I had stars in my eyes reading this! I love your work, and to see a SW crossover just made my week! However I do have one tiny little detail I need to mention, only because I'm a pretty big SW nerd: even a librarian of the Jedi order would know how to use a lightsabre. Building one is one of the final steps of Jedi training, and Kagome would also have the Force to guide her. Just some FYI! ????
omg! Can the chapter "Leap of Faith" be fleshed out into a full story? I'm usually not one for crossovers of any sort but I'd love to read more of this!!! Such an intriguing plot, it deserves more than being a one-shot, don't you think?
Hey love your stories Chie! While I am still waiting for more chapters to Higher Education, I would love to see you turn ch.55 A Leap of Faith from your Miscellany into actual fanfiction story. As I was reading it I couldn't help but think that it would make a most interesting storyline.
SO Cute
So cute! Thx for adding this!
Agh! >_< This is so CUTE! \(^_^)/ Thank you for this unexpected but very sweet update. I really enjoy reading these stories you post.
Ch1: this seems like it could be developed into an interesting story beyond drabbles. Thanks! ?
BWAHAHAHA! I loved this! Would love to see more, but this snip is just PERFECT too! :D The idea of Sesshomaru giving a "copulation" explanation is just HILARIOUS.
I haved read this on tumblr...and this one deserves part 2 ' the return of sesshomaru ' but he'd better return with plan b and plan c.
Hahahahaha Awsome that was Brillent so Sesshomaruish!!!!
Hahaha, cute proposal. Round 2!
Wow I can just see Kagome's sputtering crimson face, complete with a throbing vein in her temple. I can imagine a humourous chapter story where Sesshoumaru tries to woo her to his way of thinking; one where he chases and she catches him much to his and her chagrin.
OMG!!! HAHAHA!!! I love "A Proposal Most Compelling"! I'm dying!
I hope there's a second part to this chapter, it was so funny
Pleeze!!!!!!! I need to know what happens next?
I sense a conspiracy from the ladies of the household...
Aw! that's what you get sesshomaru for being bad at kagome hahahahaha i love this! i think i want more from this...you're a genius!
Wow that is a hard one to get out of.I'm glad there is sexual attraction but not love. Its a good seed for a story.
And I just want to laugh right now because both of them are probably thinking, "NO, NO, NO!"
See what happens when you go around getting into random and stupid fights, Sesshoumaru? You get stuck with a HUMAN soulmate! BWAHAHAHA!
Okay, I'm done now.
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