Agh! Please, oh please update soon! I just finished re-reading this and I can't get enough. I need to know what happens, like, why did Kagome go to the States all of a sudden? Did they break up? If so, when are they getting back together? Agh! i need to know! ;)
10 dates before kissing? That's kind of crazy.
Loving this story! Just what I need. Thanks!
Okay. Officially addicted.
Senpai desires more >.> <3
Love your story so cute and sweet update again soon!!! <(^_^)>
Bwahahaha. He is sulking. SO CUTE. I shouldn't laugh...buuut. *cackles hysterically*
I really like this fic and I hope you intend to finish it as I read it a while ago and liked the idea of not having Kagome and Sesshoumaru jump in bed so fast and was surprised that it was actually him that put the brakes on for her sake and then decided to date her to see where they would end up.
The writing is very good and the flow is too. The relationship isn't moving too fast, not too slow. I think Kagome wanting to get laid because so many other young women do is ridiculous. She needs to follow her own set of rules and keep to her own plan for her life. Yes, we deviate from from what we want sometimes and that's alright as long as she's doing it because she really wants to and not because it's the "thing to do' because our friends are doing it, you know?
It's a good feeling kind of fic and every now and again it's nice to find that not every fic is all about how fast they hit the sheets...or the wall..or the floor be it carpet or the forest floor. *laughs* Great work. I've got this in my favs. JEN
Ooh!! Welcome back!
I haven't seen this story up in ages!
Thanks for updating again. I really appreciate it :-)
Please come back and finish this story!!!
Great updates! I loved the kiss under the tree, Very cute! Good luck to Kagome though. I'd be nervous too!
Bahahaha! Well, at least he was honest! Come meet daddy and be subjected to a suitability test. XDD
Poor thing that must be nerve wrecking lol! Please update soon!
Keep it coming.
Awwwwww! Kawaii! This is just too sweet and lovely. I want to cuddle your story- if only it was a teddy bear. Great developments; I really like Sessh's Papa (firm and wise). Please tell me that there is going to be more of Rin.
All three chapters were great!
haha its true! he does give weird compliments at odd times. i was glad when i saw that you updated the story :) great job and please continue
All three chapters are great, keep it coming.
Fuji-san? Sesshomaru sure knows how to treat a girl!
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