Please update soon, I really love this story and I can't wait to find out what happens next. Thanks
Nice chapter, please update the next chapter quick. Keep it coming.
Rhonda (Chapter 1) - Tue 18 Mar 2014
I really like this.... Sesshoumaru's character is true to the Anime. He being the Lord of his lands would want to test the budding powers of Kags reike. And being the curious creature he is of course he is going to become somewhat obssesive over the puzzle that is Kagome....... :)
This IS a great story AND I'm looking forward to reading more!
Fantatic Fic!!
tonya (Chapter 5) - Tue 18 Mar 2014
you did a great job with this chapter. i cant wait for the next chapter!
Great chapter, please update the next chapter quick. Keep it coming. Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
tonya (Chapter 4) - Sun 09 Mar 2014
great chapter
finally! training montage!!!! this story is coming along very nicely and i cant wait to read more (as long as your schedule allows it :) )
keep it coming. i want to find out what the youki has to say. what kind of danger? i am glad kagome is better. i'll be waiting for the new chapters!
smcandy (Chapter 3) - Fri 28 Feb 2014
Keep up the good work this getting more interesting in each chapter update ^^
Authoress smcandy
Good so far. Keep updating
Nice, keep it coming.
Oooh. I think it's a spy!
mari (Chapter 3) - Thu 27 Feb 2014
really like this story thanks.
tonya (Chapter 3) - Thu 27 Feb 2014
love the update!
Oh, lovely. A cliff hanger. PLEASE update soon!
Ana (Chapter 2) - Tue 25 Feb 2014
I like it so far! :D
Thank you for charing it with us! <3
I really like the idea of Kagome coming into her own and having a real desire to improve herself. The thrill of adventure seems to have taken hold of her and I'm sure it will make for a much more interesting story. I agree with the others that your characterization is dead on and I can't wait to read more.
More. Need more.
Your characterization of Sesshomaru is spot on. I love that he is really only interested in Kagome's power - her potential. The idea that he would cultivate her for his own use is central to his character, his quest for perfection and conquest.
Fantastic job, I can't wait to read more.
tonya (Chapter 2) - Fri 21 Feb 2014
great chapter!
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