I often wonder if you, and your fellow authors, have any idea what effect your words can have on your readers. For instance, I read through the last few chapters that I'd missed, owing to some Real Life upheaval, and was both dashed into sorrow and uplifted into hope with each successive one. I cried over Kaede's passing, chuckled over the Sess/Kag fluff, and soared over the revelation that Rin was Miko as well. I laughed at the Checkers scene, and can hardly wait to read about what InuYasha will have to say. All in all, I feel like I've been on a roller coaster ride this evening... and that is something that only really GOOD writing does for me. Thank you SO VERY MUCH for your patience with the apparent lack of reviews, as well as your perseverence in continuing this engrossing read. I, for one, appreciate your dedication ENORMOUSLY! :-) ~~Wiccan~~
Ooh, what a delightfully decieving and suspenseful chapter. You certainly had me thinking of something else in the first part of the second half of the chapter. >_>
I'll be on my guard next time though. You hear me? Next time, I will have my cookies!
BennaBear (Chapter 21) - Sun 05 Apr 2009
I'd just like to say that I really enjoy your story ^_^
I can't wait till you update once more. The story plot is very interesting, can't wait to see when the dragon comes in.
Keep up the good job!
I must commend you on the checker game. You really had me wondering what was going on. i started to backtrack to see if i missed something. awesome job.
Oh Kami, I hate you Lady Sianna! This Vou despises you so for causing tears to form, both when Kagome and Kaede died. This one is so moved by the chapters concerning Kaede, is because it is from first-hand experience that this Vou knows what Kagome was going through. This Vou lost a grandmother 5 years ago on April 6th. The date is drawing ever closer and it is because of that this Vou cried more than usual....
And this Vou does not hate you as you are a brilliant writer.
Please, the wait for an update is starting to already become bothersome!
stars (Chapter 20) - Mon 30 Mar 2009
please updata soon
This chapter was hard to read, because of it's sadness, but I think it was a good thing. Kaede's character is more important than what most of the fics describe. She's a center 'pillar' of the InuTachi, and we tend to forget it too easily.
I even cried. But, as masochistic as it may sound, I really liked the chapter, because conveying this kind of emotions the right way is not so simple a task.
Good work lass. As always, I look forward to the next installment of your story.
Dewa mata
Chelsea H. (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Mar 2009
Everyone's reaction was so difficult to read. I started crying whenever one of the characters started crying. When Inuyasha cried, I sobbed because it's different seeing those type of emotions with him. Thanks for the awesome story
mangadreams (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Mar 2009
I really love your story!! The characters seem very real:)
So I'm guessing it's only the children who know about Kaede being sick and dying. I'm also guessing that Inuyasha will make a break from Kagome when he learns about her keeping Kaede's illness from him.
I'm looking forward to another chappie, keep up the good work. =D
Chelsea H (Chapter 18) - Wed 18 Mar 2009
In all honesty, I think you're trying to kill us!!!!! Kaede dying! Im balling here and she hasnt even died yet. Good storyy by the way
Awwwww, poor Lass!
Well, I guess I've been a lurker long enough lol. This story is awesome, I love it. It's deep emotionally speaking, the characterisations are accurate and believable (and one knows this Hikari does not like OOCness), especially Kagome. She's wisdom and youth all in one, something I believe can be a hassle to create successfully.
And you've done it. I'm hooked. XD
Dewa mata
Your last chapter came out as a solid text wall when you posted it. I know you didn't do it on purpose, but it needs to be fixed.
*Mourns for his eyes*
Possessed (Chapter 9) - Fri 06 Mar 2009
I am so far behind in this story!
You have done a really nice job at making Naraku into a scheming creep. You just want to shake that poor girl and make her see the manipulation he's weaving around her. Fortunately, fate has taken a hand... for now.
Your dialogue is very well done, as are your descriptions. The flow of your story is smooth and unfolds at a nice pace. Your characterizations are well done too!
Now back to catching up on the chapters...
wawa (Chapter 15) - Fri 27 Feb 2009
Congratulations on the Dokuga awards!!!! I nominated and voted for you because I don't think this story is getting the recognition it deserves, but you won so maybe I was wrong......then again you can not have too much recognition! Also you should know I read your an about a cliffy, I strongly recommend that you don't do this, I don't know if I can take it!!!! Lol. See you next time!
Silly girl! I see nothing about this chapter to hate on. Yes, it's a 'filler,' but those are necessary to set up for the action yet to come. Every story has them, they are necessary to the plot development... just cuz there isn't a ton of Sess/Kag interaction, or loads of other excitement, doesn't mean it's not a good chapter, 'k? My ugly beta-eye caught a couple of spots where punctuation was a problem, but that is about all I saw that one might quibble with. Necessary explanations, setting up for future action, advancing the story along... all in all, good stuff!! SMILE, okay? ;-) ~~Wiccan~~
OOH the plot thickens. What is Sir Fluffly up to? Flirting like that. Ahh, love the interaction. Can't wait.for more.
I paused for a moment to leave a review. I've never been so happy to Sesshomaru name pop up randomly before. I even did a happy dance. I couldn't stand the idea of Inu-puppy crushing Kags hopes for the future. OK, now back I go to finish the rest, peace!!
I kind of suspected that Izanami would become the main villain after Naraku died. I'm just crossing my fingers a little bit that the miko's corrupted heart will be saved by Kagome in the end instead of her dying, or worse.
Anamika (Chapter 12) - Sat 24 Jan 2009
Well lord icicle must really be thinking, 'This Sesshoumaru did not revive the wench. then how come she is still alive?'. Am I right??? LOL.... Update soon. (And I liked the friendship bracelet idea.)
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