This is one of my favorite stories! I revisit it every few months to see if it's been updated. I hope you plan on finishing it, it's very interesting and well-written. :)
I like plots like these. I hope to,see this completed one day <3
Omg! So spannendddddd. Bitte schreibt weiter an die Geschichte, Sesshomaru hat erkannt dass mit Kagome mehr ist als nur eine böse rage Action .....vielleicht gibt's etwas Hoffnung für sein Herz besser zu werden duch die liebe zu kagome! Ich hoffe das ! Warum Hass Sesshomaru so sehr inuyasha? Können Sie mehr darunter in dir Geschichte bringen?
ABER DAS WICHTIGE IST DASS SIE WEITER SCHREIBEN! BITTE???? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ich möchte wissen wie weiter geht mit Sesshomaru in diese Rolle zusammen mit Kagome!
Ist es eine schone fangeschichte wäre schade das Sie nicht zu enden bringen wurden! Und sicher sind anderen dass auch möchten!
I kinda feel for Sesshomaru. To go through all the years of hate, and Inuyasha FINALLY gaining some resemblence of respect from Sesshomaru only to throw it away by being a fool and not treating his pack - especially Kagome - well. Right now, Inyyasha may not care, but Sesshomaru is very powerful and the only two times Inuyasha bested Sesshomaru was with Kagome's help.
I do hope Kagome figures out what Sesshomaru is not saying - about him caring for her. If someone is not taught what love is, how would they know what they feel is love? For all Sesshomaru knows, love is shown by humans and is a weak emotion. In that time period, men may say they loved women, but most women were treated as cattle and once married, the husbands could beat their wives while still claiming to love them.
I really want Kikyo and Inuyasha to get their just deserves though.
Sooo very happy that you are updating this story. LOVE it! Looking so forward to an update.
I love his love for Kagome and I adore his hatred for Inuyasha.
It gratifying that Sesshoumaru is having to work a bit for what he wants. He should also try using his words. He.might be shocked at how well a confession would pass if her fears and reluctance.
Great story
Enjoyed this chap very much. Oh sesshy is just evil lol.
Wonderful story!
This is AWESOME!
I cant wait for the lemony part o.O
When are they gonna meet up with InuYasha
wow Sesshomaru has so many evil ideas.....
I cannot wait to see what imaginative revenge you do to both Kikyo and Inuyasha!
I love that you made Jaken useful! There has got to be more reason for Sesshoumaru to keep him around than his utter (and annoying) obeisance. The tachi seems to be universally alarmed and preparing for the very worst. I'm interested to see if Inuyasha and Kikyou live up to their expectations and earn what Sesshoumaru has planned for them.
THe more I read, the more I WANT Sesshomaru to kill Inuyasha.
I am in love with this story, please update soon!
Kagome is Being childish and stupiD. She wants love, yeah I'm sure evergone wants that. However the future that we want isn't the future that we get. It's like she rather be in denial about inuyasha then be with sesshoumaru . I'm not really liking kagome in this story. Makes me want to slap some sense into her.????
Waiting for lemon between sesshy and kagome XD
lol Kagome is being outmanuvered by Sesshomaru and her own pup! I love it!
love it!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.