Wonderful storyline and expertly written.
I'll be honest I HATE this sesshomaru. He's the worst person ever really and every chapter I say "im done" but your story makes it impossible for me to put it down. Honestly I know they fall in love cause I saw the summary for the sequel and I have no idea what on earth can chance him so much in ten chapters to make him go from this to love lol but even though he gets me so mad im physically not able to stop reading
He shouldn't have pushed her so far should have just been happy with what she was willing to give lol
I must say Author-san, this has been such an amazing and wild ride. I wanted to write a review each chapter but I wanted to know what happened more so I guiltily pressed 'next'. I binged this so fast you have no idea, two full days. It's a good thing I'm currently on break haha!
There are so many things that I love about this, but maybe the character development is one of my favorites. Sesshomaru begins as a remorseless killer and stays that way, just as Kagome stays a compassionate, firm believer in the good of everyone. What changes is how their ideas shape their perception of the world, their love for each other makes them tumble in these unfamiliar waters where passion makes them act as if they were strangers in their own bodies. They begin to see in shades of gray and yet, their personalities remain the same because love does not change a person per se. Onigumo maybe was the best example, he learned to love and regret but still he was the same cunning and envious man of the beginning. He might have changed, the deciding factor was that his love for Kagome was just a bud and his hatred towards demons and Sesshomaru specifically were all consuming (he was tortured and almost burned alive, might take some time to get past hatred there).
Another thing that had me amazed was the worldbuilding, like how Inugami are completely different to Inu Youkai. They are meant to make deals to ruin their 'owners' while the latter just do their own thing.
When they finally met with Kikyo and Inuyasha I couldn't help but compare all the siblings, it's hilarious that they mirror each other in looks and opposite personalities. Kagome and Inuyasha are honest, impulsive and reckless which makes them clash so much. No wonder they had so many fights in canon, in each argument it's like watching a donkey and a bull butt heads; then Kikyo and Sesshomaru are both cold, methodical and hide their innermost thoughts from others and themselves. No way in hell could they have a fair debate, it's like watching a poker game between two professional cheaters determined to never lose.
Again, wonderful story. I'm so glad I found this gem. Kudos!!
This was a blast to read!
I have been reading all your complete tales over again. This is the second or third time I've read this and I am happy that there is a squeal. Hopefully it is a complete tale *crosses fingers*
I read the Author Note, Im amazed that some people actually wanted a rape. People seem to fantasize rape but there's nothing wonderful about it. Its painful and humiliating, it is not the same as written in stories like u guys seem to love so much. Just basic sex can hirt evwn when prepped right, for some people, can you imagine violence added it with not prep.. And for the guys who like it so much imagine another man raping you, in your butt hole, no prep just rough and raw. I saw my guy friend hospitalized writhing in pain because he got man handled. Rape is no joke, stop it
I just powered through this whole story, only stopped reading when I was forced to sleep. I couldn't put it down because it was EXCELLENT! It was so different from anything I had ever read. at first I was expecting the typical "Inugami saves miko and they fall in love despite prejudices" story, but this added so much more to it! Really challenged the characters with dark themes. I thought I would be more put off by the cruelty that played such a large part in the story, but it worked so well. I loved the transformation that each character went through, even though I would've liked to learn more about Sess's past. The scenes you wrote conjured such excellent emotional connection with the characters, and the lemons were done wonderfully. I just loved following the development of the feelings between S&K. I'd love to tell you my favorite moments in particular but I don't want to give any spoilers. But I really enjoyed moments we were able to see inside Sess's head, really understand how he was feeling and his struggle with his own feelings. His moments of self doubt were so powerful.
I can't wait to read more of your stories, you are a very talented writer!
This is a beautiful story. . :)
i read the beginning of this story in the oneshot collection. i had no idea that this was the continuation of it. this was a very good story. i liked how kagome started off as naive and soft, but then she grew and saw how the world was and how choices make a person. sesshoumaru helped her with her growth and i liked how he helped her open her eyes to see how she was behaving and how the world accutally was. the lemons,oh the lemons, were VERY well written. for one with a good imagination when it comes to lollis, yours were well worth the reading. great story, great writing, great plot. your fanfics are the best. c'ya'
Yes please a sequal. I loved it all :-)
I really enjoyed this, I hope you decide on doing a sequal.
I would totally love a sequel. Just please don't change the character, you are doing such a great image of sesshomaru please don't make him different in the sequel. Awesome ending that would so be his characteristic image. Love it
Honestly I'm happy that you didn't do a rape lemon, I don't understand people's thing with rape. I've really enjoyed your fic, a rape lemon would have ruined it for me.
Totally interested I a sequel! This was awesome!
What a beautifully written story! One of the best. I cannot wait to read your other stories. PLEASE do a sequel, I already miss the love and deliciousness between Sesshomaru and Kagome. I rarely leave reviews, but please know your talent is appreciated! Please continue .
Please do a sequel. I over this story and I can't wait to find out if Kagome and Kikyo ever start talking again. Thank you.
I finally found time to read the last chapter of this gem. I must say, I’m sad to see this story over, but I’ve enjoyed every word of it. Such a glorious story of growth and understanding and…love.
Your portrayals were amazing! I admit that there were many times that I empathized so deeply with characters that I felt anger, sadness, happiness on their behalf…or against them, if that makes sense. You constructed them with all the flaws you’d expect to see in people like them, only to have them overcome them in such wonderful ways, that I’m left awed by your character progression skills.
Your language skills were sublime, painting images in my mind, and making me travel into their world. I have to commend you for your lush descriptions, but most of all, I adore the way you can flesh out your characters and express their emotional turmoil in ways that make me feel as if I’m living it right there with them. Gorgeous writing!
I can’t even comment on the smuts without cackling. Mmm, I love it, love them, full of passion and rawrness. It should be like this, yes. *cackles* They always left me panting and breathless and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Shameless. I approves!
I loved this fic far too much and now I feel even sadder that it’s over and maybe, hope, beg – bribe? – for a sequel? And you even incorporated all the prompts flawlessly! Woohoo!
Thank you so much for writing this mouthwatering tale of corruption and lust and love. XD
you absolutely need to make a sequel!! I was so happy with this story. SEQUEL PLEASEEEEE
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