sauntered toward the booth. Her hips swayed with a rhythm that made it impossible for him to look anywhere else, and when she glanced over her shoulder, her ocean eyes gleamed with mischief, practically daring him to follow.

Sesshoumaru’s smirk deepened as he trailed behind her, his mind racing with thoughts far less innocent than champagne and fruit platters. He caught up to her just as she reached the booth, placing a hand lightly on the small of her back. The simple touch sent heat rushing through her veins, and she tilted her head back to look at him, her pink lips curving into a playful smile.

“Tell me, Sesshoumaru,” Kagome purred, sliding into the booth and patting the seat next to her, “are you always this generous during your... family obligations?”

He settled beside her, close enough that the warmth of his body radiated through the thin fabric of her dress. “Only when the distraction is worth it,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on her lips before drifting down to the neckline of her dress.

Kagome bit her lower lip, feeling a rush of excitement at the way his eyes darkened. “And am I a worthy distraction?” she asked, her voice a breathy whisper.

Sesshoumaru’s eyes locked onto hers, the intensity of his gaze sending a thrill through her. “You’ve certainly captured my attention,” he replied, his voice a low rumble that sent a delicious shiver down her spine.

Just then, Bankotsu arrived with the champagne and fruit platter, practically dropping the ice bucket and tray on the table before retreating to the bar. Kagome reached for a glass, but Sesshoumaru beat her to it, pouring the champagne himself. He handed her the glass, his claws brushing against her fingers for just a moment longer than necessary.

“To terrible pickup lines,” Sesshoumaru said, raising his glass.

“Speak for yourself,” Kagome shot back, clinking her glass against his before downing her champagne in one go. “My material is gold.”

Sesshoumaru blinked, momentarily stunned. Who was this woman? Every time he thought he had her figured out, she would say something completely absurd, leaving him both exasperated and intrigued. He sipped his drink more slowly, his sharp gaze never leaving her as she casually popped a few grapes into her mouth, completely at ease in his presence.

He allowed his eyes to wander, scanning the room until they landed on her friend. “It seems your companion will be leaving with someone else tonight,” he observed, his tone cool but laced with a hint of curiosity.

Kagome bit into a ripe strawberry, glancing past him to where Sango and her seductress were wrapped up in each other, lips locked and hands shamelessly groping. She chuckled, a little impressed by her friend’s boldness. “Good for them,” she mused, though inside, a spark of competitiveness flared. Getting this demon’s number wouldn’t be enough to tie with Sango’s success tonight. She had to up her game.

As Sesshoumaru’s attention drifted back to the steamy scene across the room, Kagome decided it was time to reclaim the spotlight. She reached out and gently turned his face back to hers, her fingers lightly tracing his jawline. 

Between her teeth, she held another strawberry, the juicy fruit a clear invitation for him to take a bite. She leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with playfulness. 

Sesshoumaru’s gaze flicked from her eyes to the strawberry and back again. A slow, predatory smirk curved his lips as he leaned in, closing the distance between them. His breath was warm against her skin as he hovered just a hair’s breadth away. Taking his time, he bit into the strawberry, his lips brushing against hers ever so slightly.

Kagome’s breath hitched, her pulse quickening as she felt the warmth of his mouth so tantalizingly close to hers. For a moment, time seemed to stop, and all she could think about was how dangerously sexy this demon was.

Sesshoumaru pulled back, chewing slowly as he savored both the fruit and the moment. His eyes held hers with an intensity that made her knees weak. “Perhaps your material does have some merit,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.

Kagome’s lips curled into a sly grin as she lifted her newly refilled glass, savoring the champagne this time. She watched as Sesshoumaru casually draped his arm across the back of the booth, the other hand inching up to gently caress her knee.

“You know my reason for being here tonight,” He said, swirling the bubbly liquid in her glass. “But what about you? What brings you to this demon-infested den of debauchery?”

It was a fair question. Jakotsu’s bar had earned its reputation as a no-holds-barred playground for demons and humans alike. With its infamous lack of social rules, it had become a hotspot for all species who preferred their indulgences unrestrained. Demons, unashamed of their desires, openly displayed their intentions in ways that would make most humans blush—or run. Jakotsu had made a name for himself by embracing this chaos, and his establishment reflected that. It wasn’t unusual to see a couple giving in to their carnal urges right in the middle of the bar, and with the profits pouring in, he could afford the best cleaners to scrub the place down every morning.

