I don't know, maybe because I know your style and that you write heartwretching dark drama, but while I read this my heart is hurting. I know it's maybe silly to be affected this way but it only shows your talent. I feel.. I don't know er disturbed? And since you said it's a tragedy my mind keeps wondering who will be the one to die? Plus I don't like how they just decide and play her life for her. I would be enraged when I would find out.
Compliments on writing kagome's inner battle. She's so insecure and awkward, you described this brilliantly! I remember myself at my first photo shot interview lol!I felt like a wooden doll! And so insecure! For a second I saw myself there!
I don't know why but I don't like Ian, he has some plans...that include kagome but yes that world is vicious and cruel and cold in my opinion. And lonely so everyone uses everyone. I can already see how they use kagome and guide her where they want her and it's not fair. Kagome was always pushed. Yes she in a way accepted but under pressure from him and her friends but I don't think he would've let her go. It's the way the whole Shikon affair was. Circumstances beyond her control! I hope to see a strong kagome that won't lose herself to that world and won't change. I apologise I mean no disrespect to those in that world so to say it's just an opinion! It's glamorous beautiful but not warm.
Despite my heart suffering while reading I won't be able to stop reading! Lol! It's amazing! I can honestly say that a year ago I would not read a tragedy but time changes you! And you write so amazingly! Thx for updating! Will eagerly wait for more! A deep bow to your talent!
Can't wait for more!
Deana (Chapter 2) - Sun 04 Jun 2017
This story is awesome. I'm so glad that it's about what Kagome would do if she couldn't go back and how she would live after loss.
Another great chapter! Kags your new friends are amazing! :'D
Steph (Chapter 3) - Sun 04 Jun 2017
Great so far. :)
I'm such a big baby! The scene with Kagome and her mother having such a heart felt conversation had me crying! Lol great chapter
Amazing first chapter! I'm intrigued!
o.m.g I gotta have more please update this like riiigghhttt now!?!?!
Toni (Chapter 3) - Tue 30 May 2017
can't wait for the next chapter is it inuyasha or Seshomaru?
Natalia (Chapter 3) - Tue 30 May 2017
You updated yay! Thx a lot it's something unique for kagome! A model?! Can't wait to see more! I hope that the tragedy you mean is inuyasha or others and not kagome or sesshoumaru! I so hope it! I know you write angst but the best angst for me is one with happy ending! Not that I am telling you how to write!I will read either way! A big thank you for updating!
Fun chapter but WOW! A Size 12 is a Plus! That used to be just normal. Gads now I really feel big, I'm a solid 16 and damn it's tough to get rid of. I guess for a model, amy thing over a 0 or 2 is a plus...totally unrealistic! Okay, I'm off the rant. Delightful chapter and just who could Wonderful Ian actually be? Waiting for more!
Okay...quick spell check. It should be handsome not hansom.
Toni (Chapter 1) - Sun 14 May 2017
hope you continue and not leave it hanging
Interesting, keep it coming. Happy New Year!
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