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LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

All three chapters are good, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

All three chaters are good, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

All three chaters are good, keep it coming.

Shaneka (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

Lovely chapter, waiting excitedly for the next chapter. Update soon.

Zyren (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

Ok so I really really love this story. I have one request though, not that I know what your plans are but its obivous how insecure sesshoumaru is but can we skip the grand misunderstanding where he sees Kagome and Inuyasha together for some reason and assumes the worst? Or Inuyasha gets in his head and Sess does something stupid? Please please! Don't go that route I beg of you. 


Tana_san (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

This fic is just so adorably cute and sexy. I am loving the role reversal. At first I didn't think I could imagine Sesshoumaru as a closed off reclusive type of guy, but with the way you've written him, it got more understandable and believable. I give you kudos on this.

InuYasha taking advantage of this Sesshoumaru? Totally believable. I think he could always make a good bully. since being hanyou is a good reason to learn to get tough and agressive, but he's in for a world of hurt if he doesn't learn his place around Sesshoumaru now that he knows there's that possibly that Sesshoumaru may just now be coming into himself as a taiyoukai.

I adore that Kagome is so sweet and loving with him. You've made this relationship build at a more natural level as friends, than dating and hopefully lovers. I honestly love reading the slower moving relationship been this couple unless I'm in the mood for a smutfest.

Romance is sweet and has it's twists and turns as they learn about one another. This last chapter was by far the most romantic so far. Kagome learned something about herself and it was with Sesshoumaru who is learning and having all his firsts with her. The crying was believable as it actually happened to me. I had thought that something was wrong with me because I could never achieve an orgasm or what I thought an orgasm was. I always got to that really heightened period but then it just never went all the way. Many years later, I'm still with the same man and I had open heart surgery to repair a mitral heart valve damage. When we were allowed to have sex again I too cried as I felt more than I ever had felt before in the many years he and I were together. It was amazing what I had been missing all because my body wasn't getting all the blood pumped where it should have been. I always believed I was just a freak of nature when life just threw me a curve ball and turned my sex life upside down and I learned what a real full blown orgasm was. Yeah, not an easy subject to talk about but maybe this might be helpful to someone else who had this problem.

All in all, this fic is amzing. You're doing a wonderful job. I can't wait to read more.  JEN

FayeMegan (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

That's so sweet!  can't wait to see what she has to teach him next :3 love this story!!

Ankita (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

Yes hopefully he'll never find out

lattie (Chapter 24) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

AWWWW! Kagome and Sesshomaru 4 ever!

Sunset Love (Chapter 23) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

Wow the father is a bastard, a complete one too. Pretending to only have one son. Reallly accept the manwhore but reject the nerd. I would rather accpet nerd, ugh. Okay rant done, tthe story is great. I love how Sesshoumaru stood up to his brother and broke his had, I would have broken his jaw, aw well. I cannot want to see more.....

Shaneka (Chapter 23) - Wed 06 Aug 2014

Excellent chapter, hope inuyasha continues to get what's coming to him. Update soon please.

Shezsnap (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

I'm so glad that you update this story very often because ever since I discovered it, I read it religiously! Looking forward to future updates! I'm excited to see how the story progresses, keep it up!

dancingfingers (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

I have no respect whatsoever to InuPapa. He's obviously not inclined to do his duty as a parent, only caring about his reputation. I wonder what did he do when he CLEARLY knew that Inuyasha had been bullying Sesshoumaru in his younger days - or perhaps he ordered Inuyasha to do it to coax the beast out? - did he turn a blind eye and encourage his other son to do that? Sorry, I can't help but fuming reading his reaction on the phone. EVEN he doesn't have any belief on his eldest son to snatch a beautiful girl at that. A good parent should support their kids especially one in Sesshoumaru's condition. You did really a good job on portraying everyone, dear. You make me want to choke InuPapa to death, me, who adore InuPapa after Sesshoumaru.


I wonder if SessMama is still alive? Could it be her nonexistent presence or something that triggered the lack of instinct on Sesshoumaru's beast?


I can't wait to read the next. :)


AJ (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

I've really been enjoying this story. It's nice to come home from work and have a chapter of Higher Education waiting for me.I genuinely like the main characters, which is perfect for de-stress reading. Thank you.

Loveyaa (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

So the dad isn't all bad. I wonder if Inuyasha is just the thing Sesshoumaru needs to push him over the edge of getting his beast. Or maybe his lessons with Kagome....hoT. I can't wait to see what happens next and how Sesshoumaru blossoms into coming into his own :)

maricela (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

loved it .it was so cute thanks.

Nicole (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

"Perhaps I will no longer have to pretend I have but one son."

This line caught my attention, and I couldn't get it out of my mind all day today. Papa is such an ass of a father, and I can't help but think that by the time he acknowledges Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru will tell his father that Kagome is his family and he has no other. 


KEdakumi (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

I wasn't fond of Inu, but he is a brother. I think I like InuPapa less though. He is supposed to be Sesshoumaru's father, but it sounds like he was just as bad as Inuyasha, though more subtle about it. It's like the only thing he cares about is his reputation and not really either of his sons.

Can't wait for more!

consuelo marquez (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

the first thing i do in the morning (which is between 11 am to 2 PM for me hehe) ia read this story. i love it. and we finally saw the father..who doesn't care if inuyasha gets hurt because "he had it coming" bwuahaha i cant wait for the next update/

satuross (Chapter 23) - Tue 05 Aug 2014

I love sesshy dad lol such a cool dad

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