Sesshoumaru’s golden eyes gleamed with amusement as he let his hand slide a bit higher up her thigh, his fingers kneading the soft flesh there. “I’m friends with the owner,” she said, shifting her legs just enough to encourage his touch. “My friend Sango had a nasty breakup, so we’re drowning our boy troubles in alcohol.”

His thumb brushed teasingly against her inner thigh, his voice dropping into a seductive purr. “So, are you betraying her by fraternizing with the enemy?”

With a smirk, she leaned in closer, her sweet breath ghosting over his cheek. “Only if I let you take advantage of me,” she whispered, her voice sultry as her own hand trailed along his inner thigh, feeling the muscles tense beneath her touch.

The sharp intake of breath from Sesshoumaru didn’t go unnoticed, and Kagome felt giddy. She wasn’t just playing this game—she was winning it.

“Don’t worry,” she murmured, her lips brushing against the shell of his ear as she leaned in even closer. “I plan to be the one breaking hearts tonight.”

The low growl rumbling in Sesshoumaru’s chest was all the confirmation Kagome needed—he was hers for the taking. She leaned in, her lips inches from his, ready to claim them in a heated kiss when an abrupt sound pierced through the bar's lively chatter: the unmistakable slap of skin against skin, followed by a high-pitched whine.

Startled, they both turned to see the source of the commotion. Sesshoumaru’s half-brother’s stag party was in full swing, and at the center of the chaos was Kouga, her ex, rutting shamelessly with the woman he’d walked in with. The couple was tangled in a wild, primal display atop one of the bar tables, bottles and glasses crashing to the floor with each thrust. But the shattering glass was drowned out by the raucous cheers and howls from the partygoers, egging the couple on.

Kagome should have looked away—should have felt disgusted—but all she felt was a rising heat. Maybe it was the alcohol, the heady mix of champagne and fruit, or maybe it was the sheer rawness of the moment, but she found herself unable to tear her eyes away. The scene before her stirred something deep inside. It didn’t matter that it was Kouga or that she didn’t know the woman beneath him. The sight of them, so lost in their carnal lust, had her own desire flaring to life.

Sesshoumaru didn’t miss the change in her. He noticed the way her blue eyes darkened with dilated pupils, her scent becoming impossibly sweeter, more intoxicating, and the subtle shift of her thighs as she squeezed them together in response to the arousal coursing through her.

Leaning closer, his breath hot against her skin, Sesshoumaru brushed his nose along the curve of her neck, inhaling her scent. Then he took her earlobe between his fangs, grazing it with a gentle bite that caused her to gasp “Would you rather be at that table?” he asked, his deep voice vibrating against her skin.

The question snapped Kagome’s focus back to him, but her answer was anything but demure. Without hesitation, she hiked up her dress and swung a leg over his lap, straddling him in one swift motion. The feel of his hard length pressing against her damp panties made her groan, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she settled against him.

“Not when this booth is about to get much more interesting,” she breathed out, her voice thick with need.

Sesshoumaru’s amber eyes glinted with approval, his hands immediately finding their place on her shapely hips, holding her steady as she moved against him. There was no need for further words—Kagome didn’t wait for permission. She crashed her lips against his, the taste of strawberries and champagne still lingering between them.

The kiss deepened quickly, their tongues tangling as her hands threaded through his long, moonlight hair. She pressed herself harder against him, eliciting a low groan from Sesshoumaru as he gripped her tighter, his fingers drifted down, digging into the soft flesh of her thighs. The noise from the bar, the wild stag party, even Kouga’s antics—all of it faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other. 

When Kagome tested Sesshoumaru’s patience by deliberately nicking her tongue on one of his fangs, the taste of her blood was like a spark igniting a wildfire. His amber eyes flashed crimson, and in an instant, his restraint shattered. He moved with the speed of a predator, still holding her tight against his chest. In a single motion, Sesshoumaru swept the platter of fruit off the table, sending it clattering to the floor in a chaotic mess of metal and splattered fruit. The next second, Kagome found herself laid out on the table, his powerful body pressed between her thighs, his hard cock grinding against her with relentless need.

