Reviews for Beside You in Time by RosieB

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TruGemini (Chapter 20) - Wed 08 Apr 2015

The time of Al Capone! Prohibition was an exciting time in history...outside of the gang wars and murders. Jazz was the bomb during that time and speakeasies were everywhere. I'm excited to see how this goes down.

Ankita (Chapter 20) - Wed 08 Apr 2015

<3 lovelyy chapter wanttt more more more please update soon soon soon 

SHORTFRY (Chapter 20) - Tue 07 Apr 2015

I am so incredably thankful for this update! As soon as I got the notification that it was an update from you I started reading while at work! I just want you to know that your fans are still here for you waiting patiently for each wonderful update. This is by far my favorite fanfic, Don't stop writing!

Leaora (Chapter 20) - Tue 07 Apr 2015

ROSIE! ROSIE! ROSIE! THANK GOD! I had almost lost hope that you would ever grace us with another rendition of this epic tale! I hope you are well and continue to update more frequently.

kagomesirene (Chapter 20) - Tue 07 Apr 2015

It's great the new chapter is out...although it's waaaaay to short for me cause i could read 20 pages, not getting enough XD


i'm really anxious to get to know what happened to it really the Order?


can't wait to read more soon ......pretty sooooooooon......pretty please!


keep up the good work

Ge_Yo (Chapter 1) - Sat 28 Mar 2015

this story is seriously awesome. best sesskag fanfic i've ever read so far. plot twists, that intense feel... awesome. please, pleeaasee update soon.

SHORTFRY (Chapter 19) - Fri 02 Jan 2015

This is one of the most amazing fanfic I have ever read. Every chapter was so beautifully written, the pace, setting and situations flowed so well together and the blossoming romance between the two is leaving me breathless after reading this. I love how this story takes a passage through history and all their trials and suffering and emotions are so well portrayed. I wholeheartedly hope and wish for another update soon and that you will finish this story and not abandon it. It is truly an amazing piece of work. Please update soon!

Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 19) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I literally died when I saw the update! I've loved this story for a very long time! And I will continue to love it pass it's ending! Continue the great work!

Serpentine (Chapter 19) - Sat 27 Sep 2014

Great chapter! I hadn't even heard of Uluru national park until I read this chapter. The way you described it gave me this peaceful zen feeling. Can't wait to read about Kagome and Sesshomaru's actions during the world wars and anything else you might present to us eager readers. Fantastic writing, although it saddens me to know that the end of  this story is encroaching.

thatchick (Chapter 19) - Sat 13 Sep 2014

I finally got around to re-reading this, since I didn't remember much after the long hiatus. But it was totally worth the wait. Keep at it! I'm in school, I know what it's like for 6 months to pass by in the blink of an eye. I can't even tell you the last time I added a chapter to any of my stories... Maybe one day I'll update that sucker... hmmm... One day. 

Krystina (Chapter 12) - Thu 28 Aug 2014

I have read The Once and Future Taiyoukai (which is AWESOME) a few times over several years, and I recognized your name immediately, but I have no idea how I never knew about your other works, like this!! This story is AMAZING. I've always had difficulty remembering history - I dunno why, I do find it interesting - but now I am experiencing it in a completely different way that I seem to be remembering! I can't imagine the work it must take to incorporate it so thoroughly and realistically, talk about dedication and passion...

I love this story, I love the depth and the detail and the build-up. I'm on chapter 12, which makes me sad because I'm so close to 19!! I certainly am hopeful that you will keep updating, but I understand that life and inspiration issues happen. Either way, I am so happy I found another story by you. Obviously you were exceptional before to me, but this is like the topping on the cake...this is truly inspired and creative and so new and different to anything else I've ever read, and I've been reading fanfic for almost 15 years now. Kudos to you, Rosie...upmost respect for your talent and effort, and utmost enjoyment of the results. Thank you!!! :)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 19) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

Sailor Moon new anime has already aired four episodes, If you missed them you can watch them on youtube. Great story, keep it coming

Tana_san (Chapter 19) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

Absolutely marvelous!!! I had been reading this on and off for years and had the name tucked away in my Favs list when low and behold I find that it had been updated. This is one of the most original storylines that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The accurancy of the timelines and events were spectacular and so informative and immensely entertaining.

I so enjoyed the extra long chapters as if I were actually reading a book from the library or book store. I love the slow but steady progression of Kagome and Sesshoumaru's lives coming together until they agreed to become a couple. I am truly hoping that one day Sesshoumaru will give way to his emotions and tell Kagome that he loves her and she will do the same.

The fitting in of a true heir, full blooded youkai daughter of Sesshoumaru's was quite the blow but as Sesshoumaru had hoped, Kagome is slowly working her magic with the girl and maybe acceptance, true acceptance isn't far off. Bravo, dear writer! Whether this story takes several years longer, I will never stop reading...or re reading this. It shows the characters in such a different way as they all had to eventually grow up and change with the times and for Kagome to become immortal? I couldn't even fathom living beyond the normal human years we are given, let alone having to fight in the ways she did to survive to maybe one day she might see her family again in the timeline she was born into and for Sesshoumaru, well his life was practically immortal to begin with but it must have been quite the shock that the only sure way for death would be by these shape shifters that are out to destroy he and Kagome.

Absolutely an emotional and trying story filled with suspence,  drama and action to keep you on your toes and forcing you to come back to read chapter after chapter no matter the length of time it takes to post the chapters. It has been so worth the wait for each chapter is so long that it makes up for the lag in posting. Hugs and Kisses!   JEN

Venomqueen83 (Chapter 19) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

LOVE LOVE LOVE! I actually went an re-read the whole thing over the last three days just to get back into the rythm of your writing style. Each chapter is a jem and I am glad you haven't given up. You truly do have a gift for writing, please don't ever stop writing. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D

Ankita (Chapter 19) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Soooo happy that you updatedd and really really loved this chapter especially the development between Adele n kagomee ... please keep updating we are really looking forward to read its ending

Kagome Ketchup (Chapter 19) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Brilliant as always!

inuyashaloverr (Chapter 19) - Mon 18 Aug 2014

I was so hoping this wouldn't be dropped, but one never knows. So was much delighted when I received an update notice in my Inbox. And love the lil extra history lessons you plce at the ending of you chaps. And I might not always be able to leave a review but i always read! 


Thanks much for sharing! 

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 19) - Mon 18 Aug 2014

Yay you updated! I'm so glad that Sessho and Kagome didn't separate after the last chapter, I was seriously worried about it for awhile. And I'm glad they got a break from all the crazy. What's up with the nightmares though? Is that just a result of everything that's happened to Kagome, or is there another reason behind it? I really hope Adele gets over the "Mother said" crap, I know it's a teenager thing, but she really could do without it. And I've never been a fan of the Countesses lol, but then I don't like Sesshomaru with other women, because he's totally meant for Kagome haha. Anyway, great chapter and thanks for not waiting two years to update! (Naw I'm only teasing, I know things get busy and it's hard to keep on a schedule. And I'm seriously happy that you plan on finishing this, I think I would die if you didn't LOL)

Drianax (Chapter 19) - Mon 18 Aug 2014

An update!  An update!  A great update at that!  Loved this chapter. . .it does flesh out Adele's character quite a bit, and I'm loving the direction it seems to be going.  Please do not wait so long for the next chapter?  Can I bribe you with virtual cookies, cakes, alcohol?  All of the above?

GG (Chapter 19) - Mon 18 Aug 2014


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