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Loveyaa (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Quite the sad ending you have brewing. Hopefully there will be a happy ending somewhere in there. After all, lover conquers all right. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Megs (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I would love a sequel!!! I've really enjoyed this story! Right now, I feel so bad for Sesshoumaru!

Jen (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Yes Yes sequel sequel!! I love this story ((:

JeniNeji (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I like this story very much. I would love to read some more. Always be careful though ^^ A sequel sometimes is a risky affair.

Marie (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Curiosity is getti g the better of me. Is there going to be anything further tween ryou and kagome will shereturn to sesshomaru one never knows with crafty minds.  Cant wait for the update

NitoriNikki (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Oh god, already another chapter? Uh, and I have not even sended the first chapter to ya, I am sooooooooooo sorry! I didn't have internet! I will send it tomorrow so you can read it trought.

And yes of course, I wan't sequel to this story so please~ write it when you feel like it~

sesshkag lovee (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

the best story!!! but this chapter is too short T.T

northpeach (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Stole a computer just to read this... must hurrying, they're coming for me...

First, awesome.

Second, I'm crying (silently of course, I want to live to read the next chapter)

Third, speaking of the next chapter...

Fourth, that's all for now, must hide.

Genevieve (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I absolutely love your story!

Ankita (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

The emotions that i have been subduing for the past few chapters just burst out T_T i couldn't hold it in when i got to the ryou part i feel so bad for him I do but i don't know i would have done the same the thing if i wer in sessho's place this is all due to the miscommunication on their part kura and ryou if they had sorted it out themselves none of this would have happen all would be happy ... and of course i would love to have a sequel of my fav fanfic who would say no ... no way 

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I figured Kagome would feel guilty since she can't save everyone. But she has to understand, all enemies have someone that loved them at some point. Naraku (as Onigumo) had a family - mother and father and more than likely siblings. He had his bandit group even though they betrayed him. Later in the series, Kagome and Inuyasha wipe out an entire bat youkai clan because they were terriozing the nearby village and had threatened Shirori. Killing is the youkai way.

Even if Kagome had been concious, there was no way Sesshomaru would continue to let Kura's transgressions go unpunished. Yes, Kura eventually gave up how to break the curse she put Kagome under - but it wasn't to ask forgiveness or to make up for what she did. She did it because Ryou was fighting Sesshomaru to protect Kura and he was getting his butt whipped and she wanted to stop the fight. When she was first put in the dungeon, she was cocky and arrogant believing she would not tell Sesshomaru until it was too late. I understand Kura's motivations but she is an adult and an experienced adult at that. She knew what the consequences would be if she got caught in the assasination attempt against Kagome.

All actions have consequence. As much as it hurt Kagome that Kura had to die and die a very painful way - it hurt Sesshomaru to do it because he knew it may cause Kagome to leave him. But it had to be done. I do pity Ryou for the pain he is suffering but after his initial fight with Kagome, he even thought maybe it was time he moved on and tried to stop loving Kura because he had done many things that disgusted him out of his love for Kura. But Sesshomaru has to continue to inspire fear into enemies and his people to ensure these attempts are stopped and his enemies think twice before attacking him and his.

I think once the pain dies down, Kagome will come to realize this. Maybe even Ryou will help her understanding along. But I doubt this would cause the relationship between Kagome and Sesshomaru to break. It might be bumpy or even weakened but it won't break. Kagome's getting a lot better at reading Sesshomaru and figuring out his reasonings. I have faith in her! Well Inuyasha also has finally come to the right conclusion so perhaps he will also help Kagome's understanding and healing too.

elizabeth (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

make a sequel to this beautiful  history 

Glxydragon (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I love this story and would love a sequel.  ????

sesshouscat (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014




im starting to agree with your other reviwwes you like to torcher your readers

and then you tease us with news of a sequal

and of course I'm at work when I read This and I'm getting the funny looks as I do my fan girl squal and whine 

evil  purely  evil 

but istull love you and I still low this 

great chapter as always 


Neo-Crystal (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Yes!! Sequel!

poor Kagome is probably going to feel the guilt for quite some time. :( I'm glad Kagome got to deliver Kura's feelings, but I feel that poor Ryou will let himself pass on now to be with his love. 

melissa (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I wish it,I wish it! This story is too good to come to a total end yet. And I can't wait for next chapter,another one please for a loyal follower. :)

Tana_san (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I would be most in favor of having a sequel to this story. I know the whole purpose was for the new Hime to be named as was Youkai tradition and Kagome wanted to help InuYasha to be safe while he lived within Youkai Society as was his birthright. She was to become his mate and hopefully gain the Hime title so she could achieve his safety through having this title, but she never gave thought to she and Sesshoumaru falling for one another.

Many things have happened throughout this story but I'd love to see how Sesshoumaru and Kagome create this new life together. They still have much to learn about the other and she, though knows how youkai life can be difficult and sometimes brutal in their ways, needs to learn why these things happen even when she feels much can be fixed by talking and creating peace. Sometimes there are those who you just can't get to fully, truthfully accept peace and other measures are made to keep those in line even though to Kagome they're brutal.

Yeah, I'd love to see this have a sequel so we can see the new lives of Sessh and Kagome and InuYasha and Inari, who we thought was a bad character but learned differently.

I'm also glad Kagome went to give Ryou Kura's true feelings. I think he should reconsider taking back his position. Kura wouldn't have wanted him to give up his life because she made a hugh mistake getting involved with a tpye of evil she thought she could control only to have it turn on her and control her. There's a great message there even for us in RL. Don't get involved with what you don't fully understand as things like this will always come back to bite you and try to possess your soul leaving you lost and alone back in the recesses of your mind unable to do anything about it, just like Kura.

I hope Kagome can go back and try to understand why Sesshoumaru did what he did and how he waited for a few weeks to pass hoping she'd make it through and then when he was told she would die, he had no other choice but to take measures into his own hands to get the information none of his people could from Kura. Once he found out about the temple she and her father used, he destroyed it with high hopes she would live but still she was dying, leaving the only other thought but to kill the one who put Kagome in this condition in the first place. I know Sessh was cold when she woke but how often times has he ever felt love before? The great defeat and burden of doubt that if he did something different, maybe... Sesshoumaru had to react the only way he knew how to both guard his heart and show all in that room that he was still the Lord and Ruler of the Western Lands. I feel for him. I just hope she doesn't try to rip into him too harshly before listening with an open heart and mind.


Silphire Inu (Chapter 1) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I definitely agree with Ree-san and Snowbird. I thought since Kagome is competing to be "Hime," actions of Sesshomaru should have been clear to her. I thought she is ready to be living in the world of youkai since pledging herself to Inuyasha in the beginning of this series. I'm really conflicted with Kagome's actions and decisions. Will you really continue this story with Kagome being naive and insincere? I hope her attitude will soon change. Waiting for more of you updates.

KEdakumi (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

The feels! This was such a good chapter.

Ree-san (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I agree with Snowbird.  Kagome's not making any sense at all.  So, because Kura loved Ryou everything is forgotten and everything's rainbows?  I'm glad that InuYasha can see both sides, but he needs to bring her back to reality. She's so focused on them but completely ignored Sesshoumaru!  It seems very wrong that she cares more for the love of someone who was an evil killer than the male who would risk his life for her!  I think she has a lot to make up for to him.  He can't just do whatever her whims and beliefs are, he's a leader who's responsible for the safety of so many.  I thought she'd be the one to show him that she'd be loyal and there for him and she didn't give him a second glance. 

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