Kagome’s muffled cry of surprise turned into throaty moans, the sounds mixing with the loud clatter of the platter still spinning on the floor. The noise was enough to draw the attention of the stag party, and a shocked Kouga called out her name, his eyes widening as he realized who was currently beneath the horny dog demon.

Kouga’s own situation was less than ideal—his cock was now softening inside the wolf demoness he’d been enjoying, who now whimpered in protest as his focus shifted entirely to Kagome. His mind whirled in disbelief. In the two years they had dated, Kagome had never allowed him to do anything remotely affectionate in public. Holding hands and chaste kisses were all she’d permit, steadfastly refusing to engage in anything that even hinted at impropriety.

“Yo, Kouga! If you aren’t gonna fuck her, let someone else!” the groom called out, clearly irritated that his entertainment had been interrupted.

Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru was oblivious to everything except the woman beneath him. His hands roamed her body as he dry-humped her, his mouth locked onto hers as he sucked on her tongue, the metallic tang of her blood fueling his desire. Only when the wound closed did he pull away, allowing her a brief gasp of air before his lips descended on her neck. Kagome’s body responded beautifully, arching and bucking beneath him, each movement rubbing her sensitive core against his clothed arousal.

The temptation to let this incredibly sexy demon take her right then and there was growing stronger, but Kagome knew she wanted more than just a quick fuck on a table. She wanted his undivided attention, his focus solely on her, with nothing to distract them.

Reaching up, she grabbed a fistful of his long silver hair and gave it a rough yank. Sesshoumaru hissed in response, lifting his head to glare down at her with those red-hazed eyes, a look that made her core clench tighter

“There’s a black BMW M8 outside,” she said, her voice husky and breathless. “I want you to fuck me on it.”

For a moment, her words seemed to hang in the air, the weight of her challenge sinking in. Then, slowly, a feral grin spread across Sesshoumaru’s gorgeous face. “Grab the bottle,” he commanded in a dark voice.

That was all the warning Kagome got before he hoisted her into the air with ease. She quickly reached for the bottle, fumbling slightly in her drunken state but managing to snatch it from the ice bucket just as Sesshoumaru began striding toward the door. His grip on her was firm, and she couldn’t help but cling to him, excitement thrumming through her veins.

As they passed the stag party, the rowdy group erupted into howls and cheers, but Sesshoumaru paid them no attention. His focus was singular—getting Kagome outside and fulfilling her request. Kagome, however, couldn’t help but glance back, catching sight of Sango looking up from her place between the wind demoness’s thighs just long enough to flash her a thumbs-up before diving back into her new obsession.

Bankotsu, behind the bar, watched the entire spectacle unfold with a look of disgust etched onto his face as he wiped down the counter. “This place is the worst…” he muttered under his breath.

Out in the parking lot, the cool night air hit Kagome’s flushed skin as Sesshoumaru carried her effortlessly toward the sleek black BMW she selected. The car gleamed under the streetlights, a perfect stage for what was about to happen. As he set her down on the hood, she gripped the bottle in one hand, eyes locked on Sesshoumaru as she poured the last of its contents down her chin, neck, and cleavage.

Sesshoumaru’s tongue darted out, licking his eager lips before dipping down to lap up the champagne that clung to Kagome’s heated skin. He took his time, savoring every drop as he trailed his mouth down her body. When he reached the top of her blue dress, his fingers deftly pulled it down, exposing her ample breasts to his hungry gaze. He didn’t waste any time, his mouth descending to lavish attention on her nipples, sucking one into his mouth while his other hand pinched and teased the other. 

But just as her body arched into his touch, Kagome gave him a playful shove. Sesshoumaru nearly snarled at the interruption until she moved. Turning her back to him, she pressed her front against the sleek hood of the BMW, her dress hitched up around her hips as she wiggled her delicious ass in front of him—a blatant invitation that begged to be taken.

Sesshoumaru’s control snapped. His hands flew to his belt, quickly undoing it and his pants until his aching cock was finally free. He gave himself a few rough strokes, his eyes glued to the sight of Kagome’s perfect, round ass. He ripped off her lacy black panties, the delicate fabric tearing easily in his claws. With a firm grip on her hips, he buried himself to the hilt inside her, a strained grunt caught in his throat as her tight, wet heat clenched around him.

