Well, somehow, this might actually work in his favor. Seeing a man play with kids always has an effect on me. He should just let them ride him like a pony or something. XDD
Only the Lady Mother would dare add -chan after his name...Lol
I know, I know, there aren't enough prompts, but Latin doesn't have J, K, W, or Y... or I would have made more. T.T
O.O *hurries to the next chappie*
Her taste in men is impeccable me thinks. Now her ability to verbalize her feelings on the other hand needs some work. XDD
Nuuuu! Dun give up, Kagome! I'm sure a knight - dog - in shining armor will appear soon to sweep you off your feet! XD
A very intriguing start! Poor Kagome... she put her duty before her personal pursuits and spent her early youth without knowing amor. It's time for this bud to finally bloom into a beautiful flower. I look forward to seeing this story develop, Asami-chan!
Poor Kagome :/ Losing her chance at love.....
Cant wait for chapter two love ^.^
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