Beautiful story, Stella! Such lush description - I felt like I was back in Greece again. :) Loved the concept for this piece. Honestly, it's hard for me to wrap my mind around Kagome being the "experienced" one in the relationship, but with her as "The Widow" here it makes perfect sense.
I'm continually amazed at how much story you're able to tell in so few words. Your language just oozes with passion and sensuality, with stunning imagery like the “pyxis of treasures” and “salt gathered in dips and strips of skin,” as if her body is an island paradise in and of itself. The ending, “full of unsaid things,” is so poignant, bringing the tale full circle and making me wonder: Is it really an ending, after all? :)
Thanks for sharing this lovely short story, Stella – it was a joy to read. (And now, I wanna go learn more about Greek history! :))
A beautiful one-shot. Short, succint and poingnant in the end.
With that said, all of your works are beautifully written. My only criticism, if you can call it that, is that your vocabulary tends to be far too advanced for simple fanfiction. I love the fact that you stretch the mind by using large, descriptive words, but honestly, you should be writing professionally.
Ah, I hope Sesshomaru will come really fast back to Kagome.
A really good start. Can´t wait for the next chapter^^
Have fun!!!