Kagome’s head flew back, a sharp cry tearing from her lips at the sudden, forceful intrusion. The girth of his cock was shocking but she quickly recovered, her hips rocking back against him, encouraging Sesshoumaru to move. She wanted it—no, needed it—hard and fast.

And Sesshoumaru did not disappoint. The parking lot was soon filled with the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin, each thrust driving deeper, harder, as he claimed her. Kagome’s moans echoed in the night air, her hands braced against the car as Sesshoumaru pounded into her. The force of his thrusts had her body sliding up the hood, the cold metal biting into her stomach as her body rocked under his relentless pace. She could already imagine the BMW logo imprinted on her skin.

With a growl, Sesshoumaru’s clawed hand tangled in her raven locks, yanking her head back until her body arched. The change in angle had her clenching around him, her slick walls squeezing his cock. “Is this what you wanted?” he growled into her ear, his voice low and dripping with dark lust. “To be fucked by a stranger like a bitch in heat?”

“Yes!” Kagome screamed, her voice cracking as he drove into her with a particularly rough thrust that had her seeing stars.

Sesshoumaru’s lips curled into a feral snarl as he released her hair, shoving her back down onto the car. His other hand grabbed her thigh, lifting it up to change the angle once more. The new position had him hitting deeper. She was close, so close, and when the tip of his cock hit that perfect spot inside her, she came undone. Kagome’s orgasm  consumed her, cries of ecstasy filling the cool night air as she bucked wildly beneath him.

Sesshoumaru didn’t stop, riding out her orgasm until her trembling body couldn’t take it anymore. The way she clenched around him, so tight and wet, was too much. With a growl, he pulled out of her, his cock throbbing painfully as he fisted it, desperate for release. “On your knees,” he commanded, his voice rough and ragged.

Kagome slid off the hood of the car, her legs wobbling slightly as she turned and knelt before him. Her large, sapphire eyes gazed up at him, her tongue slipping out to wet her dry lips in anticipation. The sight had Sesshoumaru groaning, his cock twitching in his hand.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered through clenched fangs. “I want to see you beg for my seed.”

Obedient as ever, Kagome parted her lips, sticking her tongue out as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. Sesshoumaru’s restraint snapped. With a few more rough strokes of his fist, he came hard, his cock pulsing as spurt after spurt of his hot seed filled her waiting mouth. The sight of his cum dripping onto her tongue and down her chin sent a shudder of satisfaction through him.

“That’s it,” he murmured, his voice husky and raw. “Drink it. I want to see you swallow it all.” His filthy words made Kagome’s core clench with renewed need as she obediently swallowed, her tongue cleaning every last drop from his spent cock.

Panting from the intensity of his release, Sesshoumaru bent down and scooped Kagome up in his arms, nuzzling his face into her hair as he carried her to his car a few spaces away. He set her gently in the back of the black SUV, climbing in beside her and shutting the door behind them. A soft purr rumbled from his chest as he pulled her close, stroking her hair with surprising tenderness.

“Did I meet your expectations for the night?” he asked in a low, gentle tone.

Kagome let out a breathy laugh, still recovering from the amazing sex. “Yes. Above and beyond,” she managed to reply, her voice a little hoarse. “I promise I’ll tell Sango about us tomorrow.”

“Hm.” He hummed in agreement. “Keeping our relationship a secret was fun for a while, but I agree—it’s time to tell everyone.”

Kagome sat up slightly, giving him a sly smile. “I think you shoving your dick against me in front of your brother and his friends might have given it away,” she teased.

Sesshoumaru growled playfully in response, nipping at her ear, causing her to let out a startled yelp. “Whose car was that, anyway?”

“Kouga’s,” Kagome replied with a wicked grin. “The same one I caught him cheating on me in. Figured we’d leave him a little gift.” The thought of Kouga discovering the scent of their mixed orgasms in his beloved car was pure, sweet revenge.

“You are a vengeful little bitch,” Sesshoumaru chuckled.

“And don’t you forget it,” she shot back, poking him in the chest. Then her tone turned sultry, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Next time, let’s roleplay as a Catholic schoolgirl and a priest. I bet you’d look hot in those robes. I even know a church where we can—”

Her words were cut off by Sesshoumaru’s mouth descending on hers, effectively silencing her sinful plans—for now.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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