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Ceysna (Chapter 2) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

*happy dance* 2 updates in one day?! I must be dreamin! please, no one pinch me, I don't wanna wake up! *thumbs up* great work Dutchess! Looking forward to the next update!

Terri (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

First thank you for reposting as I lost this when my computer went down and I had to reformat. I love this story and cannot wait to read more.

satuross (Chapter 2) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

oh. i throught i have read this before o.O''''

satuross (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013


i thought i saw chapter 2 uploaded



One of your favorite authors, Duchess Of Darkness has updated!

Click here to read Chapter 2 of This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...

Summary:Making A Comeback: Sesshoumaru wants Kagome, much to his annoyance. Coming to terms with his reluctant attraction, he makes a mission to seduce the miko. Only the miko prove to be a stubborn mouthy little human. And for the life of him he cant understand why bothering with her at all.

satuross (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

awesome. hahahaha!

Ceysna (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, it is back!!*hugs laptop* The awesome Smut of glorious smut is back and better than ever!! I could  almost die happy, but I need to know how it ends this time. *sets up camp* ok, next update, I'm tailgating for the next update.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

This comeback is great, I love it as now as I loved it when you posted it the first time, keep it coming.

Moonlight Silk (Chapter 1) - Sun 06 Oct 2013

When I read this fic the first time you posted it I thought it was great, and I still think it is wonderful the second time around! Update as soon as you can.

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